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Today was the last show for the boys. Their last show for tour, the boys are meeting their parents at the airport, they also know, the girls are meeting them there. Meeting the boys there because they haven't seen them since they left Montreal.

Zoey was really exited to see Daniel again. She does know about the things she's feeling, she likes the boy but doesn't know what exactly the feeling is. She brushed the feeling off and wanted the week go fly by so she would see Daniel. The girls noticed how happy their friend/sister got when she would get a text off Daniel.

They knew how close Zoey and Daniel were getting and how cute they would be together. Sophie and Riley would keep teasing and nagging her about how her and Daniel would look cute together, they knew she liked Daniel because every time they would ask her about Daniel, she would always blush and put her head down.

Little did they know, the boys were doing the same with Daniel. They saw how happy the boy looked when he got a text off Zoey. The boys knew how good they would be together. Christian and Tyler always say he had a crush on Zoey as a kid and teenager. He would always disagree with them.

Daniel felt the same way Zoey did, he didn't know how he felt, he knew he liked the girl but didn't know how to go with it. He knew she was still terrified about Mason. He knew if something did happen between them, she wanted to go slow with a relationship.

After the show, the boys ran off the stage after saying a quick speech saying thank you to the limelight's and grabbed a bottle of water before changing into comfortable clothes and getting ready to head to the airport to go home to LA, once they were ready, they got their luggage and headed to the airport.

"You guys exited to go home?" Tyler asked looking at the boys. They all nodded and waited for their plane. "You exited to see Zoey again?" Corbyn asked the blonde friend, he smiled and nodded. "Yeah I'm exited to see her" Daniel smiled. Corbyn smiled back and sent Lera a text saying how Daniel likes Zoey and telling her everything that happened. Lera texted back with everything Zoey said.

They both decided to come up with a plan........

Before we got on the plane I sent Zoey a text saying we were going to go on the plane. She responded with "I'd say you'd probably sleep for the flight and safe flight!" I smiled at the text and turned off my phone and got onto the plane with the rest of the boys. Zoey was right, I fell asleep in the plane.

When we landed after a few hours, I smiled and we all got our bags to meet our families, me and Tyler saw our family and we ran over to my parents and siblings. I ran over to my mom and gave her a hug first. I released from my moms hug and gave my dad a hug. After I gave my family hugs I looked behind Anna and saw Zoey, Sophie and Riley standing behind them.

I smiled and ran over to Zoey. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my shoulders. She smiled and put her head into the crook of my neck. I smiled and spun her around. "Once again I missed you so much" I whispered after I stopped spinning her. She pulled her head out of my neck and smiled.

"I missed you too dani-boy" she whispered back. I smiled at her and put her down. I looked over at the boys, who had big smirks on their faces. I flipped them off and got the rest of our bags. Our families headed to their houses while we went to Zoey, Sophie and Riley's house.

When we got there, we decided to stay the night to make it easier. "Well we only have two spare rooms, so Corbyn and Lera can take one and Jack and Jonah, since Ben is staying the night in Riley's room" Zoey explained. "What about everyone else?" Jack asked looking at me and Zach. "Zach is in Sophie's room and Daniel is in Zoey's room" Riley explained. I nodded and we got our bags and headed up to where we were staying for the night.

When I got up to her room, I saw she had a photo wall of all of her friends. I smiled and walked over to it. When I walked over I saw all the different photos Zoey had, she had some recent ones with the girls, some with her family, but there was a couple of them that stuck out to me. It was me, Tyler, Christian and Anna with Zoey when we were kids.

There was others where it was just me and Zoey, I smiled at how she kept the photos with me and her, when we were babies, to when we were kids, up to before I went to LA and we lost contact. I smiled at one specific photo, it was when we were around six or seven and we were at a baseball game, her cap was too big for her so I went down to her height and held it up with my head and looked her into her eyes smiling while she was smiling like mad.

"I got them off your parents and mine" I heard from behind me causing me to jump. I turned around and saw a smiling Zoey at her door. "How long have you been standing there?" I asked. She slowly walked over to her bed and sat down.Still smiling. "About five ish minutes" I put my hands over my face from embarrassment and flopped onto her bed.

"Dani it's fine, don't worry about it" she said with a laugh. I looked at her and sat up. "Why do you want to do?" She asks. I smile at her and grab her arm, bringing her downstairs where everyone else is.

What does Daniel have up his sleeve?


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