Chapter 5 - Mt Yoko

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1006 words.

The three got back from training, they sat inside the small hut talking about what their next mission might be.

[Beerus' Crow] - CAWW CAWW! -
[Tanjiro's Crow] - CAWWW! CAW! I GOT HERE FIRST! CAWW! -
[Tanjiro] - Huh... This is where we part ways. I hope we see each other again... -
[Beerus] - Huh... Well... I guess so... -
[Loop] - I hope to see you again! -

Tanjiro picked up his box and was back on the road.
[Beerus] - What even is this place...? -
[Loop] - Dunno... -
Loop packed up and dragged Kamanue outside and tossed a cloak over him, Kamanue ran back inside.

[Beerus] - Well this is going to be a problem... -
Beerus spent two days making a box to carry Kamanue in, Kamanue fit in the box and fell asleep. Beerus and Loop arrived on Mt Yoko. Loop walked around and set up camp in a small cave. Beerus rested on a rock, he put down his scabbard, he looked up at the sun.

[Loop] - I like the box idea, where'd ya get it from? - he chuckled.
[Beerus] - Real funny, anyways... What the fuck are we going to be doing on this mountain for a week? -
[Loop] - Resting and training. -
[Beerus] - Sounds fun... -
[Loop] - It's better than constantly fighting demons while you're tired. -
[Beerus] - The adrenaline keeps me going. -
[Loop] - Yeah but it wont keep you going forever, what's the point of being a demon slayer. We're just gonna die fighting a demon someday, they are way more powerful than you can imagine. No human matches the strongest demons. -
[Beerus] - Oh shut up, we've fought lower six. -
[Loop] - What about the upper moons? -
[Beerus] - They can't be that much stronger than the lower moons. -
(Loop) - You're wrong, they are the most powerful beings in existence, each upper moon can wipe out a city. -
[Beerus] - Well... about that training. -

Beerus stood up, he grabbed his scabbard and unsheathed his sword. Loop grabbed the hilt of his sword and slowly unsheathed it. Beerus turned around and swung his sword with his right hand, he had his scabbard in his left.

Loop blocked the attack and jumped back, he ducked and avoided Beerus' scabbard which he threw. Beerus then rushed Loop, he released an arching sword slash, it was dodged. Loop then swung at Beerus, he blocked it before Loop released multiple slashes. Beerus managed to block them all, he went to kick Loop while preparing a powerful swing.

Loop tried jumping back but Beerus' foot tripped him over, he kept himself up with his sword and while he was bent over he spun around, it stopped Beerus from swinging. Loop then kicked Beerus in the gut and went to sweep him off his feet. Beerus jumped and heabutted Loop, their heads collided and they both fell back. Beerus rushed Loop again and released two slices, Loop ducked and kicked his sword out of his hand.

Beerus kneed Loop in the stomach and punched him in the face, he then grabbed onto Loops right hand stopping him from using his sword. Loop went to punch Beerus but it was blocked and he ended up getting thrown to the floor. Beerus picked his sword up and pointed it at Loop.

[Beerus] - Heh, looks like i won.. -
[Loop] - Tch- don't be so annoying or next time i wont be toying with you... - he rubbed the blood from his nose.
[Beerus] - Oh little Loop got a nosebleed? -
[Loop] - Oh shut up... -
[Kamanue] - Guys! It's getting quite late. -
[Beerus] - What? I swear the sun was out a few minutes ago... -
[Loop] - Yeah... Doesn't matter... -

They walked into the cave and Loop pulled out the bowls from his bag, Beerus grabbed bento boxes from his.

[Beerus] - Oh udon... -
[Loop] - Oh bento... -
[Beerus] - Wait, Kamanue do you even eat human food? -
[Kamanue] - Yea, it's just that humans help demons grow stronger, all demons eat normal food... -
[Beerus] - I see... -
[Loop] - What are your abilities? -
[Kamanue] - Don't you alre- Uh- Oh... Uhm... Its a variety of animals... basically...? -
[Beerus] - Hmmm... Interesting... -
[Loop] - That is quite interesting... So what are we having to eat? -
[Beerus] - We had udon yesterday, or this morning. Can't remember though. -
[Loop] - Ok, fair enough. -
[Beerus] - They're there... - he pointed beside him.
[Loop] He grabbed one. - Ok, thanks. - he passed one to Kamanue.
[Kamanue] - Thank you very much. -

They ate and were talking for a couple of hours before Beerus fell asleep, Kamanue fell asleep next. Loop stayed up all night counting stars. In the morning Kamanue was trying to make Udon, Loop was fast asleep and Beerus was training. Beerus came back into the cave once Kamanue had finished, he was drenched in sweat and dropped to the floor huffing and puffing.

[Kamanue] - Wake Loop up, ive finished making the udon. -
[Beerus] - Ok, will do. - He got up and slapped Loop.
[Loop] - Bitch i am up! -
[Beerus] - Didn't seem like it, you snore a lot. -
(Kamanue) - It seems both Loop and i aren't used to a normal schedule.
[Loop] - Oh you made udon? -
[Kamanue] - Yeah, here. - He handed them bowls of udon.
[Beerus] He tried keeping a smile on his face - Ohh... It looks... Nice... -
[Kamanue] - I haven't made udon in ages, don't complain. -
[Loop] - Holy shit! This is delicious! -
[Beerus] - Wait what? - He rapidly ate the udon.
[Beerus] - You're right! -
[Loop] - Yeah, im always right. -
[Kamanue] - Yup. I knew it was good. -
[Loop] - Wow, i never expected you to be able to cook so well. -

They kept the same schedule for the rest of the week, they were constantly training. Beerus knew Loop was atleast 10 times stronger than him so he trained non-stop for the enire week barely getting 8 hours of sleep in total. On sunday Beerus slept all day and night, Loop and Kamanue on the other hand were talking all day and night, they had a few things in common.

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