Chapter 11 - Upper moon six

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1056 words.

Beerus gasped, he didn't expect that to happen and he had no idea how to cut through. Daki smacked him aside, he crashed into a building, blood was pouring from the side of the building. Daki noticed the blood and she grinned, she looked back at Marko and Patata.

Patata rushed Daki, the sashes came to smack him aside aswell, he managed to block the attack but still was smacked into a building. Patata landed on his feet and he looked at Marko who was suddenly gone, from behind Marko slashed Daki across the back. He kneed her in the face and went to slash her head off, sashes flew out from her back propelling her off the roof and onto another letting her escape.

Daki stood up.
[Daki] - You bastard! I'll kill you two aswell! With your other friend dead it'll be quite eas- -
[Beerus] - Im sorry, but are you forgetting who is stronger. -
Beerus had a big grin with blood spilling from his mouth, head and from beneath his uniform.
[Daki] - How are you- -

Beerus spin kicked Daki aside before rushing her, she rubbed her face before Beerus sliced half her face off. His eyes widened and blood was coming from his eyes too, he had a crazy expression making Daki even more furious than she was before. His haori was swerving in different directions which was distracting Daki, he managed to drop behind her and have another go at slashing her head off.

Back on the mountain Loop and the others could see smoke and rubble fly everywhere as they fought, Loop could see Beerus and Daki going blow for blow. Beerus was faster than her and he was going in many different directions and attack from all around.

Beerus' mark wasn't activated but he seemed incredibly powerful, more so than he was before this fight. Marko noticed a mark on his neck, it stopped right at his chin but it was very hard to see. Patata jumped in and slashed Daki's eyes, she was distressed and released many obi sashes. This allowed her to get away from them, she dropped into a room. Beerus' box flung open and Kamanue swung out. He dropped into the room and fired six snakes at Daki, she dodged them and sliced him up, his bottom half was still in tact and he dropped kicked her left shin.

Daki dropped to the floor and Beerus dropped in at the same time, the grin still plastered on his face. He rushed Daki, but something came out of her back just as Tengen arrived, he went to slash it up but it avoided the attack. It looked like another demon, it was holding red deformed sickles, not to mention the demon looked incredibly deformed and skinny.

Beerus rushed the demon, it turned around with the same facial expression. Gyutaro kicked Beerus in the legs causing him to slide on the floor and hit the wall. Tengen went to slice Gyutaro again but this time they exchanged explosive barrages. Patata picked up Beerus to get away from the destructive attacks, Daki set up obi sashes all around the floor where Patata was about to land.

[Patata] - Water breathing, eleventh form: Dead calm. -
Patata sliced up all the obi sashes with Beerus on his back, he landed and put Beerus down. Beerus was dazed and fell into Marko's arms, Patata and Marko rushed Daki, together they easily countered all the obi sashes. Gyutaro released an explosive attack knocking everyone outside the room. Right after Daki released an explosive attack destroying the street.

Beerus rushed them, Gyutaro blocked the attack with his sickles. He pushed Beerus away before releasing a barrage of flying blood sickles. Tengen tossed a few of his bombs towards the two, they avoided them and Gyutaro rushed Tengen while Daki sent a barrage of obi sashes. Marko went to kick Gyutaro in the face, he blocked the kick with his sickles and then they fell beside Tengen. Patata hopped over Tengen and he sliced up the oncoming obi sashes.

Beerus ran past Tengen and went to slash Gyutaro, he rotated his sickles and fended off attacks from Marko and Beerus. Marko picked up the attack pace matching Beerus' as a flaming infinite mark formed on the centre of Marko's forehead.

Gyutaro pushed Marko aside as he rushed Beerus, he swung his sickles at Beerus aimed directly for his head. As Marko was about to jump back in a bunch of obi sashes flew towards Marko. He dropped back and inhaled.

[Marko] - Dragon breathing; first form: dragon breath. -
Marko dashed towards Daki, he sliced through the sashes and even managed to cut her hand off. She yelped in pain and more sashes shot out.

Tengen heard an explosion seperate from their battle, he looked up to the mountain and saw a few explosions. Loop was fending off a demon who was extremely powerful, they were reckless but got close to him in an instant. Loop was worried, but he got a sudden more boost and kicked the demons head off. He unsheathed his sword and was ready to slash the demon to pieces.

The demons body grabbed Loop's face and began slowly crushing it, he had never felt such pain in a while, he went to slice the demon's head off as it reattached but he couldn't. He looked back to see his arm had been sliced off, a horn grew from his head and he regenerated his arm before punching this demon. A blade grew from the demons fist, it slashed up Loop. Loop fell to the floor right beside his sword, he picked it up and rushed the demon.

The demon fired the spike and it shot straight through Loop's chest pinning him to a tree. Loop pulled the spike out and he slit the demons throat with it, he then blew the spike up. The demon sighed as she wiped blood from her mouth.

Marko was having it hard against Daki, he was parrying as many hits as possible. Beerus was going head to head with Gyutaro, with his right sickle he blocked Beerus' blade and with the other he swung to take his head. The wall beside them smashed and a demon slayer came out, sword in hand he sliced Gyutaro's arms off.

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