Chapter 4 - Training

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1013 words.

Tanjiro unsheathed his blade and glared at Kamanue, Beerus held the hilt of his blade.

[Beerus] - Calm down... He's with us... -
(Kamanue) - Shit... Shit! Im going to die! I have to do something... -
[Tanjiro] - He's eaten many humans... He's the former lower moon six right? -
[Kamanue] - N-no! That's Kyogai... -
(Beerus) - Kyogai..? -
[Beerus] - Yes, Kyogai. -
[Tanjiro] - How would you know his name if your not a lower moon? -
[Kamanue] - I've met him before, he's quite scary. -
(Beerus) - This... feels wrong... -
(Tanjiro) - His scent... this is the smell of a liar! -
[Kamanue] - What makes you think im a former moon! And why lower six? -
[Tanjiro] - Lower 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 have all been sighted in recent years. None of their descriptions match you. -
[Kamanue] - What if my appearance changed or one of the higher moons have been replaced.
[Tanjiro] - That's quite suspicious, but even so, you smell quite scared to be one of the higher moons. -
[Kamanue] - Scent!? How can you even smell what i'm feeling? That makes no sense and you're sounding ridiculous. -
(Loop) - Who do i side with? I'm familiar with both Kyogai and Kamanue, i was thinking about challenging Kamanue to a blood battle but Beerus found me before i could. -
(Tanjiro) - Tch- I don't like all this arguing but i can clearly tell that's a former moon. But why is Loop nervous? Does he have something to do with him?? -
[Tanjiro] - I know he's a former moon, i need blood from those close to Muzan to cure my sister Nezuko. -
[Beerus] - What do you mean cure? I don't understand what Muzan blood would have to do with a disease... -
[Tanjiro] - She's a demon. -
[Beerus] - So you're gonna kill my innocent demon companion with no close relation to Muzan just for your innocent demon companion? -
[Tanjiro] - No- it's- it's not like that!- -
[Beerus] - Are you sure? You don't seem so confident now... -
(Tanjiro) - Please just understand... He's a former moon! He's still drenched with the smell of human blood! Even if it's yours he's still a former moon!! -
[Loop] - Damnit- Settle it in a duel! -
[Beerus] - Fine. -
[Tanjiro] - I have to win. -

Beerus unsheathed his sword and raised a brow, Tanjiro unsheathed his sword and got into a defensive stance. Tanjiro put the box down next to him and looked at Loop, he nodded.

Beerus rushed towards Tanjiro and swung a vertical slash, it was blocked and he was pushed back. Their swords clashed, back and forth, Beerus swung his blade and Tanjiro jumped back, this lead to Beerus finding an opening. Beerus lunged at him and kneed him in the stomach.

Tanjiro fell on the floor before hopping back and landing on his feet, he had noticed Beerus disappeared. From behind Tanjiro blocked a slice and kicked Beerus back, it looked like Beerus' veins were about to burst.
(Tanjiro) - He is incredibly mad, did i trigger something that brought up something tragic in the past. -
[Beerus] - That bastard... Akaza... -

Beerus lost focus and unleashed a barrage of slices, it was too much for Tanjiro to handle so he jumped back. He couldn't see Beerus' pupils and was quite confused, but nonetheless he knew to harden his defense.

Beerus threw his sword, it missed but he still tackled Tanjiro to the ground. He grabbed Tanjiro by the legs and was about to slam him into the ground. Loop kicked Beerus round the back of the head knocking him out cold, Tanjiro sat there and sighed.

Beerus woke up in a room, Tanjiro's haori was rested on him to keep him warm. He sat up and looked about, Tanjiro's box was open and beside him. He noticed Kamanue reading a book with a girl, he didnt recognise her.
Beerus flinched as someone touched his back, it was Loop.

[Loop] - You went crazy. And mentioned someone, what happened? -
[Beerus] - I don't know, i didn't want to let Kamanue die... So i tried using all the strength i had left but i... -
[Loop] - You...? -
[Beerus] - I passed out or something, i just keep seeing that man... Akaza. -
Just hearing that name was enough to make Loop shiver.
[Loop] - Aka-Akaza...?
[Beerus] - He said that was his name, he gave me an offer after slaughtering my family because he didn't see any potential, he let my mother go but im pretty sure she's dead by now. -
(Loop) - Akaza... the same guy who wants to beat both my dad and i... -
[Beerus] - Hey... are you alright? -
[Loop] - Oh! Y-yeah im fine... You should get some rest. -

Beerus laid down and closed his eyes, he felt something warm brush against him but he couldn't be bothered to see what it was. Overnight Loop had been hunting for them to eat in the morning.

Beerus woke up and the box was now closed, Kamanue was asleep against the wall and someone was ontop of him. He couldn't sit up and looked to his side to see Loop writing.

Beerus fell asleep again and woke up a few minutes later, he was handed a bowl of udon by Tanjiro. Beerus took the bowl and smiled, he noticed Loop was outside practicing already. Tanjiro walked outside to train with him leaving Kamanue and Beerus in the room alone.

Kamanue was too busy reading a book so Beerus just laid there with Tanjiro's haori in hand. He was looking at the roof wondering where they were.

Beerus got up and decided to train, Tanjiro and Loop were gone, he saw their footprints left in the path. He ran after them, he soon caught up while Tanjiro was resting. Beerus stopped to catch his breath while Loop was waiting for them both.

[Loop] - You guys got no stamina! -
[Beerus] - Tch- you train a lot so no wonder you have way more stamina than Tanjiro and I. -
[Tanjiro] - Wait, where's Nezuko? -
[Beerus] - Don't worry! She's with Kamanue. -
[Tanjiro] - I hope he doesn't leave the house... -
[Beerus] - Well he can't, they both can't because the sun is out... -
[Tanjiro] - Fair enough, i just don't want Nezuko to be alone... -

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