Chapter 53 - Sunrise

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2081 Words.

The battle raged on, the hashira all rushed at Muzan at once, except Mitsuri who was recieving medical attention. They were all slowly being poisoned by the blood, their skin slowly deforming. Out of nowhere a weird cat jumped into the air, a box from on top of it shot out what looked to be injections, they hit everyone fighting head on, except Gote. His was caught up in Muzan's attacks and smashed, ultimately causing Gote to drop down while everyone was fighting Muzan. Gou jumped over and tried saving him, though Tengen pulled him out of the way. Saving his life but ending Gote's.
They blocked attacks before rushing in.
(Tengen) - Sound Breathing; First Form: Roar! -
(Gou) - Nature Breathing; Fourth Form: Seed of Spring! -
(Loop) - Sun Breathing: Flame Wheel!! -
They all rushed forth, Loop cut through the tendrils and the other two slashed Muzan. Though it did nothing to harm him, since he regenerated in an instant.
(Jaydo) - Love Breathing; Second Form: Love Pangs-! -
Jaydo sliced all around him, blocking tendrils and Muzan's arms. More tendrils shot out, causing everyone to struggle.

From afar, demon slayers rushed in.
[Slayer 1] - Bumble! Shall we rush forth!? -
[Bumble] - CHAARGE!!! -
The slayers rushed at Muzan, with a single attack they all died. Their corpses hit the floor, Beerus looked over in shock. He began hyperventilating, he felt a cold hand on his shoulder.
(Beerus) - Loop...? -
[Perinity] - GET MOVING!! -
[Beerus] - Perinity!? I thought you- -
Perinity picked Beerus up and they moved out of the way, he then rushed towards Muzan.
(Muzan) - How!? This is getting ridiculous! -
[Muzan] - How are you still alive?? -
He blocked an attack from Perinity, out of nowhere Tanjiro attacked Muzan.
(Tanjiro) - Flame Wheel!! -
He slashed Muzan's arms off, they regenerated instantly.

Obanai rushed in, the bandages from his face fell off, and he held his sword tightly. He held it very tight and the blade turned a crimson red. As he was rushing in, Muzan unleashed an attack. Giyuu jumped in to save Obanai, but they were both flung into the air. Obanai moved Giyuu out of the way and dodged. He landed and rushed in, Gyomei swung his flail.
(Perinity) - Where's my sword-!? -
He avoided a few attacks before he jumped back, Muzan attacked at all angles with his tendrils. The hashira managed to dodge but Tanjiro was slashed across the arm. Loop blocked oncoming attacks and rushed in, Jaydo followed behind. They both attacked at once, their combined attacks slightly pushed Muzan back. He unleashed an attack, slashing Jaydo across the chest. He fell back, Loop jumped in the way and tanked the hit, before regenerating. Beerus rushed in.
(Beerus) - Thunder Breathing; First Form; Thunderclap and Flash: GODSPEED!! -
He dashed forth and slashed one of Muzan's arms off, he landed behind him and deflected a tendril. Muzan then swung one of his arms at him.
(Beerus) - Thunder Breathing; Eighth Form: Strike of Lightning!! -
He rotated his sword and deflected the attacks, he then knocked another tendril away.

Patata held his chest and blocked a tendril, Kaito rushed in. Attacking Muzan, but he was knocked back along with Beerus and Jaydo. Jaydo's left arm came off, Kaito lost is leg, but Beerus managed to block that attack. He blocked another tendril, he held his sword close and deflected Muzan's arm. He then rushed forth, attacking Muzan. He was knocked back again, he landed beside Giyuu. Sanemi and Gyomei rushed in, his flail hit Muzan's arm and Sanemi slashed his arm off.
(Obanai) - Serpent Breathing; Third Form: Tightening Coil! -
He slashed Muzan's arms off, Beerus rushed in. Mid aswell, he unleashed an attack as his arms slowly regenerated, slashing Mid and Obanai. Beerus managed to dodge it, but when he looked back, Mid collapsed. Obanai quickly reacted and moved him aside, blocking an attack from Muzan, Beerus slashed his arms off. As everyone started to get close, Muzan unleashed an attack. Gyomei, Sanemi, Giyuu, Beerus, Patata, Marko, Oblit, Kaciz, Zak, Loop and Obanai were blasted back. Tanjiro rushed in, he began using sun breathing forms.

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