Chapter 30 - Frozen Lotuses

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1052 words.

Loop climbed the floors and reached where Tengen was fighting Akaza, he got flashbacks of the mugen train, his grip loosened. He then rushed in to attack as he got ahold of himself, as Akaza and Tengen were going head to head he managed to land a hit on Akaza's neck. He twisted around and hit Loop aside. Perinity jumped up and rushed in, he was stopped in his path as the floor infront of him was slashed.

Perinity inhaled.
[Perinity] - Moon breathing; Sixth form: Perpetual night, lonely moon - Incessant. -
[Blade] - Thats a mouthful, though i doubt you could beat me. Upper moon si- -
The demons arms were slashed off aswell as it's left leg. The demon jumped back and got into a defensive position when it healed. Perinity rushed in, he made a right swing from low but it was blocked, the demon slashed down the sword and sliced the handguard.

Perinity pulled his sword back, he then swung for the head. Two blades shot out of the demons chest, Perinity avoided the left one by moving left, but the other blade slashed across his chest. Blood came from his mouth, he went to touch the wound but was hit in the side by a shockwave. There was an audible crack as his ribs shattered, he dropped to the floor in agony. Upper six nodded at upper three and rushed Loop. Akaza swung a left hook at Tengen, he released an anti-demon bomb to blow Akaza's arm off. He regenerated in an instant and twisted his top half for a right hook, Tengen jumped back to avoid it, he noticed a door slide open where demons flooded out and rushed towards Perinity.

Meanwhile Gou and Shinobu were fighting Doma. It was freezing and hard to breathe, Doma was blocking all the attacks while looking out for openings. Gou stopped attacking and dropped behind Shinobu, she was out of breath so Gou hopped over her and hit a strong vertical slash to the head. Doma dropped through the floor and into the water, Gou landed ahead. The water around them froze and they lost sight of Doma. Out of nowhere he burst through the bridge Gou was on and his fan ready to go straight through his chin. Gou dodged it and slashed his arm off, Doma then kicked him aside, he looked back at Shinobu and smiled.

[Shinobu] - Insect breathing; Butterfly dance: Caprice. -
She jumped up and struck Doma in many positions as she injected poison, she then dropped down below him and shot upwards hitting his neck and injecting a ton of poison. Gou then went for the head, Doma attacked and they were forced to jump back, Doma then went for Gou. A single fan was enough to blast Gou upwards and through a wall, he fell on a path and was passed out.

Demons rushed towards Gou on that path but they were sliced up by someone, a biwa note was played and a room glided along that path hitting them both off. A few slayers were dispatched inside, the new head of the corps was "Ubuyashiki Kiriya". He was spreading "eyes" through crows and they even had a pair to see what was happening on the inside. Shinobu ran into upper two, Loop, Tengen and Perinity ran into upper six and three.

The slayers dispatched ran into a slayer who stood ominously with his nichirin sword sheathed.
[Slayer 1] - Hey! Slayer! We need to continue along this path! Where you with any slayers? If so where ar- -
The slayers head fell on the floor as that slayer was now stood infront of them, his skin was pale gray, his sword covered in eyes and he himself had six eyes. The slayers froze, five of them were slashed to bits as one jumped back.
[Seki] - It seems the hashira training was useless. Im worn out from all the training and now im face to face with- up-upper- upper... one-!!! -

Seki unsheathed his sword and managed to block an attack, that single attack sent him flying, he maneuvered himself to land on a platform. It felt like his arms were shattered, they most likely were. He jumped down and rushed the demon, he swung his sword but the attack was blocked.

[Kokushibo] - Moon breathing; First form: Dark moon, evening palace.
Upper two was currently fighting Shinobu, the insect hashira.
[Doma] - Tch- oh you're quick! How fun! Though, may i ask, what do you think of my ice lotuses. -
[Shinobu] - Go to- hell!! -
Doma blocked an attack with his fan, he looked back to Shinobu getting ready to attack again, even though he just slashed her across her chest.
[Doma] - Oh you're strong, but what did i do to make you so mad? -
[Shinobu] - Remember- this haori? -
[Doma] - Oh the flower girl, i was really looking forward to- -
Suddenly Shinobu stabbed him in the neck and she launched them to the roof, Doma wrapped his arms around her and the sword came out, she dropped it and did a hand sign as the door opened. Kanao saw and noticed the hand sign, she jumped up and went to slash Doma.
[Doma] - Woah! It's dangerous to attack me while im absorbing someone. -
He absorbed Shinobu and smiled.
[Doma] - I guess you got her signal, what was that hand sign anyway? Did she tell you my powers or something? -
Kanao stayed silent.

Mid was running around aimlessly before he looked round a corner to see Seki Ariharu, a friend from hashira training impaled by a sword.
[Mid] - SEKI!!! -
[Kokushibo] - Another nuisance... atleast be a hashira this time... -
Mid saw the kanji in the demons eye, he began sweating. His hands were shaking as he touched the hilt of his sword.
[Kokushibo] - Hmmm... So you are a hashira...? -
[Mid] - I'll- k-kill- yo-you... Loop- B-Beerus- Mar-Marko- and- Patat-a we will- k-kill you- -
(Kokushibo) - Loop...? Has he refused my offer already...? -
[Kokushibo] - I doubt any of them will come to your rescue... -

Mid rushed him, he swung his sword but Kokushibo moved out of the way.
(Mid) - Wind breathing; Eighth- form: Primary gale slash. -
Mid jumped upwards and swung a rotating attack, Kokushibo blocked it and as Mid landed behind him went for a swing.

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