Chapter 31 - Upper moon one, the master of moon breathing.

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1061 words.

Mid jumped back and avoided the attack.
[Kokushibo] - Impressive. Though you are trying so hard while im barely putting my back into it. You're going to die. Are you even a hashira? The snake one is going to run into upper five if he isn't careful, he'll die. -
[Mid] - Don't mention my brother... -
Kokushibo stood there silently. Mid jumped towards him, their swords clashed. Mid pushed his sword upwards and swung it down in an instant, Kokushibo dodged the attack. He then swung his sword at Mid, he jumped over it but Kokushibo got into a stance.
[Kokushibo] - Moon breathing; Third form: -
(Mid) - Wind breathing; Third form: -
[Kokushibo] - Loathsome moon, chains. -
(Mid) - Clean storm wind tree! -

Their attacks clashed and Mid was sent flying, the room started changing and they were seperated. Mid hit the floor and grabbed his chest, he was breathing heavily and struggled to move from pure shock. A demon ran towards him, he jolted up to his feet and took its head off with one swing.

Muichiro and Gyomei were running around killing any demon they found, they bumped into Milk and Akira. They were instantly split up as the rooms started shifting. Milk and Akira ran along a long corridor, a demon was stood at the edge. They took a stance and waited for the demon to do something, it warped through a wall behind them.

[Akira] - Flame breathing; Second form: Rising scorching sun! -
Akira spun around and raised his sword upwards in a slash. The demon blocked it with an arm and then went in for a left hook, Akira dodged it and slashed the demon's arm off. Milk rotated his kurasigama, he then swung one at the demon's head, the demon moved out of the way but was immediately hit with a kurasigama to the gut. Milk used brute force to launch the demon down the corridor.

The demon warped beside Milk and went to kick him in the face, he pulled back his Kurasigama and rotated the chain round the demons leg. He pulled tight on the chain and the demons leg came off, the other sickle from the kurasigama wrapped around and slashed the demons eye. The demon grunted, it pulled its leg back and regenerated.

The demon's eye regenerated, Milk saw a kanji and jumped back, he realized they are outmatched. He looked at Akira who rushed in to attack, his slash was blocked by the demons arm, it then kicked Akira into Milk. The demon jumped up and was ready to jab his claws straight through them both, Milk pushed Akira out of the way and with the chains he stopped the attack. He kicked the demon into the air, the demon landed behind him, he got up and swung his kurasigama round his body and towards the demon.

It went through the back of the demons head, Milk heard Akira jumping to his feet. Milk pulled his kurasigama back and allowed Akira to go for the neck, his sword hit the neck of the demon, the demon pushed his sword back and went for Akira's head. Akira slashed the demons arm off, he looked up to see the kanji of "Upper moon five". He was then kicked into a wall, one of Milk's kurasigama sickles hit the demons neck, he couldnt slice through it.

The demon grabbed the chain and hit Milk through a wall, he landed on a moving platform and was separated from Akira. The demon sighed in relief and its claws grew in size, it swung them at Akira. He blocked the attack, the demon smiled.
[Akira] - I, Akira Uzui. Shall defeat you. -
[Enwon] - I, Enwon shall devour you. -
[Akira] - What a weird name. -
[Enwon] - Shut it. -

Akira jumped back to avoid another attack, the demon lunged towards him and slashed him down the chest. Akira hit the floor and rolled back, the demons claws slammed through the ground as the attack was avoided. He dragged his claws out and upwards to slash Akira's face. He slashed him beneath the eye, he closed it in pain and jumped back. The demon didnt let up and rushed him again, this time Akira inhaled.

[Akira] - Flame breathing; Fourth form: Blooming flame undulation! -
He slashed from the left, he took the demons right arm off and the sword connected with its neck. As they were flying through the corridor, Akira released a couple anti-demon bombs, it chipped away at the demons neck.

While Gyomei and Muichiro were looking for a way round to get to Milk, a long corridor came across and hit Muichiro, someone was hanging on to the top of it.
[Gyomei] - Muichiro! -
[Muichiro] - Don't worry about me! I'll be fine! -

And at the same time Tengen had grabbed Perinity and ran with Loop. The rooms shifted so upper three and six had been seperated. While Tanjiro and Giyuu were running along a path looking out for enemies a crow flew past.

Tanjiro and Giyuu's morale was instantly lowered even more. But they had no time to rest as some rumbling could be heard from above, Akaza then burst through the floor above. He landed and instantly swung at Tanjiro, he blocked the attack but was still flung back.

Constant battles everywhere, each and every one of these slayers would have to fight sooner or later. Milk was now in a big room, he saw a man at the end of it, he couldnt see him clearly because there were pillars everywhere. He approached slowly before he realised it was a demon, the demon unsheathed his sword. Milk swung his kurasigama but it was blocked, he pulled it back and was quick to react as the demon unleashed an attack.

[Milk] - Sand breathing; Fourth form: Furious sandstorm! -
His kurasigama crashed into the floor, the demon slashed through the debris and was face to face with Milk, the demon swung at him so he blocked the attack with a sickle from his kurasigama. The demon overpowered him and lauched the sickle into the air, he released the chain and rotated the other behind him before swinging it at the demon. The attack was blocked and the demon sliced a pillar behind them, it collapsed and Milk barely dodged it.

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