Chapter 2 - Mt Sagiri.

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968 words.

After 13 days the swords arrived, two swordsmith arrived, they were named Nakajima Katsunao and Yoshii Sadamoto. Beerus' blade was yellow, his scabbard was also a bright yellow with grey markings, his hilt was black with yellow string wrapped around it, his handguard also being built like lightning bolt. But Loop's was purple, his scabbard was black and the same with his hilt, his handguard was round with a dragon marking.

The swordsmiths were all focused on Loop, they had never seen a purple sword. Beerus bought the uniforms from a dealer who lives on the outskirts of the village, Beerus got home and they all put their uniforms on, Beerus looked at the rank on his hand, he was a Mizunoto.

[Beerus] - Hey Loop, what is your breathing style? -
[Loop] - Moon.

Loop and Beerus received a mission on Mt. Sagiri where multiple demons were sighted. Beerus noticed a man with a red mask, he ignored it and looked for the nearby demon. Beerus found two demons.

[Demon 1] - Ahh a human!
[Demon 2] - Huh- HES MINE!
[Demon 1] - Ill eat him first... -

The first demon lunged at Beerus, he inhaled...
[Beerus] - Thunder breathing, second form: Rice Spirit. -
... he unsheathed his sword and sliced the demon to bits, Beerus now had 3 kills. The second demon was frightened and took a step back, Beerus gripped his hilt with two hands and rushed the demon, the demon swung at him but the attack was blocked. Beerus jumped over the demon, his sword was held tightly as he swung a powerful right slice. The demon moved out of the way and grinned, its head fell off as Loop landed infront of it.

Loop had 4 demon kills while Beerus only had 3. Another demon hopped in to battle, Beerus went to slice its arm off to block the oncoming attack but its arms were hardened. Beerus was punched aside, Loop got into a defensive stance and let the demon rush him, he moved to the left dodging the oncoming right hook. He then went to slice its head off, the neck was hard too. The demon back up which knocked Loop back, the demon spun around and went to hit Loop with another right hook. Loop blocked it with his sword and managed to get under the demon.

He swung between the elbow and successfully sliced the demons right arm off from the elbow. The wound was slowly healing, Beerus took this opportunity to rush in from behind to take its head off. The hardened neck was penetrated but Beerus dropped back avoiding a swing from the demon. Its right side was left exposed for Loop to attack, he stood his ground. The right arm grew back and would've been where Loop was if he rushed to attack, then the demon looked back at Loop as Beerus jumped back.

[Beerus] - Thunder breathing, first form: Thunder clap and Flash. -

Beerus lunged at the demon, it moved. Beerus took the majority of its head off, that piece of its head rolled on the floor. He could still see his functional body, Loop took the remainder of the head off. Loop became a Mizunoe while Beerus was still only a Mizunoto. Later that same week Beerus became Mizunoe. They were walking around Mt. Sagiri making sure those groups of demons weren't the only ones around.

It was nearing the end of the week and they were killing all the demons they could find, but nothing was found. Loop wanted to send a letter to the Ubuyashiki estate to end this mission early since they had already swept the mountain.


Beerus gasped and rushed to the other side of the mountain, Loop was grabbing his stuff and followed. Beerus was lost in the thought of the breath of sun and moon, the primordial breath, can someone even learn that? moon breathing, does such thing exist. Beerus arrived at the other side of the mountain, he was rushed by two demons.

[Demon 1] - HE'S MINE! -
[Demon 2] - Back off! I laid eyes on him first. -

The demons attacked Beerus, the first attack being a right hook. He took a step back avoiding it before slicing the demons arm off, it jumped back. Its left arm smacked into the second demon, which allowed Beerus to take its head clean off. The second demon rushed Beerus, it was determined to win...
[Beerus] - I might aswell use what ive learnt from Loop's training. -
...Beerus hopped above and sliced the demons head off before landing behind it.

[Loop] - Benifient Radiance... how do you know that? -
[Beerus] - What- i just- jum-jumped and took its head off... -

Loop sighed and sheathed his sword, another demon jumped off the tree. It sent Loop flying, he hit a tree and dropped to the floor...

[Beerus] - What the- -

Beerus unsheathed his sword and rushed the demon, he swung his sword but it missed. The demon punched him in the gut. Beerus dropped beside a rock and lost grip of his sword, the demon ran towards him. Beerus rushed to grab his sword, a shock was caused and Beerus was blasted into the air.

The demon ran towards Beerus ready to kill him, then Beerus rushed the demon. It took the demon by surprise, Beerus noticed a number in its eye. Black and blue flames ignited, it teleported behind Beerus ready to end him. Beerus spun around and sliced the demons hand off, he then stabbed it in the chest.

The demon fell over, it jumped back and sent six snakes at Beerus...
(Beerus) - Six snakes and the number six in its eyes, ironic... -
...He dodged the snakes before getting into a stance.

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