Chapter 46 - Battle Spirit

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1036 words.

The battle raged on between upper moon three, the thunder hashira and the water hashira.
(Beerus) - I see... i know what this ability is, its the see through world...! -
[Giyuu] - Beerus, we have to end this soon! -
[Beerus] - You're right! -
(Beerus) - Thunder breathing; Eighth form: Strike of lightning! -
Beerus moved about in multiple directions, Akaza could keep up and follow his movements, but he was too slow to block the attack from Beerus. His neck was slashed. Beerus landed behind him, his uniform was torn by the ankles, he crashed into a wall behind them.

Akaza spun around and hopped up, he raised his leg.
(Giyuu) - The axe kick! Beerus is in trouble! -
Akaza's foot crashed into the ground beside Giyuu, he noticed it had been slashed off by Beerus. The leg regenerated and Akaza landed where Beerus was before, he looked up and saw Beerus. Middair Beerus somehow avoided a sudden shockwave from Akaza, he then landed behind Giyuu who rushed in. Akaza raised his leg and fired a barrage of kicks, Giyuu kept up and blocked them. Beerus then rushed in from behind and swung at Akaza's neck, he missed the attack as Akaza jumped back.

They chased after him, blocking shockwaves each time Akaza jumped further back. They finally caught up when Beerus dashed forth with his sword sheathed, he landed infront of Akaza and unsheathed his sword, slashing Akaza's throat. He then dodged a kick from Akaza and jabbed his sword through his gut. He jumped forth and slammed Akaza through a wall, Giyuu picked up the pace, damaging his legs as he did. He then jumped up and hit Akaza's neck, Beerus pulled his sword out and moved ahead to then aswell go for the neck. Akaza did a backflip, his foot barely skimming Giyuu's chin, causing him to flip over.

Akaza placed his hand on the floor and maneuvered past Beerus, he raised his foot slightly. Beerus hit against his foot, he was then launched away as Akaza kicked forward. This injured Beerus, he then got up aswell as Giyuu, both rushed Akaza. He blocked their slashes and shot a shockwave between them, it knocked them both aside. Giyuu landed on his feet while Beerus didn't, so Akaza rushed towards Beerus, as he hit the floor he pushed himself up which allowed him to dodge a punch from Akaza. For a split second, they glared at each other.

Akaza swung a kick at Beerus's spine, he dodged the attack and blocked a head on punch, this slashed through the middle of Akaza's arm. He then pulled his sword out and swung at Akaza's neck, he dodged the attack and kicked Beerus' sword up into the air, crushing his middle finger while doing so. He then swung a punch at his gut, he dodged the attack and caught his sword. He slashed Akaza's arm off and kicked off of Akaza. Akaza rushed towards Beerus, he shot a shockwave at Beerus. He dodged the attack.

Beerus was suddenly blasted back by another shockwave attack from Akaza, he heard a few ribs crack. He then hit the floor and bounced into a wall, he crashed through it and tossed his sword out. Akaza tried dodging it but it went straight through his eye and pinned him into the floor as he fell over. He looked back to see Giyuu running at him, he pulled the sword out and tossed it aside. He noticed it didn't hit the floor, he looked beside him and it was gone. A sword was about to hit his neck, but he got up and avoided it.

Beerus was infront of him, he held his sword down low, he then slashed upwards, slicing one of Akaza's arms off. He regenerated and swung a punch but he avoided it and hit his neck. Akaza pushed his sword back and jumped away, Giyuu rushed at Akaza, his sword was knocked out of his hand. He jumped back beside Beerus, they both rushed forward, Giyuu had hold of Beerus's hands, the blade then turned a crimson red. They swung at Akaza's neck, the sword hit, their doubled strength was pushing through his neck rapidly.
(Beerus) - As the water hits against the dam, the lightning strikes down against it, with the combined force- they break through! -

Akaza's head came flying off.
(Akaza) - No- I can't lose! Not to them! -
Akaza moved back and caught his head, Beerus let go of the hilt and grabbed Giyuu's sword. Giyuu had hold of Beerus' sword, ready to swing at Akaza. Beerus then tossed Giyuu's sword straight through Akaza's skull. Knocking his head through a wall, he rushed in and pulled pulled the sword out before kicking the head onto a lower platform.

[Beerus] - Giyuu-san... What do you think would happen if the demon slayer corps had an all out battle with Muzan and the upper moons?? -
[Giyuu] - I doubt we'd win, we would have to take down the upper moons first... Some of the hashira would die and Muzan would probably pick us off, one by one after that. Now if it was including the upper moons we've killed then yeah, we'd lose for sure... -
[Beerus] - I think we would win! With the combined power of all the hashira i believe we can take down all the upper moons and them Muzan! -
[Giyuu] - Though... Thousands of people would die... I wouldn't mind dying if it meant we would win, i wouldn't care if i suddenly dropped down dead in general... -
[Beerus] - Hey. Cheer up! You and Patata would make a strong duo! I believe the two of you together could take down upper moon one! -
[Loop] - Oh hey guys! What's up? -
[Beerus] - Not much. We're just talking about what we think would happen if the demon slayer corps had an all out battle with Muzan and the upper moons! -
[Loop] - Perinity and i could take out some upper moons considering we are demons and could deal the most damage without dying, but we would just get our cells destroyed by Muzan. -
-Flashback end-

(Giyuu) - I doubt Patata and i could take down upper moon one, i might die here against upper three... -

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