Chapter 34 - Strength of a god

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1013 words.

[Kokushibo] - Loop... Is this the path you choose? -
[Loop] - I choose my friends. And i will... Kill you! -
[Kokushibo] - So much potential... May you burn in hell... -
Kokushibo sliced Loop's arm that held the sword off, Loop grunted and quickly regenerated, Kokushibo grabbed the nichirin sword middair and went for Loops neck.
(Loop) - This is it... -
[Kokushibo] - I don't have time for weaklings... -
(Milk) - What...? i can see his muscles...? -
Milk's kurasigama hit the nichirin sword away, Loop snatched it from the floor but he was instantly kicked away. Milk swung his kurasigama towards Kokushibo's head. He ducked and the sickle cut off a strand of hair, suddenly Milk kneed Kokushibo in the face.

(Kokushibo) - How brave! -
Kokushibo gripped his sword and swung it upwards, Milk maneuvered his body and was upside down as the sword slashed his left shoulder. He landed and blocked another attack with his sickle, he then dodged an attack with his sickle in hand. He got low and tossed his sickle up, it went through Kokushibo's chin. He pulled the chain and it popped out, he then swung it backwards and slashed Kokushibo's armpits, his sword was suddenly lowered and Milk went for the head. Kokushibo blocked it.
[Kokushibo] - Impressive. You unlocked an ability so early on into our battle. -

Loop rushed Kokushibo, their swords clashed, Milk made sure to be careful as he aimed his kurasigama upwards towards Kokushibo's head to avoid Loop. The height difference between Loop and Kokushibo was insane. Kokushibo avoided the attack and he rotated his upper half, slashing Loop across the chest to then spin around and swing at Milk. He hit the chain into the ground, Milk tried pulling it out but Kokushibo's brute strength kept it from moving. Perinity jumped in and went for the head, Kokushibo slashed his face.

Meanwhile Akaza was fighting Tanjiro and Giyuu.
[Tanjiro] - Setting sun transformation! -
He backflipped and aimed for Akaza's head, the attack was avoided and he was pushed back. Suddenly Anon jumped in, Akaza blocked a slash before going in for a kick, Anon dodged it and slashed his leg off. Akaza regenerated and looked back at Tanjiro, he swung his blade but Akaza ducked beneath it and went in for an upper cut. Tanjiro tried bringing his sword back to block but Giyuu pushed him out of the way and the upper cut missed them both by an inch. Giyuu then twisted his sword round to slice Akaza's head off.

Akaza dodged it and went to punch Giyuu.
[Giyuu] - Water breathing; Third form: Striking tide! -
He slashed upwards to cut Akaza's arm off before twirling around and going for the neck again. Akaza let it hit before twisting around to punch Giyuu, he jumped back to avoid it.
(Akaza) - Leg type: Crown splitter! -
He did an axe kick and barely scraped Anon's right arm yet the flesh still tore off. Anon grunted and went to slash Akaza's leg off.
[Anon] - Magma breathing; Second form: Meteorite slash! -
Anon raised his sword before slashing down, he cut Akaza's left arm off in the process, though it regenerated in an instant.

Akaza released a barrage of punches, Anon managed to block most of them but a single one got through and blasted him away, Giyuu thrn rushed in. He swung at Akaza's head, the sword missed as he ducked. Akaza then went for an upper cut.
[Giyuu] - Water breathing; Eleventh form: Dead calm. -
Giyuu blocked the attack by slicing his arms into multiple pieces. Akaza grunted and stood back, the rooms shifted leaving Akaza and Giyuu alone.

Kokushibo and Loop were going head to head, Kokushibo was just blocking while Loop was using breathing form after breathing form. Kokushibo then hit Loop away, he crashed into a wall and slowly got back up. Milk swung his kurasigama towards Kokushibo, he missed before pulling it back and slitting his throat. Marko entered the room as he was seperated from Beerus. He rushed Kokushibo at full speed, he swung his sword but it was immediately blocked. Marko was sent flying by moon breathing's first form. He crashed through a wall and onto a platform, the platform went up and he disappeared.

Marko jumped onto a different platform and entered another massive room where Doma was fighting three other slayers, he took a hand off of Skinny and slashed his chest again. Skinny fell back, Doma closed his fan and jabbed it into Skinny's chest.
[Doma] - Oh i missed the heart. -
Skinny grinned.
[Doma] - Kidding. -
The grin was wiped off of his face as Doma opened the fan, it pierced his heart. He pulled his fan out and slashed Oblit across the chest, he knocked him back onto a far bridge. Oblit tore his haori off and wrapped it around his wound.

As Beerus was seperated from Marko he ended up finding himself on a straight path, he ran down the path where he found Akaza fighting Giyuu. He rushed in angered, his mark appeared already, he slashed Akaza's right arm off as he spun around. Akaza regenerated and backhanded Beerus away, he rushed him and went to punch him, Beerus avoided the attack and went to hit Akaza's neck. He was stopped as Akaza hit him through a wall. Giyuu jumped in to attack, his sword was blocked by Akaza, he then grabbed Giyuu by the wrist before launching him far down the path.

Tonight will be a long night.
Giyuu and Beerus vs Akaza.
Milk, Loop and Perinity  vs Kokushibo.
Oblit, Kanao and Marko vs Doma.
Skinny dead. Shinobu dead.
Akira vs Upper moon five.
Tengen vs Blade.
Patata vs Kaque.
Muichiro, Gyomei, Sanemi, Genya, Orochi, Kira, Kaito, Totty, Anon, Mitsuri, Obanai, Goto, Gou, Mid, Jaydo, Ikei, Zak, Kaciz, Kamanue, Aizetsu, Sekido, Karaku, Urogi, Murata, Asai, Inosuke, Zenitsu and every other slayer alive are lost without a battle. Every fight is one step closer to defeating Muzan, the demons he has roaming around are stronger than ever and all the demon slayers will work together to beat them.

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