Chapter 41 - Battles of life and death.

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1013 words.

Akaza and Beerus were going head to head as Giyuu was behind. Beerus swung his sword at Akaza, he blocked the slash and grabbed the sword. He swung a punch, Beerus launched himself into the air, he avoided the swing. As his feet touched the ground he jumped back and pulled on his sword. Akaza loosened his grip and forced Beerus back. As he fell back Giyuu rushed in to block an attack, he forced Akaza back and slashed his arm off. Beerus took a step forth, as he did Akaza hopped past Giyuu and as he was landing he swung at Beerus.

He blocked the attack but was knocked over, he jumped back and dodged another attack. Akaza rushed him, as he stood up he held his sword up. Another attack was blocked and his sword was chipped.

Kaque ran around looking for slayers, his arm was suddenly slashed off. He saw Kaciz and Zak. He avoided another slice and swung his flail at Zak, he blocked the attack and was launched away. They landed on a platform and dashed ahead, their weapons constantly clashing. Kaque went through a door and fell down a hole onto a platform. More platforms shifted and seperated the two.

Kaque wondered around, he saw a wounded Patata laying on the ground. He didn't want to leave any slayer alive so he rushed at him, he swung his flail. The attack was blocked by Mid, he lunged at Kaque as he deflected the flail. Kaque pulled the flail back to hit Mid, he blocked it but was slammed through a wall, Kaque hopped down onto the low platform with his flail by his side. He rotated his flail before slamming it down on Patata, he was gone though. He sighed and looked up to see Mid with a few slashes across his chest from the flail with Patata in hand.

(Mid) - Wind breathing; Fifth Form: Cold Mountain Wind. -
He jumped down and rotated his sword above him, unleashing several rotating slashed each slash increasing in size. He slashed Kaque's arms off. As they regenerated Mid's sword clashed with his neck, Kaque pulled the flail back and twisted round to hit Mid. He jumped back and avoided the attack, as he did Kaque rushed in with his flail raised. He slammed his flail down, it tore a ton of flesh off of Mid's leg. He grunted and hopped back, the flail was pulled back, it was swung at Mid. He blocked the attack and rushed in, he slashed Kaque's arms off. Mid's sword connected with Kaque's neck, he pushed on the sword but he was blasted back.

Upper five was dueling with Obanai as Jaydo and Mitsuri were behind in support. The demon went to punch Obanai, his sword was about to clash with the demons neck and he was unable to block. He was pushed out of the way by Akira who had woken up, a flame mark had been formed on his chin.

Akira slashed the demon's arms off, he then slashed upwards and went for the head. His sword was blocked and the demon grabbed his sword and twisted his bottom half to kick Akira in the waist. He was sent flying as the kick connected, he hit a wall and stood back up. As he did the demon lunged at him, he blocked a punch but the demon spun around his sword and kicked him in the shoulder, it cracked. He stood up, Mitsuri jumped infront of him and slashed the demon's arms off. The demon regenerated and unleashed a barrage of punches, she blocked each punch.

The demon jumped back and avoided a swing Jaydo, he lunged in and his sword wrapped around the demons neck, it then flicked his sword. It unleashed an explosion and chipped a piece of his sword, the explosion sent him flying into Mitsuri's arms. She caught him and Akira dashed past, Obanai followed in. Their combined attack speed got past the demon's defence. They slashed its arms and legs off before both going for the head. The demon bit it's tounge off and it blew up, they were blasted back. The demon smiled widely.

While they were fighting, Beerus and Giyuu were lost as they managed to escape from Akaza. Or so they thought. He burst through the ground and went to kick Giyuu round the head, Beerus blocked it and was blasted back.

Back with upper five, they were getting past his defence, he was overwhelmed and struggled to block attacks. He tried jumping back and getting away but the constant attacks from all around kept him in one spot. Obanai slipped through his retaliation and hit the neck, he pushed as hard as he could and the neck slowly sliced off, Akira and Jaydo hit the neck aswell. Mitsuri's sword slipped in and hit the neck.

All four swords took the head off and slashed it to pieces.
(Enwon) - What did i do in life to deserve this... - He cried.
Enwon lead a rather normal life, up until he turned eighteen. As a child his parents didn't teach him about sex nor about violence and murder. So as he became an adult he wanted to learn and experience new things, as sex was new to him he didn't really think about consent and was arrested for that. This is where violence comes into the story, he was angry as he was thrown into a cell. Moreless instantly he broke out, when he did he slashed the police officers with a pocket knife he found hidden in the cell. As he got free he ran around Japan, slashing people until he tried murdering the wrong person. Muzan was annoyed at him, but forced him to become a demon, around the same time he turned Nezuko into a demon. Enwon was blinded by his newfound hunger for flesh and even killed demons to eat them. Though he mainly ate Samurai that wondered around.
-flashback end-

Enwon soon disappeared as the slayers left the area.

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