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I was in Starbucks getting a drink with Riley, when I bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going" I explained picking up the cup that fell. "don't worry it was my fault" the person apologised. I realised that voice, I looked up and saw...

"Christian Seavey?" I asked. His head snapped up and saw me "oh my god Zoey!" He smiled. He stood up and hugged me. "how have you been?" He asked releasing from the hug "I'm good, how are you?" I asked. "Good, how's everything?" Before I could answer. I heard Riley shout to me saying we got to go. I turned to Christian and smiled.

"I gotta go" I laughed" wait, what's your insta?" Christian asked. I typed my insta into his phone and said bye to him. " who's that?" Riley asked me smirking. "he's a guy from Portland, I was best friends with him and his brother" I explained." he seems nice" she smiled. "he is a nice guy" I smiled back. We went back to our house where Sophie was waiting for us.

Holy shit, I can't believe Zoey is in la, I went home and looked all around the house for the one person I am looking for, who of course isn't here

"Christian what are you doing?" Tyler asked, looking at me confused. "where's Daniel?" I frantically asked. "at the boys house why?" Anna sighed. I walked into the sitting room and they looked at me.

"you'll never guess who I met today" I smirked. "who?" Tyler asked. "do you guys remember Zoey Rodriguez?" I asked smirking. Anna and Tyler shot up. "yeah?"'Anna said slightly confused as to why I asked about Zoey. "she's in la, that's why I wanted to find Daniel" I laughed. "go to him, tell him she's here" Anna squealed. I nodded and walked out the door, got into my car and went to the boys house.

When I got to the boys house I walked in and they all looked at me. "hey Christian" Corbyn smiled. "where's Daniel" I asked looking at the boys. "I'm here, what's going on?" Daniel said walking from the kitchen. "give me your phone" I demanded, "why?" Daniel asked. "just give me your phone" I said again. "ok?" He contemplated giving me his phone but he eventually did.

He passed me his phone, I quickly went into Instagram and go onto Zoey's profile and show him. "do you remember her?" I asked showing him his phone "yeah Zoey" he said looking up from the phone. "Well, she's in LA" I grinned. Daniel's eyes go wide. "no way" he said shocked. Not believing me

"I bumped into her earlier today" I smiled "sorry to interrupt this, but, who's Zoey?" Jonah said confused. "Daniel's best friend from Portland" and old crush. "what's her last name?" Zach asked looking at me and Daniel. "Rodriguez why?" Daniel said looking at me and then back at Zach. Zach ignored Daniel and pulled out his phone and started typing something, we all looked at him confused.

"She's an influencer and YouTuber. She has over a million in both" Zach said passing the phone to me and Daniel. I smiled glad she got to do what she always wanted to do. I looked over to Daniel and saw him smiling. I hope they meet again. "Lera watches her videos. She's really good" Corbyn said looking at Zach's phone.

"What videos does she do?" Jack asked. "She does all kinds of videos, from makeup to vlogs and all sorts of things" Corbyn said. I smiled and was glad she got the confidence to do that. "Well, I got to get back to mine. Bye baby bro " I laughed. "Stop calling me that!" I heard Daniel call back before I closed the door.

After Christian left the boys looked at me. "So Zoey?" Jack smirked. I rolled my eyes. Not wanting to be teased. "She's a friend that I haven't talked to in a while" I sighed. Knowing they won't leave me alone about this. "and...?" Jonah pushed. Yep, I was right...."I'll see if she remembers me, what's her @ Zach?" I asked looking at the younger boy." It's @Rodriguez.Zoey" he smirked, looking from his phone to me. "thanks man" I laughed

I walked into my room and sent Zoey and follow request and a dm "Hey remember me"?
I waited a few minutes until my phone dinged saying I had a notification, I looked at the screen.

'@Rodriguez.Zoey has requested to follow you'
'@Rodriguez.Zoey wants to send you a message' I accepted her request and looked at her dm.

Rodriguez.Zoey: omg!, Daniel James Seavey!

Zoey Sophia Rodriguez!

you still remember my middle name?

of course I do, how have you been?

I'm good, how's you?

I'm good

how's the band?

it's going good and strong, I heard your an influencer and a YouTuber?

uh, yeah I kinda am

holy shit!, what!!

Haha, yeah I kinda have been
for the past three ish years.

That's incredible!
I'm so happy for you!!

Thanks dani!

No problem!

I gotta go but I'll chat you later

Bye Zoey!

Bye Daniel!
Read 12:15 Pm

"Dude get in here" I heard Jack call from the bottom of the stairs. "What's up?" I asked. "We found a video of Zoey on YouTube" Zach said. I nodded and sat on the couch. Beside the boys. "This was around two months ago" Jack said before pressing play.

Zoey: hey guys, it's Zoey, I'm with buzz feed and I'll be answering questions you guys have, so let's get into it
Q: do you have a younger brother?
Z: I do, he's eight.
Q: what is the one thing you miss when your not in Portland?
Z: my brother always asks me where his teddy is for when he sleeps, I definitely know he's gonna kill me when he sees this, when he's older, but, it's fine, whenever I'm not in Portland, he takes one of my parents phones and calls me, asking me where it is, that is something I really miss.
Q: are you close to your parents?
Z: I am really close to my parents, they told me to start YouTube and move to la with the girls, they're one of my biggest supporters.
Q: do you have any scars?, if so where are they?
Z: I have four scars, three on my stomach from an operation and one on my foot from stepping on glass when I was a kid
Q: do you still talk to people from Portland?
Z: I talk to some people from Portland
Q: do you miss people from Portland?
Z: I do miss my best friend, he moved to la when he was seventeen and we kind of drifted a bit, I really hope I get to see him again
Q: do you plan to have kids?
Z: oh wow, uh, if I get married and if my husband wants kids then yes I would love to have kids.
Zoey: last question....
Q: what would be your favourite dog to get and why?
Z: I would say.., a mini husky or malamute because their family friendly husky breeds

Zoey: that was the end, make sure to go check the girls interviews and our new song is coming out soon, bye guys!

"I'm guessing she's really close to her family" Zach asked turning to look at me. I nodded.
"yeah she is, she's extremely close to her family, mainly her brother" I smiled remembering all the memories we had
"hopefully we can meet her and the girls" Jonah said. With the boys agreeing. "hopefully" I smiled.

First chapter!
Hope it's ok!
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