Chapter 28 - Vengeance and Destruction

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1034 words.

All the others were sweeping through lots of demons, Patata suddenly jumped onto a platform and it moved aside seperating him from Giyu and Tanjiro. He fell into a room where there were random demons running about, he hopped onto a higher platform and watched as others jumped on after him. He killed them and looked about, the platform crumbled as something shot through. He looked up to see a demon hanging from the roof.

Patata jumped back onto another platform and the demon dropped down, it shot a spike at Patata, he took a step to the right and avoided it. The demon had kanji on it's eyes. "Upper Moon Four".
[Patata] - Upper four!? -
[Kaque] - The name is Kaque. I'll be today's chef. Your starting meal will be your hands. -
[Patata] - Tch- Go to hell you sick fuck. -
[Kaque] - Nevermind, your legs... -
The demon rushed Patata, he swung his right fist at him. Patata moved back to avoid it but he was hit back by a spin kick. Patata fell onto a lower platform, he looked up to see the demon firing another spike at him middair. The spike hit the ground beside him and put him off balance.

Patata rushed the demon as it landed, his sword clashed with another spike that popped out of its arm, their weapons clashed multiple times before Patata swung down and slashed his arm off. The demon yelped in pain, but sighed as it regenerated in an instant. The demon then swung its spike upwards, it slashed Patata across the cheek. He grunted and rotated his upper half and slice the demon's head off. It blocked the attack, slightly slowing down Patata as his sword was flung backwards. Patata reacted quickly and hopped backwards, he soon realised the situation he put himself in. He was backed up against the edge of a platform that leads to what looks like an infinite pit as the demon is infront of him.

The demon reacted quickly and lunged towards him, he grabbed Patata by the shoulder and dived off the platform. Patata's sword impaled the demon but it didn't bother him, Patata noticed he wanted to crash them into a lower floor. Patata twisted Kaque around so he was facing downwards, they then hit the floor. Patata flew into the air as they made contact, he broke his wrist doing that. He hit a wall and opened his eyes to see his sword infront of him, blood slowly spilled from his mouth aswell. This whole place was wooden so it was really easy to smash through a wall, that being said the wall behind Patata collapsed ontop of him. He could head the sound of wood being launched into the air about twenty feet away from him.

Patata lifted a bit of wood to see the demon's haori torn off. The demon then shot out a spike to the floor but it seemed to be connected by something, the demon spun around and launched the spike towards Patata. He jumped up out of the way with his sword and watched as the spike which was connected to some chain destroyed the floor where he was. It caused Patata to fall to the floor below, he landed on his feet and ran around the wide area. The demon dropped through shortly after and chased after him.

Meanwhile Shinobu was wandering around, she opened a door to see a man sitting around corpses of women. He looked over, his eyes were multicoloured with the kanji "Upper Moon Two" written on them.
[Doma] - Ohh~ A pretty lady! -
Shinobu got memories of the death of her sister, who died to upper moon two. A lady who was still alive reached out for Shinobu, when Doma went to kill her she disappeared. Beside Doma was Shinobu who had just saved the lady.

[Shinobu] - Are you alright? -
[Lady] - Ah- I- -
She suddenly died and blood splattered everywhere. Doma sighed, suddenly Shinobu jabbed him in the eye.
[Doma] - Impressive. You were so fast i couldn't block with my hand. -
He unleashed an attack where ice lotuses spawned.
[Doma] - Wow! You're really fast. Too bad though, you can't kill demons with just stabbing. Its the neck. You really gotta go for the neck. -
[Shinobu] - Well i may not be able to cut your head off, but what about poison? -
[Doma] - Huh? -
The poison spread rapidly and he dropped to the floor, he screamed in pain. He then coughed up blood before slowly getting up, as he was on his knees he smiled.
Shinobu was shocked.
[Doma] - Well i know you tried hard. Ooh man this is so much fun~ getting hit with poison- Hm? Who disrupts our conversation now? -

The doors to the room flung open, he looked at the end of the room to see a male.
[Doma] - Who is this? -
[Gou] - So, are you upper moon two? -
[Doma] - Ohhhh~ I remember you! I killed your mother, no? She was a burden, though i wanted to kill you... but... she hid you somewhere! That's twice babies have gone missing from one of my followers. How were you raised? -
[Gou] - I was raised a shitty life with no parents and lived with nine other orphans, one who protected us all was falsely accused of murder because of one of the orphans. I hope he fucking rots in hell beside you! You bloody haired sideshow icy emotionless bitchy freak! -
[Doma] - Woah~ That's a lot of words for a kid like you! Did the orphans live? -
[Gou] - Seven of them died to a demon! And i hope you die to me!! You fuckin ghost lookin demon! -
[Doma] Hehhh- It's best to calm down! That's a lot of hatred for a kid like you! I often kill every human i come across but my buddies Akaza and Kokushibo have turned people into demons, so what about you? I don't want to kill such a handsome young man! -
[Gou] - I'll take you up on that offer. -
[Doma] - Oh yay~!! -
[Gou] - Just burn in hell first. -
[Doma] - Oh you make me sad... What if i forced you? -

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