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"When you going to tell your parents?" Corbyn asked, walking into the little studio we have in the house. He sat on one of the bean bags and looked over to me. I sighed and ran my hands through me hair and shook my head. "I don't know, Zoey told her parents and they were over the moon, but I'm scared how my parents are going to react" I sighed. "Because of the past" Corbyn finished for me.

I nodded and took the headphones off my head and ran my hand through my hair again. My ex, used me for clout and my parents did not like the way she acted around everyone. So my parents never liked her. I was nervous to see how my parents react to me telling them about me and Zoey. Corbyn stood up and gave me a pat on the shoulder. I smiled at him as a thanks and we both walked out of the studio room.

I texted Zoey telling her I'm going to pick her up to go over to my parents house, she responded with an 'ok❤️' and I smiled at the text. Even though we haven't been dating for long, I know, I am madly in love with this girl. I walked downstairs with the biggest smile on my face. I got to the end of the stairs and saw all the boys smirking at me. "What?" I asked looking at them.

"You, my friend, are whipped for this girl" Jonah smirked. I scoffed, still having the smiled on my face and shook my head. "I am not" I mumbled. "Ok then, get the smile off your face" Jack said. I tired but couldn't when I kept thinking about Zoey. The boys laughed and I flipped them off.

I got my shoes on and got my keys and headed out the door. I drove to Zoeys house and she walked out of the house in mom jeans and a baggy ish hoodie. I smiled at how cute she looked. She got into the car and I gave her a peck on the lips. "You look cute" I smiled. She smiled back and gave me a hug. "Thank you" she said, after releasing from the hug.

We drove over to my parents house and saw my siblings cars in the driveway as well. I sighed and looked over to Zoey. "You'll be ok Dani-boy" she whispered, giving me a reassuring smile, I smiled back and we got out of the car. I knocked on the door and my mom opened the door.

"Hey guys!" My mom exclaimed. I smiled and hugged her. "Hey momma" I smiled, after we released from the hug, my mom hugged Zoey and we walked inside. I see my dad and my siblings in the sitting room. I walked over and hugged my siblings and my dad, I released from gone high from my dad and heard a squeal.

I looked over and saw Christian and Tyler picking Zoey up and spinning her around. I smiled and after they put her down, I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her. She smiled and looked up to me. "You ready to tell them" she whispered, I smiled and nodded to her. We both sat down on the couch with my family and my mom could tell there was something wrong.

"Everything ok?" She asked. I smiled and intertwined our hands, I looked up to my family and saw them smiling. "Me and Zoey are together" I smiled. My mom gasped, Anna, Tyler and Christian yelled and ran over to us and Anna hugged Zoey, Tyler and Christian hugged me. "I'm so happy for you baby bro" Tyler said. I laughed and hugged them again.

I released from their hug and went over and hugged my mom. "I'm so happy for you dani, you picked the best girl you could" she whispered. I smiled at her and whispered back. "I was scared to tell you because of last time" she scoffed and shook her head. "I don't care what happened in the past. All I care about is your happiness" she smiled. My dad smiled and patted my back, agreeing with my mother.

I looked over to Zoey and saw her and Anna hugging. I smiled and saw how happy Zoey was. I walked over to the two girls and hugged Zoey. "You ok?" I asked. She nodded and hugged me back. "How did your parents react?" She asked. I smiled, looking down at her. "Over the moon happy" I whispered in her ear, causing her to smile.

We stayed for dinner and we goofed around. "How did your parents and Lucas react Zoey?" My mom asked. Zoey smiled, "my mom screamed out of joy, Lucas jumped on me and my dad smiled and hugged me" Zoey explained. After dinner I dropped Zoey home and drove home myself.

When I got hoke I saw Corbyn and Jack in the kitchen. I walked over and grabbed a cup from the cupboard, feeling their eyes at the back of my head. I slowly turned around and saw them both smirking. "Yes?" I asked looking at the two. "How was it?" Jack asked. I shrugged and mumbled. "It went well" they both looked at each other then back to me.

"How did they react?" Corbyn asked. I smiled and looked down at the cup. "The best way possible" I smiled. "When's the date?" I heard from behind the boys. I looked over and saw Jonah and Zach walking into the kitchen. "It's next week" I said. "What you guys doing?" Zach asked. "I don't fully know yet but I might bring her to a carnival or the little diner" I explained.

"What are you going to wear?" Corbyn asked. I shrugged and put the cup down. "I'm not sure yet but I do know I'm giving her the necklace I got her on tour" I smiled. "She'll like that man" Zach smiled.

I hope she does.

Hey guys, so I was suppose to post this yesterday, but I didn't have the best internet so half of the story didn't save, and I had to rewrite it so that's why I didn't post it yesterday

But on the bright side, Zoey and Daniel's date is soon so hope you guys are enjoying the story so far


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