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*Author's note*

After not being able to login on my computer (for some reason wattpad wasn't allowing me to even click the login button on my computer for the past week so here's hoping it's fixed and won't happen again). So here's a new story I've been working on for the past couple of months so I hope you all get to see this story and enjoy it.


For as long as Middle Earth has existed there has always been an ancient Guardian watching and protecting over it. They have existed long before the coming of Men, Dwarves, Orcs and Goblins. Before the skin-changers, the dragons, even before the Elves and just shortly before the Ents. But not one of them has ever had the courage to tell their own story.

Not till now.

I was born at the start of the Second Age of Middle Earth. Alongside my brothers and sisters, however to us Middle Earth is Ageless. It had no beginning or no end. No boundary between the earth and the sky. Like the horses that run the plains of Rohan, we belonged here. There would always be my kind watching over Middle Earth.

Who am I you may be pondering? Just what type of creature could have existed longer than even the immortal Elves of Middle Earth. Well the story that I'm going to tell you is true. I lived it all, the good, the bad, the hard times and peaceful times. And I remember everything about it.

From the sun, the sky even the wind blowing against my face.

My name is Hela and I, along with all my brothers and sisters are who the people of Middle Earth called The Celestials.

A sonic boom ran across a large field, tracking behind a stream of lightning behind as she ran faster than any other being. She raced across the field till she came up to the Anduin river, there she made a leap from a boulder and like a fish to water, she swam with grace and speed through the strong rapids.

She ducked down before doing a huge breach into the air. She landed down on the other side of the river and raced once again with great speed through the Lothlorien woods. The Lórien Elves knowing of who she was, all backed off her trail and allowed her great speed to pace, some of them even bowed their heads before her.

Past the ancient dwarf Kingdom of Moria all the way to the Misty Mountains. Thus she ran with even greater speed all the way to the top of the mountain's to reach the Pass of Caradhras. As she now stood at the very top of the snowy peak of Caradhras, the woman removed her facemask to reveal a young woman around the physical age of her late 20's. Her hair went down to her shoulders and was as dark brown as the earth except for two white streaks that framed the front of her face so elegantly and beautifully, and hazel eyes that shined like starlight.

Her outfit almost resembled light Elvish armor mixed with a Ranger's. Red and silver was the pattern of her uniform but on her forearms were two wrist gauntlets forged in pure silver. And on each one, a colored gem fit neatly inside the mold made to fit five gem pieces in each gauntlet. The one on her left gauntlet was a green gem while the other worn on her right was scarlet red. The red gem glowed and her red and silver outfit disappeared showing off her true clothing.

She wore tight black leggings with two silver stripes going down her thigh to meet a triangle shape along her might-thigh before tracing back down as a single silver strip. Her armor bodice was thin but as strong as Mithril, the colors of black and silver mixed in together in a magnificent way, and if you looked very closely, you could see engraved ruins around her bodice, symbolizing her as a Celestial.

"I have found you, sister Makkari. Let your speed help me through this new age. And hope you'll grace me in finding the others as well."

My name is Hela, and after the War of the Last Alliance I became the Last of the Celestials. Sauron's forces were strong and his will stronger. But my brothers and sisters fought valiantly until making the ultimate sacrifice to stop an enemy that only we could stop.

In the three years after Sauron's defeat, I've only managed to find two of the ten sparks of my family's celestial magic. Makkari and my big sister Cersei. Cersei's was the first to find just a few months after the war when I came across a very special rock that glowed of Celestial Magic.

When I had picked the rock, it shifted into a green gem and from the burnt earth, new green life was forged. For that was my sister Cersei's celestial power, creating new life out of different things. For example she could turn a stone into water, water into air, and air into fire. Or even use her power to change an enemy's weapon into nothing but moths, or give a blunt knife back it's sharpness without the use of a wheel to sharpen it.

And just now near the borders of Rohan, a Mearas came up to me and normally no wild Mearas would walk up to anyone. But this one I knew was special, it offered it's mane to me and from one single strip of hair I had sensed the power of another Celestial.

My sister Makkari, who was known as the fastest Celestial. So taking that single horsehair and using my sister Cersei's powers of altering matter, I made the horse hair into a red gem and had placed it onto my gauntlet before inheriting my little sister's speed.

I looked out and surveyed all of Middle Earth as a new Age began to dawn, however this time none of the other Celestials would get to reign in this new peace. Nor any other age after that, for its only just myself.

THE CELESTIAL AND THE COMPANY *A Hobbit fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now