Chapter 11; Azog the Defiler

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*Author's note*

And now we get to the main antagonist of our story (movie verse of course, I know there are some diehard Tolkien fans who do NOT agree with putting Azog in this film as an enemy for Thorin and the Company). And as you'll see here (like I mentioned in my Background info of this story) we'll see what happens when Hela overexerts herself with her siblings powers.


 "Out of the frying pan......" Thorin said gravely.

"And into the fire. Run. Run!" Gandalf said as we all ran further down the slope. Our slope soon straightened out as we kept running, hearing the growls and snarls of the wargs coming closer to us. I ran on ahead but skid to a stop because all that lay before us was a dangerous drop a few hundred feet to the ground.

The dwarves came up and saw the same thing I saw and that's when Gandalf told all of us to climb up into the trees. One by one I saw each and every dwarf jump up onto a branch before scaling up as high as they could to avoid the oncoming wargs.

Just as I was about to scale up the same tree as Fili and Kili, I saw Bilbo was struggling to pull his sword out of a dead warg's skull. He pulled and pulled but he just couldn't seem to get it to budge.

"Hela come on!" Fili called out to me.

"Scale higher up. I'll be back." I released the branch and quickly ran over to Bilbo. I took hold of the opposite side of his sword. He looked up to me and said to him. "On three ready?" he nodded. "Three!" together the two of us pulled on his Elven sword. God he really got this thing in there didn't he? I would hate to be this poor beast right now.

Finally we managed to get his sword out but as we did, the two of us were sitting ducks for the wargs.

"Bilbo, quickly get on my back!" He sheathed back his sword as I knelt down for him to hop on my back. His arms wrapped around my neck and I told him to hang on. I took a running start and leapt off the ground and reached for the second highest branch I could get to before scaling up the tree as fast as I could. Thank the heavens Makkari and I spent our childhood together climbing trees trying to catch squirrels, and Phastos said it was a waste of time ha!

Just barely reaching up to me I could see some wargs already trying to jump up and devour us. They swarmed around every single tree the Company and I were in, barking and snarling aggressively. Once I got high enough, Fili helped Bilbo off of my back so that he could stay on the branch next to his while Kili and I stayed above them about a foot or so higher.

I could hear other members of the company telling their brothers to hang on. That's when the wargs briefly ceased their snarling as their Alpha female now walked up onto a boulder with her rider on top of her. I sighed grimly as my eyes narrowed at the monster that stood before us.

"Azog?!" I heard Thorin say in shock and disbelief. The very Orc that had haunted him for decades, the Orc that he believed had died was now standing before him alive. Azog smelled the air and told the other orc riders.

"Do you smell it? The scent of fear?" he taunted before finally looking straight at Thorin. "I remember your father reeked of it...Thorin son of Thrain."

"It cannot be." Thorin choked out. Azog looked to all of us before commanding as he pointed his mace at Thorin.

"That one is mine...kill the others!" with a commanding wave of his mace, the orc-less wargs charged at us once again and this time they were in full attack mode. Ripping the branches off the trees and leaping as high as they could to try and rip all of us to pieces. The force these wargs were attacking us in forced the trees to rattle and shake, almost knocking some of them off the trees. "Drink their blood!"

THE CELESTIAL AND THE COMPANY *A Hobbit fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now