Chapter 50 - Defeat.

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The battle raged on, Gyomei repeatedly swung his flail and axe. Kokushibo avoided each attack and countered with an even stronger attack each time. The four struggled to keep up with his attacks, though Genya provided a ton of help by constantly shooting at Kokushibo. Perinity got in close and slashed upwards, he avoided the attack and kicked him aside. Loop then rushed in right after, unleashing a barrage of slashes. Kokushibo blocked each attack and swung a powerful slice, knocking Loop through a pillar. He looked forth at Gyomei and pulled his sword back.
(Kokushibo) - Moon Breathing; Eighth Form: Moon-Dragon Ringtail! -
He slashed forth, a massive slash attack shot at Gyomei, slowly decreasing in size but more miny moon slashes popping up. Gyomei struggled to avoid the attack and got sliced up, Loop rushed in instantly after the attack. He got knocked back by a single kick, Gyomei started to see a perfect image of a see through Kokushibo, he was shocked. He didn't know how to react but kept blocking and avoiding attacks.
(Gyomei) - Stone Breathing; Fourth Form: Volcanic Rock, Rapid Conquest. -
He swung both the axe and flail at Kokushibo, he avoided the attack and jumped back.

Loop rushed in, slashing Kokushibo across the chest.
[Loop] - I will- defeat you...! -
[Loop] - Like this..? -
[Kokushibo] - Tch- No, you're doing it incorrectly, put more force into the swing or you'll never get it right. -
[Loop] - Urgh- Why do you always treat me like a piece of shit! -
[Kokushibo] - I dont! Im just trying to teach you...! Why do always get pissed off at mere scolding. -
[Loop] - Maybe because you take it to the extreme and beat me if i cant do the same thing over and over again 24/7 with no breaks! -
[Kokushibo] - Its so you can learn...! I know your abilities could far surpass mine as you learn to be stronger. -
[Loop] - Father, im here to challenge you. -
[Kokushibo] - Your training is far from over, you're no way near the level of beating me. -
Loop rushed in the second he stopped talking, he blocked the attack, with Loop's basic see through world he struggled to see what Kokushibo did. He blocked the attack by unsheathing his sword and sheating it but it all happened in an instant. He pulled his sword back and swung at Kokushibo, suddenly his sword was at Loop's neck.
[Kokushibo] - You left yourself wide open. -
Loop continuously challenged Kokushibo to a battle, always failing, though with each attempt he grew stronger and stronger. Even learning how to use tendrils to help him use multiple attacks at once. Kokushibo noted what he was learning and used that to his advantage each fight, he was proud.. even if Loop was never his real son, to him it felt like it. He knew Loop would someday surpass him, so he never held back in his fights, bringing out Loop's full potential.
-Flashback End-
[Loop] - My friends... And I...! WILL DEFEAT YOU AND MUZAN, ONCE AND FOR ALL!! -
[Kokushibo] - Dont tell lies boy! You're dead to me...! You were never a son to me! -
Loop slashed Kokushibo across the chest, he retaliated by slashing Loop's right arm off. The top part of his uniform tore off.
(Loop) - Moon Breathing; Ninth Form: Waning Moonswaths! -
(Kokushibo) - Tenth Form: Drilling Slashes, Moon Through Bamboo Leaves!! -
Loop unleashed a wide attack, as he did Kokushibo released an attack which shot straight through Loop's. It cut both his arms off and Loop's attack slashed Kokushibo in multiple places. Gyomei and Sanemi rushed in, a mark slowly formed on Sanemi's cheek. The two attacked Kokushibo at high speeds, he blocked the attacks and slowly built up speed with each slice.

(Kokushibo) - I wont lose...! Moon Breathing; Fourteenth Form: Catastrophe, Tenman Crescent Moon!! -
Kokushibo unleashed a powerful attack, both Perinity and Loop protected Gyomei and Sanemi from the powerful attack. Milk and Genya were just out of range, Genya sighed in relief and aimed carefully at Kokushibo.
Gyomei swung his flail at Kokushibo, he dodged the attack and slashed Gyomei across the chest. Genya aimed carefully and shot at Kokushibo, he deflected them, or so he thought. The bullets swerved round his blade and hit Kokushibo, a tree suddenly shot out of the bullets, stopping Kokushibo from moving. He looked up at Gyomei who swung his flail downwards, he broke free from the tree. Blades shot out from his body, he swung at Gyomei, he blocked the attack but it sent him flying.

Kokushibo rushed towards Loop, he swung at him but Sanemi jumped in and slashed at Kokushibo, he swung back at Sanemi. He blocked the attack but had to deal with a whole barrage of slices, he managed to keep up with the attacks. He looked back at Loop who came in from behind to help. Loop was knocked back by a single slice from Kokushibo, Sanemi then impaled Kokushibo and knocked him into a pillar. Loop rushed back in, this time he had a tight grip on his hilt, the blade slowly turning a crimson red. He stabbed Kokushibo in the gut, the red blade stopped him from moving. Another tree sprouted from Kokushibo's back, he tried cutting it off but Perinity's sword hit his neck. From behind Sanemi rushed in and slashed at his neck, Gyomei's flail hit his neck aswell, his axe too. Kokushibo struggled to get out of this situation. Loop inhaled, tendrils shot out.
[Loop] - Solar Breathing.. Infinite Breath... -
The tendrils constantly attacked Kokushibo with all the solar breathing forms, constantly repeating. Sanemi, Gyomei and Perinity pulled back as Loop slowly chipped away at his neck, he made a cut in it. Kokushibo managed to slash Loop's head off, his sword pressed against Kokushibo's neck. Sanemi, Gyomei and Perinity rushed back in, all attacking his neck. With the combined force and their weapons clashing, turning them crimson red, they took Kokushibo's head off. Tears dripped from Loop's eyes.

They suddenly pulled back their attacks as Kokushibo's head came off, he started to push Loop away.
(Sanemi) - Wind Breathing; Ninth Form: Itaden Typhoon. -
(Loop) - Solar Breathing: First Form: Melting Mercury! -
(Perinity) - Moon Breathing; Sixteenth Form: Moonbow, Half Moon! -
(Loop) - That stance- The sixteenth form!? Im proud...! -
(Gyomei) - Stone Breathing: Fifth Form: Arcs of Justice! -
They all attacked at once as Kokushibo seemed to start regenerating. He somehow avoided their attacks, they looked back to see him standing there. Tendrils came from his back, he had massive fangs, each of his eyes looking in different directions, horns. They all rushed at him, from the reflection of Sanemi's sword, Kokushibo saw himself in this hideous form. His body started crumbling at the waist, where Loop had stabbed him, his head suddenly cane off as Perinity and Loop rushed in. They hadn't noticed Genya had been sliced up before, and he ate more Kokushibo flesh to regenerate meaning...

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