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Leona's P.O.V.

"Big news moron, I fucking pregnant!" I yell at Liam.

"You're what!?"

"P-r-e-g-n-a-n-t. I ain't saying it again, we had unprotected sex and I believe you have a girlfriend, little miss perfect Kiley, I don't want to be killed by her or Zach because I love my life and it was a drunken mistake. So you handle this, think about it and give a call, okay bye." And I hung up,

What the fuck have I done? I'm a little girl I shouldn't be pregnant, I should be partying, hanging out with my girlfriends (bestfriends), flirting, shopping; all things normal teenage girls do but NOT I'm pregnant with a douche-bag who isn't even my boyfriend.

I can't believe I was this stupid, I going to die, my parents are going to kill me. What fuck do I do?

Kiley is Liam's girlfriend, Zach is Kiley's brother and if you put them to together that equals my social life over.

Liam will kill me. Zach will kill me. Kiley will kill me. Nikki will kill me. So basically I'm died.

WAIT... I hooked up with Jake the night before, I hooked up with Liam, so does that mean Jake could be the dad of this baby because I sort of forgot if we used protection or not.

Call Liam you bitch.

I called Liam,

"What's wrong Leona?" Liam answered,

"Oh you care what's wrong, well I'm pregnant with a douche-bag who I can't stand." I tell him sarcastically,

"Bye Leona." Liam said annoyed.

"Liam wait, look the night before we hooked up, I hooked up with Jake and I can't remember if we used protection or not; so the baby might be his or it could be yours. I'm sorry I don't remember but there is a possibility of it being Jakes'."

"I hate you soo much Leona! I can't fucking stand you, you slept with Jake the day before you slept with me, causing me to cheat, you made Jake cheat, all on Kiley. What the hell is it with you? Are you trying to get revenge Kiley, because if you are what the fuck for?" Liam shouted at me.

"I hate you too. I'm jealous of Kiley, she has everything, perfect looks, all the boys chase after her, perfect family, perfect grades, perfect relationships, and perfect friends. She has everything she wants from clothes to cars, she has the looks, wealth and intelligence to become CEO of the Martins Fashion Company. She doesn't have to work at day in her life, she has money pouring out of her damn head. I can't hate Kiley because she's too nice but I can be jealous of her." I tell Liam.

It's true, I'm jealous of Kiley, she has everything I've dreamed of money, intelligence and power. My family is rich but not as rich as hers, our families are arch rivals in the business world and the personal world. I couldn't give 2 shits about my family's business.

"Thanks for tell me everything Leona, bye. Plus I hate you soo much I could kill you because you're playing my best mate." Then Liam hung up.

I HATE HIM, I HATE LIFE right now. Have you heard of the saying, KARMAS A BITCH.

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