Chapter 40 - A gift from the gods

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1009 words.

Anon rushed the demon in the middle of the room, the demon looked at him, he noticed the number two in its eyes. Doma swung his fans at Anon as he approached, Anon jumped over them and instantly went for the head. Doma dodged the attack and jumped out of the way as Marko went to land a low blow, he looked up at Doma and quickly rushed, thinking of where he would land as he did. He was directly infront of Doma, he swung at him, as Doma landed he dodged the attack and slashed Marko's arm. Marko took a step back and allowed Anon to jump in, his sword clashed with Doma's fans. Doma dropped down and went to slash Anon's legs, he jumped up but this allowed Doma to slash him across his chest. Anon dropped behind Marko, he blocked an attack from Doma which was aimed at Anon. He jumped back and let Kanao dive in, Anon sighed in relief. Kanao and Marko were trying their best to keep up with Doma's attacks. Doma then sighed as someone burst through the roof, Marko looked at him before he was slashed across the face.
[Doma] - Oh i got you in your eye! -
[Marko] - Im already blind in that eye, fuckface. -

Doma jumped back, he looked at the three who stood beside each other.
[Doma] - It's not like im trying to hide the fact im upper moon two...!? -
[Inosuke] - Oi! Kanao, why are you so scratched up? Shinobu will be so mad when she finds out, hella mad! -
Marko went to say something, but he stopped as a he shed a tear.
[Inosuke] - She's dead, isnt she. Shinobu? -
[Doma] - Of course she's not de- -
[Marko] - Shut it. -
[Inosuke] - I'll gnaw you to shreds...! -

Inosuke rushed Doma, he was surprised by the speed he attacked. Doma jumped back, Inosuke then raised his sword to attack even though there was a big gap between them.
(Doma) - Is he raising his sword!? There's no way he can reach me from there, he must be insane... Yeah! He can't reach- -
Suddenly Doma's eyes were slashed, Inosuke had dislocated all the joints in his arm to extend his reach and slash Doma.
[Doma] - I see... You dislocated all the bones in your arm, wouldn't that be painful...? -
Marko rushed Doma, he slashed Doma's arm off, he regenerated and grabbed his fan, he pulled it up and blocked a strke from Marko. Doma jumped back.
[Doma] - Barren hanging garden. -
Marko rushed in, he dodged ten different strikes from Doma and slashed him round the waist. He then jumped back as Doma unleashed a few ice lotuses, he kept his distance and was beside Kanao.

[Doma] - Lotus vines. -
He released lotuses which shot out vines towards Marko, he blocked most of them but one wrapped around his leg, the spikes from the vines tore into his skin and slashed him around the foot.
[Doma] - Wintry Icicles. -
He then spawned icicles above Kanao and Marko, he pushed Kanao out of the way and tried blocked the icicles. A flail cleared them all from above him.

(Anon) - That flail. -
Anon looked over to see Oblit.
(Anon) - That... smile... -
Oblit was smiling widely, his eyes closed.
[Doma] - Oh he's still not dead... -
[Oblit] - Anon... when i die... don't ever forget about me... -
[Anon] - I- -
He began crying.
[Anon] - I wont- -
Doma sighed and ripped the mask off of Inosuke's head.
[Marko] - Hm? -
[Inosuke] - You ass. Give it back! -
[Doma] - Huh... I recognise that face... -
Doma was cut off as he was about to say something, Marko rushed in. He went to slash him, but the attack missed as he jumped up.
[Doma] - Cold white princesses. -
He released more lotuses but with an ice sculpture of one same woman on all of the lotuses, they blew ice towards Kanao and Marko, the ice froze the wood around them.

Inosuke rushed in, he held his blades high and was ready slash Doma to bits, Doma said something about his mother. Only Inosuke was paying attention to what he said as Kanao and Marko were trying to not freeze to death.

Beerus and Giyuu were still going head to head with Akaza, their attacks were ineffective as he kept regenerating. Beerus dived in, his slashed one of Akaza's arms off, it instantly regenerated and Akaza went to punch him in the face.
(Giyuu) - Fourth form: Striking tide! -
He slashed Akaza's arm off and moved it out of the way, the fist barely skimmed Beerus' face.

Akaza sent a barrage of punches at Giyuu, he blocked the attacks and held his sword tight.
[Akaza] - Ten thousand leaves flashing willow! -
[Beerus] - What a mouthf- -
Akaza punched the ground, both Giyuu and Beerus were sent flying. Beerus crashed through a wall and Giyuu stuck the landing. Akaza then rushed in and was about to land a blow.
[Patata] - Oiii! Beerus... wake up... -
[Beerus] - What...? Why so early.. -
[Patata] - If you were ever alongside Giyuu in a battle... lets say with an upper moon... would you let him die? -
[Beerus] - No.. That's a stupid question, as long as you're happy, so am i. Giyuu is his own person, and he is a reason you're happy... So why would i ev- -
[Patata] - Thanks Beerus. -
He smiled.
-End of Flashback-
Akaza pulled back his punch and moved out of the way as Beerus dashed in with thunderclap and flash. The lightning bolt mark formed on his forehead, Akaza hadn't noticed Beerus slashed his neck and cut his arm off. He regenerated and grinned.
(Akaza) - This kid... He is not weak, that's for sure. I'll make sure to remember him and his fighting style in upcoming battles... I can use it to my advantage. -

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