Chapter 20.5 - Character Backstories and recap!

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If you've read his story, you should know his backstory by now but for those who haven't (read it) here's his backstory.

He was born back in the Sengoku era. He was raised in the upper-class of Japanese society, he was also skilled with the katana due to forced training by his father.

He lived with his two parents, his dad a samurai and his mother an oiran. He was to inherit his father's title, though he wanted to be normal and not to be seen as better than others. His skills far surpassed those of his age and older, due to his insane physical strength and insane stamina, allowing him to do harder training for longer.

One night he left home without his katana, he has done it multiple times even though his father always scolded him for it. When he got home his father began scolding him, he even pulled his ear. The grip loosened as his father was slashed apart by the chest, he went to grab his katana before his hand was slashed off. He ran and turned to look at the man who did it, he wasn't human, he was a demon, with six eyes and a flesh sword.

He was paralysed in fear, this demon went to slash him but his instincts kicked in and he took down this man along with himself as he let his guard down. The man spoked before picking Loop up by the throat and turning him into a demon. He was brainwashed into believing this man was his father and his mother was human, he didn't train much since his father was scouting around Japan searching for a blue spider lily. He only did it at night and the same with training, so he found time to teach Loop.

One night of training his father was called to a meeting with Muzan, he was bloodied up from all the training and left. Loop has a special demon ability that allows him to walk in the sun though only he knows that and Muzan struggles to communicate with him. He wandered a forest before resting in a bush, he was having a weird dream, he then passed out when some kid pulled him out of the bush and that is where the story begins.

Beerus was the opposite of Loop, he was in the lower-class of society in Japan during the Taisho era, he trained quite a lot as his father managed to become a towns guard. He wasn't home much and barely spoke with his older brother and his two older sisters. His mother spoke to him regularly whenever his father was on duty, they lived on the outside of the village so his father normally patrolled that area.

One night when he was out cutting trees with his favourite younger brother the house caught fire. His brother tried getting help but he fell into a hole in the forest, Beerus rushed to the house and he saw his mother running out but she looked weird and was running on four feet. He entered the house and his sisters were dead, they looked like they had been devoured by a wolf, a man was in the middle of the house. He sighed in disappointment as the two girls had died, he had grip of Beerus' older brothers throat as he spoke.

Beerus tossed a hatchet at his head, it hit and this man or a demon turned around. He was covered in marks and had beeds around his wrists and ankles. This demon walked towards him and went to punch Beerus who had now picked up a knife, Beerus didn't flinch and he stabbed him in the gut. The punch stopped, the demon patted Beerus on the head before pushing him aside.

He then said to Beerus "Heyyy, you'll grow up to be powerful, im sure of it. Now if you want to get even stronger, why don't you become a demon?" Beerus shook his head and then blood was sprayed on him, his father had a hole in his gut as he rushed this demon. Beerus tried telling people but no one believed him, so when he went outside back to his house he saw his mother, the sun rose as he stared and she was suddenly burnt alive. His brother was found later, they stayed together and trained to become guards. Beerus got the job and on his first day is when the story starts.

Marko and Patata:
Marko was raised in the middle-class of society while Patata was living off in a forest, Marko was a freak of nature with terrifying physical strength. He was often battered by adults because they were scared he was going to turn into a monster, he ignored it and often went out into the forest for walks.

In the forest he met Patata and Giyuu, they played about with training sticks for hours everyday. Marko left home very often and rumours spread that he hunted anything he could find considering a lot of people went missing. One night Patata walked him home as even more rumours spread, some saying it was demons, Patata was rushing him since he wanted to get up early for his sisters wedding.

When Patata and Marko arrived, a bunch of people were stood outside the house with torches. They tried burning Marko alive but Patata was armed with a katana, he always trained and he was a natural talent. He killed five people and then they ran away, Marko grabbed a few things and ran off with Patata. But when they got to the Tomioka household Giyuu sprinted out and grabbed Patata by the wrist, his sister followed after and grabbed Marko by the hand to run away.

A demon chased them and their sister lead it away while the others escaped. The next day she was found dead, the three searched for a place to live until they stumbled apon Mt Sagiri. They were taken in by Sakonji Urokodaki, the retired water hashira. The nearby Rengoku residence who's habitants were the current flame pillar, his wife and his two daughters sons, they took Marko as there wasn't enough food to feed Urokodaki's students.

They often visited each other, one day Giyuu, Sabito and Kyojuro left for the slayer exams, they passed except Sabito. The two new slayers went their seperate ways and became hashira. Patata and Marko became slayers a few years after, just a month before Beerus and Loop. They passed and were inseparable, soon enough they became Tsuguko, Marko is Rengoku's tsuguko and Patata is Giyuu's. Though Marko isn't one anymore due to Rengoku's death.

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