Chapter 44 - King Kaque Pt. 3

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As Kaque was set to be executed, he cried. He didn't stop crying, the guards shouted at him, some even quit. One day the crying stopped, he ripped through the cell with his inhuman strength and he killed the guards before slaughtering the entire town. It wasn't him though, he had been brainwashed, by Muzan Kibutsuji. Kaque became lower six in only a few weeks of being a demon, he soon became lower one in a month. Muzan was worried he would get too strong, so he took blood from him and stopped giving him any, making him an ordinary demon.

His blood demon art is his prized possession. He killed those who insulted it and even threated upper moon five, Gyokko. As the upper ranks fell, Muzan, in desperation, gave Kaque a lot of blood, giving him the title of the new upper rank four. He dueled countless slayers while waiting for someone to arrive, then came Patata. His eyes were that of his mother, from what he remembered at birth. Kaque has extraordinary eyesight aswell as memory, he remembers pretty much everything as a human.

He has a split personality, similar to that of Hantengu. Though he doesn't split into two, he has a wicked and evil side, as a brainwashed bloodthirsty demon. And a side where he is kind and avoids conflict, which is when he taps into his human memories. The evil side keeps the good side from showing, as it shows weakness and its helpful for humans as it kills demons and avoids humans. When he became a lower moon he met Doma, he was influenced by him and made a cult, with his insane strength very few people saw him as a god. He lured them in and ate them, he ate everyone who stood foot in his "territory".
-Flashback End-

As Mid's sword brushed against Kaque's neck, he tapped into his original personality, it was so sudden he had lost focus. The sword slightly cut through, Mid was putting all his strength into that single arm. Kaque moved out of the way and blocked an attack from Patata, he knocked the sword from his hand and backed up into a wall. Tears came from his eyes, his vision was blurred and he began tearing away at his own flesh. Patata was unnerved and slowly approached, Kaque held his arms up and flinched as Patata waved his sword. He sheathed it and touched Kaque on the arm, Mid was about to speak up but Zak stopped him. He turned to look at Zak, as he did Zak passed out. Patata rushed over to care for Zak, Kaciz sat down and was huffing and puffing.

[Kaque] - Get out of my head! Get out! Get out! Get out! GET OUT!! -
(Patata) - What's up with him? -
[Kaque] - You bastard. Don't you give a fuck?- We're here following rules...- Don't you get started- Hey... This is for our lives, trust me- WE WONT LIVE! WE'RE A HORRIFYING CREATURE!- SHUT THE FUCK UP! I DONT GIVE A SHIT WHAT YOU THINK! YOU WEAK AND PATHETIC LITTLE CREATURE! IM THE DOMINANT ONE! IM THE ONE WHO WINS US FIGHTS! IM THE ONE WHO- Shhhh... -
[Patata] - Oi! Weirdo, i don't know wether you are good or bad, but help my friend. Please. -
[Kaque] - Silent, he is here.- No please- I... I have returned... -
Patata unsheathed his sword, swinging it infront of him. Mid's eyes widened as Patata was blasted through a wall, the demon now had two horns sticking out, its arms were longer. Mid didn't know where to look as the demon looked at him with four different eyes.

Mid rushed at it, its long arms stretched past Mid, it had a knife in hand. Mid looked beside him to be cautious of the knife but was instanly blown away by a single punch. With its hands the demon boosted at Mid, at high speeds the knife fused with its skin and a blade shot out from its wrist. Mid blocked an attack, but the many other strikes were too much as he was slashed across the chest and face. He slashed the demons arms off and went for the head, it dodged the attack and sent Mid flying.

Mid crashed into a wall, he sat up to see Patata going head to head. The demon jabbed the blade into Patata's gut, as it pierced the skin Patata slashed the demons arm off. He then avoided a swing from the other arms, it regenerated the other. Patata jumped back, the demon rushed at him as he did. Their weapons clashed, Patata dragged his sword across the demons blade and moved it downward before swinging upwards, slicing the demon's arm off. He then avoided another punch, this time as the arm regenerated it punched Patata in the face. His eye was bruised instantly, forcing him to keep the eye shut.

He kept blocking as many attacks as possible, awekaning his mark as he did. He countered the barrage of attacks and slashed both arms off. Kaque then bit Patata on the arm. His teeth dug into the skin, he groaned in pain as the teeth slowly pulled away, tearing the flesh off of his arm. He punched Kaque in the face, he had regenerated his arms so he released the bite and grabbed hold of Patata's arm. He then moved closer the bite his neck.

Patata's sword hit Kaque's neck, he jumped away in a panic and held his arms up to block the oncoming jab from Patata. It never came, he noticed behind him was Patata. His eyes were filled with rage, he slashed Kaque's right arm into pieces before dashing beside him and doing the same to the other arm. Patata got infront of Kaque and then swung to the neck, the demon bit the sword, snapping it in half. Tears dropped to the floor as Kaque's arms shrunk, he dropped to his knees and sobbed. Patata was relieved and jumped back, as he didn't trust Kaque.

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