Chapter 21 - Showdown

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Zohakuten and Loop were going head to head, a tree came from the ground and bit Loop's legs off. He fell to the side and looked up at Zohakuten who was about to crush his skull. Patata dived down, he slashed Zohakuten, Marko then jumped in. Their swords
clashed as Zohakuten jumped up, Patatas sword began turning crimson red as their swords clashed. A tree popped up and shocked them both, Marko grinned as blood spilled from his nose. He rushed Zohakuten, he was then kicked in the chest and Zohakuten spun around and hit him aside.

[Kamanue] - I DID IT!! -
(Loop) - Huh-!? How the fuck did he get here? -
[Loop] - What? -
[Kamanue] - B- -
[Zohakuten] - Shut it! -
He sliced Kamanue's head off. A tree then electrocuted Kamanue, Loop jumped in and sliced the tree in half.
[Zohakuten] - Crazed cry of thunder death! -
One of his wooden dragons burst through the ground and sent lightning aswell as shockwaves towards Loop and Kamanue. Patata pushed them out of the way before using dead calm.

The attack was countered, he jumped up at Zohakuten who sat halfway up a tree.
[Patata] - Water breathing; rain style; sixth form: acid rain! -
He attempted to jab Zohakuten in multiple different places, each strike was dodged. In the end Zohakuten managed to get behind Patata and get him in a choke hold. Loop jumped up from behind, he twisted his blade, it perfectly fit through Zohakuten and avoided Patata. He took this opportunity to escape the choke hold and slice Zohakuten's head off. 

[Loop] - That's not his main body! Don't bother! It won't kill him! -
[Zohakuten] - Tch- Compressed sound waves! - 
He released a shockwave strong enough to knock Patata unconscious, Kanroji then jumped in and picked him up bridal style before dashing away. Loop kicked Zohakuten aside and looked around for the main body, Tanjiro dived in and rushed towards a deformed tree sitting off at the side of the battle.
[Zohakuten] - Get. AWAY! -
He used compressed soundwaves on Tanijro, he passed out and fell beside the tree. One of the wooden dragons rushed Tanjiro and opened its mouth, Loop slashed its head off and dragged Tanjiro out of the way. Marko hopped in front of them to block a punch from Zohakuten.

Out of nowhere Beerus hopped over the trees.
[Genya] - He's alive!? -
[Kamanue] - I managed to save his life, if i wasn't so protective he would've died. I seriously wish he had durability like Patata's.
[Loop] - Patata would like to hear that! -
Loop rushed Zohakuten, he went to punch Loop but Marko sliced his arm off. It was slowly regenerated so he moved out of the way of them both. Genya shot him in the back of the head, it fell off before it regenerated and he hit a part of the cogwheel on his back. One of the wooden dragons popped up and began crushing Genya with the same move Karaku used. Loop rushed the dragon, this time he was grabbed by one and swallowed hole. A few bones broke as its mouth closed, he regenerated and slashed through the throat, he fell out and was immediately punched by Zohakuten.

Patata ran towards him at full speed.
[Patata] - Water breathing; fourth form: striking tide! -
He hit Zohakuten multiple times, then out of nowhere one of the dragons electrocuted him.
[Zohakuten] - Countless striking trees! -
Tears came from Loops eyes as he watched Beerus slash three trees in a row, the smile was wiped off of his face when another tree caught Beerus in its mouth. It was about to chomp on his legs but Nezuko kicked its top jaw off. Loop then rushed Zohakuten while Marko and Kanroji protected Patata. Tanjiro, Beerus, Genya and Nezuko all followed behind Loop. Even more trees came from the ground, they suddenly all lunged at Marko, Kanroji jumped in to protect him. Everyone suddenly switched and rushed towards the trees, then Patata woke up, a curvy droplet formed above his right eye. Patata slashed the trees to bits, he looked back to see Kanroji smiling widely. He blushed and covered his face before Zohakuten slashed him on the back, he dropped to the floor and avoided another attack when Zohakuten tossed a spear at him.

The spear crashed into the ground causing a massive dust cloud to form, it covered the area where he was and the others rushed towards it. Kanroji stopped them as it was a trap and lightning crashed into the are, she quickly dashed in to search for Patata while the others were on the sideline. 

(Zohakuten) - I need to get rid of Patata, he scares me, he even used one of the techniques she used. I hope he doesn't develop it into a new breathing style... -
(Patata) - This technique! I don't know how i know it, but i should use that more often, maybe even develop it into my own breathing technique. -
Zohakuten rushed into the smoke and looked for Patata, he found him before Kanroji and went for his head. Patata caught his arm between his legs and snapped it in half before tossing him to his side. He slashed his head off before the sword faded back to blue. Kanroji yanked Patata away back to the others.

Zohakuten grunted as he tried placing his head back on, all of a sudden Kanroji, Beerus and Loop rushed Zohakuten while all of the others chased after the main body. While they were chasing after him Mid and Muichiro kept on fighting Gyokko, Muichiro's mark awakened and he slit Gyokko's throat. Mid rushed him the second he appeared in another pot and he gained his mark on the palm of his left hand in the shape of a maple-leaf, he then slashed Gyokko's head off. Or so he thought. He shed his skin and was bigger with hard scales, he dashed around and blasted off the ground, he snapped Mid's sword in half but then Muichiro used his seventh form and cut Gyokko's head off with Mid slashing the back of his head with what remained from his sword.

[Gyokko] - I gotta report back to my mast- wait-!? The world suddenly flipped upside down!? No- -
[Mid] - Die in hell bitch! -
[Gyokko] - HYOOOOO!!! MY ART!! -

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