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After I dragged Zoey downstairs, getting everyone's attention when I stomped downstairs and dragging Zoey with me. I plopped her on the couch and she sat beside Lera and Sophie. "What's going on?" Corbyn asked with a smile. Zoey shrugged and looked at me. I smirked at her and her eyes went wide, knowing what I was thinking. "No, no way, I'm not doing that" she exclaimed.

Everyone looked confused before Jack spoke up. "What's not happening?" He asked. I looked at Zoey with a smirk before explaining. "Me and Zoey had a game we did when we were younger" I explained. Zoey groaned and flopped onto the couch. "Nooo" she whined. Everyone laughed at Zoey and looked back to me. So I could explain what the game was.

"Me and Zoey used to sing a certain part of a song and we had a certain amount of time to figure out what song it was" I explained. The boys nodded and the girls turned to Zoey with a small smirk. "I remember you telling us about that Zo" Sophie said with a smirk. I looked at Zoey confused and she glared at Sophie. I laughed and Zoey turned to me.

"I'm not doing it" she huffed. I smiled and pulled her up from the couch. "Noooo" she whined. "cmon Zoey you'll be fine, we'll even start it" Corbyn said. She eventually gave in, after a few rounds Zoey gave in and decided to sing something.

"Um ok" she sighed with a smile before she started singing. "All my friends are wasted, did I hate this club? Did I drink too much? Another Friday night I've wasted, my eyes are turning black and red, I'm crawling back to you babe" she sang, I smiled at her singing again, the girls were smiling at her but the boys, their jaws dropped when they heard Zoey singing.

"Holy shit, you can sing!" Jack exclaimed. Zoey laughed and nodded with a smile. "Yeah, I have been singing since I was four, I have been singing with Daniel my entire life even when he was American idol" she explained. "But you never told us you could sing that good!" Corbyn yelled. I looked at Zoey confused. She noticed my face and she laughed. "I told the boys I used to sing" she explained which I nodded at.

After a while of trying to figure out what song all of us were singing, we decided to watch a movie and Ben came over for Riley. But none of us could decide. "Harry potter!" Jonah yelled. "I agree" Ben said, getting at hit to the gut by Riley. Causing him to groan, we all laughed and kept bickering on different movies. I looked down at Zoey who was sitting beside me.

"What do you want to watch?" I ask. She looked up to me with a smile. "I don't know, practically what they choose" she said pointing to the rest of the people bickering on the couch. I laughed and agreed with her. "Ok how about Infinity war?" Lera asked shutting everyone up. They all eventually agreed and we put on the movie.

Half way through the movie, I looked over to the couples and they were all cuddling, I smiled and sneakily wrapped my arm around Zoey, pulling her into my chest. She smiled and cuddled into my chest. I smiled down at her and wrapped my arm around her waist. "You ok?" I asked whispering and looking down at her, she looked up to me and nodded. "Yeah" she whispered back.

I nodded and kissed the top of her head, pulling her closer to me. I looked over to Jonah and Corbyn, who both had smirks on their faces, I quietly chuckled and ignored them. At the end of Infinity war, all the girls were crying. I laughed at Zoey, seeing her wipe her eyes with the sleeve of her hoodie. "Cry baby" I mumbled, loud enough for her to hear me, she hit me in the arm and retorted back.

"Find I guess you won't be seeing Lucas tomorrow" she stated, causing my eyes to go wide. "Wait, no I'm sorry, that's not what I meant" I whispered, everyone else was still watching the movie. Zoey giggled and put her head back on my chest. "Don't worry Dani-boy, you'll still see Lucas, you can have custody of my brother" she said, causing me to laugh.

When the movie finished, we all cleaned up the blankets and popcorn for the movie and headed upstairs since how late it was. "Do you have clothes or do you need a pair?" Zoey asked looking at me, I shook my head and pointed to my bag and picking up some sweats. "I think I'm good" I laughed. Zoey nodded and picked up another hoodie and a pair of sweats. "I'll go change in there if that's ok" she said pointing to her bathroom.

I nodded. "Yeah go ahead" I smiled causing her to smile back. When she smiled back I got butterflies in my stomach. What is this girl doing to me. I shook off the feeling and got changed. I sat in her bed, not knowing if she wanted me on the floor or the bed. When she walked out she saw my confused look and smiled at me. "You ok?" She asked. I nodded and smiled back at her.

"Where am I sleeping?" I asked, a slight blush creeped across her face and she smiled. "You can sleep in the bed if you want" she said, getting under the covers. I smiled back and got in beside her. "Want to watch a movie on my laptop?" She questioned. I nodded and she got her laptop and got the movie ready from Netflix.

When we were watching the third movie, Zoey cuddled into my side and I wrapped my arm around her waist. I smiled at Zoey and kissed the top of her head. Half way through the movie, Zoey fell asleep cuddled into my side, I smiled and stopped the movie and closed her laptop. I lied down with Zoey still in my arms and fell asleep with a little smile on my face.

Ok! First thing, so with the shit that the boys are going through I'm not going to be saying anything about management or anything like that, I'm still going to continue with my stories but not write anything about management or stuff like that so hope you guys understand that.


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