Chapter 6 - Mt. Nagatomo

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1004 words.

Beerus, Loop and Kamanue were back on the road, this time it was towards Mt. Nagatomo for their next mission. Ubuyashiki had sent a group of Mizunoto to investigate but he hasn't heard back from them, the mountain was massive and creepy.

Loop encountered a few slayers, they instantly attacked him.
[Loop] - Woah calm down! Im a Tsuchinoe, im here to help! -
The slayers seemed lifeless as they continued to attack, Loop was blocking the attacks and didnt bother to swing back. Beerus backed him up and pushed the slayers away.

Loop rushed past them as he noticed they were being controlled by threads, he knew a demon was behind it but he didnt know where it was. It seems other non Mizunoto slayers were on the mountain too.

Beerus followed Loop, Beerus was blocking all the attacks thrown at them. Loop noticed someone in a distance, they were wearing something green. He recognised them, and so did Beerus. Another guy was there too, he was shirtless and wearing something on his head. He kneeled and stuck his arms out, the familiar face was Tanjiro, he was fighting off even more controlled slayers.

All of a sudden the slayers died in an instant and a demon appeared, its head was missing and the two seemed to be struggling so Beerus and Loop went to help. Beerus swung at the demon but it swung back, they clashed but the demon sent Beerus flying.

Loop sliced one of the demons arms off and the buff guy split it in two. The buff guy told Tanjiro something before they both ran in the same direction, Loop and Beerus were curious followed them. They found a demon and from above Tanjiro took its head off.

[Tanjiro] - Sorry for ignoring you guys, it's just that my friend here Inosuke located this demon. -
[Inosuke] - We're not friends! We're rivals! Kamodo Manjiko and the great mountain lord Hashibira Inosuke! Rivals! -
[Tanjiro] - Tch- It's Tanjiro Kamado! -
[Beerus] - It seems you got quite a dumb friend... -
[Inosuke] - I am not dumb! I am a genius! -
[Beerus] - Genius my ass... -

Inosuke spotted a demon and chased after it, they crossed over a small river before a big demon stopped them. Insoke rushed it but he was kicked into Loops arms. Loop pushed Inosuke aside and inhaled, he mumbled something before rushing the demon. The demon shouted and stomped on Loop, he managed to dodge it and he jumped back.

Tanjiro and Beerus then rushed it, both their attacks being countered. Tanjiro lead it towards a tree before he sliced it in half, it crushed the demon. The demon stood up and hit Tanjiro away with the log, Loop ran off in his direction. Tanjiro shouted something and Inosuke nodded, Beerus wasn't paying attention as he was staring at the demon.

[Beerus] - You disgust me. -
He rushed it, the demon went to stomp on it but it was avoided. From behind Beerus sliced the back of its knee, it kneeled and wacked Beerus aside. Inosuke then rushed the demon and went to slam his swords against its head, the demon blocked it but the blades got stuck in its arm. Inosuke pulled one of the blades out and began hammering away at the demons arm.

Inosuke took the demons arm off, the demon screeched in pain and kicked Inosuke away. Inosuke ran off into the trees before stopping, he turned around to swing at the demon but it kicked him into a tree. Beerus got up and yelped in pain, he atleast cracked a few ribs but it didnt matter, he had to keep fighting.

Inosuke was holding out until Beerus arrived, he hopped from tree to tree and was ready to slice its head off. His sword snapped in two as it hit the demons neck, he dropped beside Inosuke, they then rushed the demon. Inosuke avoided the oncoming attacks and slit the demons throat, it then grabbed Inosuke, he threw him into the ground.

Inosuke lost his swords and Beerus grabbed one replacing it with his own, he then rushed the demon. He inhaled, he heard a roar of thunder in the distance. Beerus lost focus and was smacked aside, the demon ran towards him full speed. Inosuke then jumped at the demon stabbing it in it's eye, Beerus dodged the demon as it rammed into the tree behind him.

The demon fell over before getting up and running off. Blood was dripping from Inosuke's boar mask, his flesh was torn in mutliple places and they were both bleeding. Inosuke kneeled and put his arms out, just like from before.
[Inosuke] - AHA! THERE YOU ARE! -
Inosuke ran off towards a tree, Beerus followed behind.

They saw the demon in the tree, it began shaking and making weird noises. It shed its skin and it now had more eyes. The demon jumped down kocking both Inosuke and Beerus to the floor. Beerus looked up in horror while Inosuke wasn't scared at all, they rushed the demon but it slammed its fists into the ground. Beerus and Inosuke went flying, this demon rushed towards Beerus. He snatched him off the ground and threw him into the air, he was ready to punch Beerus middair but Inosuke threw Beerus' sword into its face.

The demon roared and ran towards Inosuke, Beerus used the sword to soften the fall but he heard a crack in his arm. Inosuke was dodging the demons attacks, he was hitting it as many times as he could with the single sword. Beerus tried getting up but he passed out, he fell to the floor dropping the sword. Inosuke ran towards Beerus to grab the sword but the demon grabbed Inosuke by the legs.

The demon was holding Inosuke upside down, his mask fell off. It distracted the demon allowing Inosuke to stab it in one of it's eyes, the demon dropped him and roared in agony. It then grabbed Inosuke by the head, he was slowly crushing his skull.

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