Chapter 13 - The first time in 100 years.

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1026 words.

Tengen and Gyutaro clashed, they moved at such high speeds no one could catch up. Gyutaro moved around Tengen and tried striking from behind, but he rotated one of his swords rapidly blocking all the attacks. He spun around swung the chain towards Gyutaro, the massive sword had flung Gyutaro aside before he pulled the sword back and rushed in.

Through many clashes between the swords and sickles, Beerus was able to catch up. He dived in, Gyutaro blocked his sword and used him as a meat shield. The chain curved round Beerus' waist and slashed Gyutaro in the face. Trngen stopped the blade from hitting him and Beerus before be released the chain dropping Beerus infront of Gyutaro. He went to slam his sickles down into Beerus, but that was countered as Tengen rushed him shoving his sword straight through his gut.

Marko ran in from behind and went to slash Gyutaro's head off, this allowed Beerus to slash at his head from behind. Perinity noticed this and fully went reckless as he rushed in to attack Daki, an obi sash took his arm off but he kept charging. It was slowly regenerating, though it was nothing compared to Daki. Kamanue blasted through the ground, he fired more snakes at Daki. She focused her sashes on him allowing Perinity to slip through, he slashed away at her neck. Patata jumped in and rushed her, a sash flew through all the chaos slashed his arm, he grunted but kept going.

Beerus was pushing with all his might, Loop came in and snapped his fingers. Gyutaro's neck sparked, but nothing happened. Gyutaro swung his sickle at Marko, the sickle went through his right arm which he blocked it with. Beerus kept pushing as hard as he could while Tengen's blades brushed against Beerus' gut. He was nervous but it didn't matter because he had to take his head off.

Loop was running beside them before jumping in and cutting Gyutaro's arms off. The sickle in Marko's arm fell out, he caught and he shoved it straight through Gyutaro's only open eye. He released a blood sickle explosion, they were all pushed back, except Marko. His arms were covered in slashes and blood was coming from everywhere.

Patata and Perinity moved through the sashes before reaching her head, Inosuke dived in ready to slash her head off. Zenitsu dropped in to help them aswell, while Tanjiro rushed towards Gyutaro. Beerus ran towards Gyutaro aswell, they started slashing at all parts of his body to weaken him. Marko was pushing as hard as he could, Tengen ran in and tossed some of the bombs into Gyutaro's mouth.

Marko passed out but he still had a firm grip on his sword, Beerus wasn't sure if he was dead or alive but he protected his body. Beerus slashed at Gyutaro's neck, his sword suddenly got stuck in his neck. Beerus yelled at the top of his lungs, blood spraying everywhere. He pushed Gyutaro through a wall losing everyone except Marko, who had woken up. Marko ran towards them, he didn't know where his sword was but he jumped on Beerus and began pushing his sword. With the combined strength the blade started going through.

Inosuke's swords were close to slashing through Daki's neck while Patata was trying to slice in the opposite direction, Perinity was falling behind. Zenitsu used thunderclap and flash godspeed to help slash her head off, they were doing it.

In an instant her head flew off aswell as Daki's. The heads fell to the floor aswell as their bodies, Marko had gotten slashed across the face by Gyutaro. Marko was holding his wound while huffing and puffing, Beerus coughed up blood and passed out beside Marko. Out of nowhere Tengen grabbed them both and ran, there was an explosion levelling the whole city.

Beerus, Marko and Inosuke had all passed out. Tengen had been poisoned, he sat against the rubble from a building. He closed his eyes before he heard whining, he looked to see what it was. It was his three wives, they started hugging him and crying. Patata managed to stop Beerus' and Marko's wounds from bleeding anymore, he then sat down beside them.

Loop helped Tanjiro up to his feet, they wondered off to find Daki and Gyutaro in their final moments. Tanjiro could smell blood around him, but it was demon blood. He was worried what could've happened to Nezuko in all of this, but he saw her in the distance and she was fine.

He sighed in relief before noticing two voices yelling at each other. Loop ran off in that direction and he saw the two demons arguing with eachother. Their heads had happened to land next to each other, they were arguing and calling each other names.

[Gyutaro] - It's your fault we lost! -
[Daki] - Why didn't you protect me!!! -
[Gyutaro] - Urgh- you're so useless! The ones who beat you weren't even hashira! -
[Daki] - I tried my hardest! But they ganged up on me! -
[Gyutaro] - They ganged up on me too! You're the reason we lost! Useless little sh- -
Tanjiro covered his mouth.
Her head crumbled to dust as tears flowed from her eyes.
[Gyutaro] - UME! -
[Loop] - Two faces of a coin, this could've been you. Tanjiro... -
[Tanjiro] - Yeah, it could've... -
(Gyutaro) - Ume... that's her name... I can't believe i forgot it... My prize and joy... -

Gyutaro's head crumbled to dust soon after. Tanjiro mourned their death while Loop walked off to find the others, he found Tengen, Beerus and Marko who had all been poisoned, it was flowing through their veins and Marko was on the brink of death. Nezuko approached and burnt Marko, Loop grabbed her by the arm.

[Loop] - Calm down! He's still breathing! We didn't get to hear his final wor- oh. He's healed. -
[Nezuko] - Hmph, hm, hmph hmph hm! (Yes, i cured him, but i need to do the others so move out of my way! -
[Loop] - I have no idea what you're saying but i'll leave you to it. -

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