Chapter 17 - Five angels, one god.

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1013 words.

Aizetsu rushed Beerus, their weapons clashed. The spear grew and he went to slash Beerus down the face, he avoided it and took Aizetsu's head off. The spear spun around and slashed Beerus in the back of the neck, he grunted and slashed the demon's arm off. He then kicked the spear straight through the demon, pinning it to the wall.

[Beerus] - Too bad... you looked the coolest... -
He grabbed his arm in pain, he looked back to see no one was in the room. He quickly dashed outside, Loop was battling with Sekido while Patata stayed as backup, and Nezuko was fighting Karaku. Patata got behind Sekido but was shocked with lightning, he dropped to his knees. Out of nowhere Beerus lunged in to take Sekido's head off, he reacted quickly and blocked the attack but a spear hit Sekido in the face.

[Sekido] - Tch- Aizestu! You moron! Quit pissing me off! -
[Aizetsu] - Like i care... I was aiming at the weakling... -
[Beerus] - The fuck did you say? -
Beerus glared at Aizetsu with a smile on his face, the same mark from the last battle grew on his neck.
[Aizetsu] - You're still weak, what do you think you can do? -
[Urogi] - A mark huh... Fascinating... Be my opponent~ -
[Tanjiro] - Over here! Bastard! I got a mark too! -
[Urogi] - Quite down little boy~ -

Beerus lunged at Aizetsu, he went to jab his spear, he missed multiple strikes before his face was slashed in half. It quickly regenerated and he looked back to see Beerus' hand moving towards his face with a few rocks. He stuffed the rocks in his eyes then slashed his back, Aizetsu grunted and he swung his spear behind him. The attack missed and his arm was sliced off, then his other arm. He regenerated them in an instant and pinned Beerus to the wall choking him, the rocks came out and his eyes regenerated. He shoved the back end of the spear into Beerus's gut and slowly started impaling him against the wall.

Beerus slashed his arms off, he slid down the spear to whisper in his ear.
[Beerus] - Lets die together bitch. -
He quickly opened Aizetsu's mouth and stuffed some of the anti-demon bombs Tengen gave him that he coated in wisteria poison inside. Beerus pushed them down forcing Aizetsu to swallow, there was a giant explosion, Loop looked up. He jumped into the room which was ignited in flames, there was a silhouette in the flames. Beerus walked out, his slayer uniform was torn by the chest and above but still connected to the right sleeve.

Beerus fell into Loop's arms, he had been burnt down the left arm, blood was gushing out his gut and he was bleeding from the mouth. Loop held him tight, he blinked and Beerus looked different, he looked quite older and was slashed in half by the gut, the room changed, he looked up and saw the man from that fateful day. Blood was all over Loop's original haori, he noticed the man was different, he looked up at him with a grin. The grin slowly turned to a slight smile. He blinked again and saw Beerus smiling, tears flowed from Loop's eyes.

[Loop] - Beerus.. Beerus is. BEERUS IS DEAD!! -
Patata went silent, a mark slowly formed on his cheeck but it quickly vanished as tears flew down his eyes. Someone was watching from the trees, he covered his mouth as tears flowed down from his eyes. Tanjiro started crying, Nezuko aswell. Loop rested his body and rushed outside, the mark he has expanded. He dropped beside Sekido, he was electrocuted but with pure fighting will he slashed his head off. Sekido was surprised, he then grabbed the head.

Urogi went to slash Tanjiro but he blocked it, he then sent a shockwave. Tanjiro had no time to dodge and he was temporarily paralyzed, Urogi then slashed him across the back. A horn grew on Loop's forehead.
[Loop] - Sun breathing, solar heat haze. -
He rushed Urogi, his wings flapped as Loop swung his sword. Loop slid behind Urogi, the demon sighed as the attack didn't hit, he landed on the floor. He was taken by surprise as his wings and head were sliced off.

Karaku when to hit Patata away, his sword was suddenly stuck up Karaku's arm. Patata glared at with his fan in hand, he then blew Karaku away into the distance. Sekido sighed, Urogi regenerated his head and slashed at Loop. He then fired a shockwave, the pressure pushed Loop back, he hit the floor infront of Sekido, he then blasted up off of the floor with a backflip.
[Loop] - Sun breathing, setting sun transformation! -
He took Sekido's head off with one strike, out of nowhere a spear impaled Loop. He spun around and slashed Aizetsu's head off.

Loop was angered and began slicing Aizetsu into pieces, Patata then grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him back. Sekido's poll smacked Patata round the back of the head and shocked both Patata and Loop. Nezuko then kicked Sekido's head off, it regenerated and he slashed her leg off. Karaku then kicked her away and slammed his foot down through Loop's head. Loop's headless body jumped up and stabbed Karaku through the chest, he then pinned him to a tree.

His head slowly regenerated, then Loop was shocked again, Urogi flew past and slashed Loop's wrists. The grip on his sword loosened and Karaku wrapped his legs around Loop, he pulled himself in and headbutted him. He then jumped off and blew him away with his fan, Sekido then shocked Loop. Tanjiro then rushed Sekido, a bolt of lightning was pushed out of the way. The person from the trees dropped down, it was Marko, his mark formed. He smiled as he was shocked, he then dashed past Sekido, he went to slash him but he dodged the attack. He flicked the bottom of the pole up into Marko's chin forcing him to look up at Sekido. He then shocked him with a powerful lightning bolt.

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