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After I got off the phone with Zoey. I couldn't stop smiling.

What is this girl doing to me?

I walked into the green room, where all the boys were. That saw me smiling like mad and all smirked at me. "What's up with you?" Zach asked looking at me. I just shrugged and laughed. "Nothing why?" I asked. "Your more smiley" Jack said. I laughed and looked down at my hands. "I don't know why I am" I said. They left it at that.

We had a few free hours before the show so we just messed around for a few hours. We went all around Tulsa, exploring and getting food. There were two hours left until the show when I got a FaceTime call from my mom. I smiled and answered the call. "Hey mom" I said walking over to a couch in the green room. Away from the boys so I could hear my mom. "Hey, honey. Guess who me and Anna saw today" she said. I looked at my mother confused but asked anyway.

"Who?" She smiled at me and said. "Well we met up with someone called Zoey" she smiled. My mouth broke into a smile while looking at my mom. "Really?" I asked happily. She nodded and laughed. "Yeah me and Anna met her at Hilltop cafe and had a few drinks with her. We were laughing about old memories as well" she laughed. I smiled at my mom, seeing how happy she was after talking to Zoey.

"So how's tour going?" She asked. I smiled and started talking to her about tour and everything that was happening. I kept talking to my mom for another few minutes until we had to get ready to go on stage. I said goodbye to my mom and hung up to get ready. Once we were ready we went backstage and waited for our cue to go on stage.

After the show we had the meet and greet, we quickly changed and got ready for the meet and greet. I got asked a lot of questions about Zoey because they know we're friends and I was getting nervous about how to answer some of the questions. "Are you and Zoey together?" One of the girls asked. I laughed and shook my head. "No we're best friends" I said. She nodded and moved on to Jonah. More girls asked me that question and I gave them the same answer.

Once we got back to the hotel. We packed everything up and headed to the tour bus. After we had everything sorted out. I wanted to call Zoey and see how everything was going on at home. I went to the back and luckily no one was there. I brought my laptop with me and FaceTimed her. It took her a few seconds to answer but when she did. She had a big smile on her face. "Hey, Dani boy" she smiled. "Hey Zo bear" I said back. Which she laughed at. "I missed that nickname" she said. "I'll start calling you it again" I promised.

"How is tour going?" She asked. "It's going good, a lot of people thought we were together though" I said. "Really?" She asked. I nodded and looked at her. She had this little sparkle in her eyes. She always gets it when she is talking about something she is passionate about or likes. "Then they asked me I told them we're just friends" I laughed. She smiled back and the sparkle left. Odd. "How are your parents? And Lucas?" I asked changing the subject. "They're really good. They found a house and they're moving in next month" she explained.

"That's amazing!" I smiled. "I also heard you went to lunch with Anna and my mom" I smiled cheekily. She blushed the tiniest bit and nodded. "Yeah, we were talking about old memories and everything that happened. We were talking about when I had to get my appendix out, you thought I was dying" she laughed. "In my defence, I was seven and you said you felt something pop so I thought it was your heart" I said in a defensive tone. She put her hands up and nodded. "I'm sorry your highness" she 'bowed' "thank you peasant" I said with no emotion.

Zoey gasped and looked at me. "I am not a peasant" she scoffed. "You keep thinking that" I joked. She scoffed and turned away from me. "Oh cmon, don't be like that" I laughed. She still didn't turn. I sighed. "I'm sorry" I whispered. Not looking at the screen. Hoping she would forgive me. "It's ok" she said in a child's voice. I laughed at her and looked up. She was smiling as well. "You can't stay mad at me, can you?" I ask with a smirk. "No I can't" she laughed.

I saw Zoey yawning and saw how late it was. "Do you want to go too bad Zo?" I asked knowing she was tired. She shook her head and rubbed her eyes. "No I want to talk to you" she mumbled. I laughed and walked over to my bunk. Placed it down and got under the covers. I could see Zoey doing the same. I smiled seeing her comfortable in her bed. She yawned again and I rolled my eyes at her. "Go to sleep Zo bear" I laughed.

She pulled her arm up to her face to get comfortable and I saw the bracelet I got her before I left for tour. "I'm glad you're wearing it" I smiled looking at her wrist. "I never take it off" she smiled back. We kept talking until she fell asleep. The pit in my stomach was gone after I talked to her and knew everything was ok back home. Seeing Zoey asleep peacefully made me calm and relaxed. Not in a weird way. But I'm glad she trusts me to fall asleep on FaceTime.

Before I fell asleep myself I blew Zoey a little kiss. Knowing she wouldn't get it big I wanted her to know how much she meant to me.

Ok that's really cute


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