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After everyone went home, I stayed back at my parents house to help them clean up. "How is everything with you and Daniel?" My mom asked. I smiled and put down the plates I had in my hands onto the table. "I'm glad I bumped into Christian last year because this almost past year has been amazing" I smiled. My mom smiled and put down the towel she had in her hand.

She came over to me and gave my a hug. "As long as he treats you well, that all we care about" my mom said with a smile, she kissed my head and released from the hug. I smiled back at her and felt something wrap around my leg. I looked down and saw Lucas with his Velcro monkey. He giggled and I picked him up.

"You ready for bed mister?" I asked. She slowly nodded his head and I told my mom I was going to put him to bed. She said ok and I walked upstairs to Lucas' room. I placed him down in his bed and tucked him in. "Story?" He asked. I nodded my head and went to pick up a book but he stopped me. "No I want to hear a story about you and Daniel" he said with a small cheeky grin.

I laughed but agreed and started telling him a story of when me and Daniel were kids.

"So how does this work exactly?" I asked looking at Daniel. He laughed and shook his head. He placed the guitar in my hands the right way and put my fingers on top of the guitar the right way. "So this is G, this is E Minor, this is D and this is C" he said showing me all the different chords on a guitar.

Once I got the hang of it, we started strumming together. Daniel started singing one of his favourite songs, I kept strumming along and listened to the boy sing. When we stopped, Daniel smiled over to me and we put both our guitars down. "You did amazing!" He exclaimed. I smiled and hugged him. Before we broke the hug, it started pouring rain.

Next thing I knew, Daniel had me in his arms, running down the stairs. I screeched because it was so sudden so when he was running down the stairs, I had my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He had his arms wrapped around me. "Hold on you two, where are you guys going?" Daniel's mom said.

Before she could finish her sentence, Daniel shouted. "Be back in, in a few minutes, Love you" before running out the back door, he put me down and we were already soaked due to the rain. "Why exactly?" I asked with a small laugh. Daniel didn't answer, the only thing he did was pick me up again and walked over to the pool. "DANIEL, DANIEL NO!" I yelled, holding onto Daniel for dear life. He laughed and kept pretending to drop me.

"DANIEL I SWEAR TO GO-" before I could finish my sentence, Daniel threw me into the pool. When I swam back up to the surface, I could see Daniel breaking himself laughing. I slowly swam over to the edge where Daniel was. "Not funny" I muttered. "I'm sorry" he said with a pout. "Yeah whatever" I sighed. I put my hand up to get Daniel to help me up, but when he grabbed my hand, I smirked and brought him in with me.

When he hit the water, he dragged me down with him and I hit my ankle off the floor of the pool, we swam back up and I swam over to the shallow end to get out. "I'm sorry, ok please don't be mad at me" he said swimming over. I ignored him and tried to get out of the pool, but as soon as I put pressure on my ankle, it buckled under me and I fell.

Daniel caught me and sat me on the ledge on the pool. "What happened?" He asked worried. "I hit my ankle a weird way on the floor of the pool and it really hurts" I explained. Daniel jumped out of the pool and looked at my ankle, it was really swollen and sore. He moved it the slightest bit and I winced, which caused him to retreat his hand immediately.

"Sorry" he apologised. "Dani-boy it's not your fault" I reassured him. He smiled and picked me up bridle style and brought me inside to our parents. We had to wait at the door so Tyler and Christian could get us towels. After we were dried off and changed, me, my mom, Keri and Daniel went to the hospital to check my ankle to see if I did anything to it.

"And that's why I had a boot on for eight weeks" I said to Lucas, who was almost asleep. "Did you forgive Daniel?" Lucas mumbled, I smiled at him. "If I didn't forgive him, we wouldn't be together" I laughed. He nodded and I kissed his forehead and put his teddy bear beside him. "Good night el amigo" I whispered before walking out of his room and walking downstairs to my parents.

"You we're up there a long time" my mom smiled. "I told Lucas a story of me and Daniel when we were kids" I explained. My parents nodded and I said goodnight and goodbye to my parents before driving home to my house I share with the girls. When I got home, the girls were still up and Ben was over with Riley. "Hey guys" I smiled.

"Hey! How was the clean up?" Sophie asked. "It wasn't too bad, the longest part was putting Lucas to bed" I explained, they all looked at me confused and I explained to them why. "I'm going to head to bed and see how Daniel is" I said. They all ooed and I shook my head laughing. When I got upstairs I clicked on Daniel's name to FaceTime him.

After a few rings he answered and I smiled.

To be fair, I didn't know how to end this chapter so I'll figure out the next one.


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