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When we got back to the house it was pretty late, so we decided to all go to bed. I got into bed beside Zoey and smiled down at her tired state. I slowly pulled her into my chest, making sure she was wok with this. She smiled and scooted closer to me. "Goodnight Zo bear" I whispered, placing a soft kiss to the top of her head. "Goodnight Dani-boy" I heard her whisper back. I smiled and slowly fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up and smiled at the sleepy Zoey next to me. I slowly got out of bed, luckily without waking her and walked downstairs to be met with Corbyn and Jonah. "Morning" I said looking at my two band mates. "Morning" Jonah said before taking a mug full of coffee. I laughed and sat down on one of the bar stools in the middle of the kitchen.

"So I want to say something to you guys and it can't go past Jack and Zach. Lera, Sophie, Riley and especially Zoey can not now" I stated. "One sec" Corbyn said before running lightly up the stairs and coming back down with Jack and Zach

"Right everyone's here so what's up?" Corbyn said. I looked over to the stairs to see if any of the girls were there and luckily none of them were. "So I'm going to Zoeys parents house with her later and I want to ask her dad something" I said, mumbling the end.

The boys look at each other then back at me. "What you going to ask her dad?" Zach asked. I looked down, trying to hide my blush and smile. But the boys already caught it. "I'm going to ask her dad if I am allowed to date her" I mumbled. The boys looked happy but before they could cheer, I put my hand up and told them. "The girls can not know about this" I said.

They agreed to keep it away from the girls. But that sadly failed. I heard multiple feet padding down the stairs and was met with three exited faces. "Yes?" I asked. "When you taking Zoey on a date?" Sophie asked. I sighed and shook my head with a laugh. "Who said I'm going to tell you?" I ask. They glared at me, before Riley had a smirk on her face.

"Fine, we'll tell Zoey your up to something" my eyes widened, knowing she would do that. "You wouldn't dare"I warned. She smirked. "Try me" she gloats. I groaned and check the stairs to see if Zoeys there and looked back to the girl, who had smirks on their faces. "I'm going to ask Zoeys dad if I can date her" I whispered, trying to hide my wide smile. The girls squealed and I smiled at their reactions. "He's definitely going to say yes" Lera said.

"Who'll say yes?" I looked over and saw Zoey walking into the kitchen. Oh god. "Daniel was thinking of bringing Lucas to the park when ye two go over" Riley said, covering up what we were talking about a few minutes ago. I mouthed a quick 'thank you' to her and she winked back. "I'd say he'll love to go, since it's you that's going to be asking him" she smiled. I looked at her and smiled. Slightly confused. "Really?" I asked, she kept smiling and nodded.

"Yeah, ever since you talked to him on tour, he's been obsessed to see you again." She explained. I smiled and we both got ready to leave. I walked upstairs and got the necklace out of my bag, when I turned around I saw Sophie standing at the door. "Jesus you scared me" I laughed. "Can I ask you something?" She asked. I nodded and she sat on my bed.

"What's your intentions with Zoey? I know you like her and you've known her longer but I don't want her getting hurt like she did with Mason" she explained. "I promise I won't hurt Zoey, I have liked her since I was 13 and never got the guts to tell her so I can promise you I will not and never hurt her" she smiled and hugged me. "Thanks Daniel" she smiled. I smiled back and we both went downstairs.

"You ready to go?" Zoey said looking up at me, who was walking down the stairs. He smiled at Zoey and nodded. "I can't wait to see Lucas again" I smiled. "He'll probably be more exited to see you then to see me" Zoey said with a small laugh. I rolled my eyes and ignored how dim she sounded. "What's it's true, I saw him recently and he hasn't seen you in a couple months" she explained. "Ok fair" I said with a laugh.

We got into the car and Zoey let me drive. When we got the her parents house, we got out and Lucas sprinted out of the door. "Hey little man" I smiled. We walked inside and Zoey walked over to her mother and gave her a hug. I put Lucas down and shook her dads hand. "Hey dad" she smiled hugging her dad. Lucas and Zoey ran out the back with their mum and I walked away bed to her dad to ask him.

"You ok?" Her dad asked looking at me. I nodded and started fiddling with my hands. Here goes nothing. "I was just wondering if I could ask you a question" I said with a hopeful smile. "Yeah of course, ask away" he smiled. I smiled back and continued to fiddle with my thumbs. "So I was wondering if I could ask Zoey on a date" I mumbled with a huge smile.

Zoeys dad smiled at me and put his hand onto my shoulder. "Of course you have my permission, I've wanted you to ask that since you were kids" he laughed. I smiled at him and thanked him before going outside to see everyone. Lucas smiled and ran over to me and tackled me into a hug.

I looked over to Zoey and saw her smiling.
That smile I could get used to.

Hope it's ok so far!!


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