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Today's the day me, Sophie, Riley and Lera go to Montreal to see the boys and surprise Daniel. My heart was beating out of my chest because I was that nervous. My hands couldn't stop shaking due to nerves. I said goodbye to my parents and Lucas before going to pick up Lera and then heading to the airport. We mer Lera outside her house, she got into the car and we headed for the airport.

Once we got to the airport, we got all our bags and everything we needed for the few days were in Montreal. I was nervous about seeing how Daniel would react but I hope he's happy about it. I got knocked out of my thoughts when Sophie put her hand on my shoulder. I jumped and turned to look at her. "You ok?" She asked. I nodded and shook the thought out of my head. "Yeah, I'm ok, just thinking" I smiled.

She looked at me skeptically but nodded and we walked over to Riley and Lera. They both smiled and hugged us. "You exited to see Corbyn again?" I asked Lera. She nodded excitedly. "Yeah I'm really exited to see Corbyn again" she squealed. I smiled and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. "How about you? Are you exited to see Daniel?" Lera asked me.

I nodded and smiled. "I am exited to see him but scared to see how he'll react. Because he doesn't know I'm coming to see him. He only knows about you seeing Corbyn" I explained. Lera nodded and shook my shoulders. "Daniel will be so exited to see you" she smiled which I returned. Sophie and Riley walked over and hugged us. I hugged them back and we heard the intercom speak. 'Flight 1066 to Montreal now boarding' we all smiled and got ready to go on the plane.

Here goes nothing.

Me and the boys are at the airport waiting to see our families. as soon as I saw my parents. I ran over to them and hugged both of them. "Hey momma" I whispered hugging my mom. She smiled and hugged me back. I hugged my dad and saw my siblings behind them. I let go of my dad and sprinted to Anna. I hugged her and spun her around.

"Ahhh, hello to you too Daniel" Anna laughed. "Hello to you too Daniel" I heard from behind me after I stopped spinning Anna and put her down. I looked over and saw my older brother Christian. I smiled and walked over to Christian and gave him a hug. "How are you little bro?" He asked with a smirk. I glared at him and laughed. "I'm good, how are you?" I asked. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and smiled. "I'm doing good" he smiled.

We got all the luggage and went to the hotel our families are staying in. We got the rooms sorted and went to the arena where we are performing tonight. We each gave them a little tour of everything and went to the green room to chill for a bit. "So how are you guys?" Corbyn's mom, Saskia asked. "We're good, nothing to different" Jonah said. "Well, Daniel has a girl" Zach smirked. I rolled my eyes and hit the back of his head.

"Who's the lucky girl Daniel?" Myta asked me, I laughed and shook my head. "She's not my girlfriend but my best friend" I mumbled. "So who is your best friend?" Ryan asked with a smirk, I lightly shoved him. "It Zoey" I mumbled. "Zoey Rodriguez?" I heard Eben say walking into the green room.

"Yes her" I said bluntly. "I heard what happened a few days ago, is she ok?" Anna asked looking at me. "She's ok now" I smiled at my little sister. "What happened?" My dad asked. "Her ex is trying to text her and he was bombarding her phone with messages a few days ago and she had a really bad anxiety attack and cried herself to sleep on FaceTime with me" I explained. The parents all looked at each other with the same emotion on their face. Sympathy.

"The poor girl" Jonah's mom Carrie said. We all nodded and it went silent. "So how are things with you and Zoey?" Christian asked, slightly changing the subject. Which I'm glad about. "We're good, we're getting back to our old ways and our old selves so I'm happy about that" I smiled.

We kept talking until we had to get ready for the show. When we got everything ready, Eben went on first and we got ready to go on. I looked over to my family and smiled. Glad they could make it and I could show them around Montreal. We're going for breakfast tomorrow with all the families. So it's going to be a big table to fit all of us in.

When Eben finished performing, me and the boys got ready to go on stage. My mom walked over to me with a smile. "Go kill it out there Dani" she whispered I smiled and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks momma" I whispered before running onto stage. Performing for thousands of people.

When we were done with performing, we did limelight and picked everything up go get ready to head. Once we got everything packed up and ready to go. We dropped our families off at the hotel and parked near the hotel. We all decided to stay in the tour bus for the next few days instead of a hotel room, because it's just easier and free.

When I was in my bunk, I tried calling Zoey to see if she was ok but I got no response. I sighed and turned my phone off, getting out of my bunk and going to the mini fridge we have and grabbed a bottle of water. "Can't sleep?" I looked up and saw Corbyn. I nodded and sat down. Corbyn sitting across from me. "Tried calling Zoey but she didn't pick up" I sighed. "Maybe she's asleep" Corbyn said.

I nodded and after a while, we both decided to go to bed. I got into my bunk and rubbed my hands over my face. "I hope Zoeys ok" I mumbled to myself before turning off my light and going to sleep.

Little does Daniel know,
he'll be seeing Zoey verrry soon!


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