Chapter 19; A bargain struck

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*Author's note*

Alright here's where things get a bit tense between our characters and where Hela seems to be turning to the Dark Side. And we also see how some of the people in Laketown view Hela as a witch (for not all people respect or view Hela and the Celestials as deities or gods). So enjoy this chapter and the next one will soon be up momentarily.


"Wake up! Hela wake up!" I was roughly shaken awake and I let out a groan. I opened my eyes to see Bard standing over me, his eyes burning with anger.

"What is it Bard?"

"Why didn't you tell me you were guiding the King under the Mountain back to his homeland!?" Bollocks! I slowly raised myself up and said.

"Because everywhere we have turned, we've gotten run down by enemies, imprisoned by the Elves or nearly killed by orcs."

"Hela this—this goes beyond anything you've ever done before." My head snapped up at him and I snarled at him.

"Do not lecture me on what is my business or not! I choose to be their guide and I am bound by blood to see to it that they all reach the Mountain in one piece!"

"And if they should awaken that beast that sleeps among the treasure, when Dragon fire and ruin falls upon this city. What will you do then?"

"I'll protect you, just as I have done before."

"Protect us? Hela you can barely stand much less fight a dragon!" Bard snapped at me. My eyes narrowed at him.

"Do you see me as weak Bard?" he sighed heavily and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I see you as my friend. My children's godmother. But I cannot see you being so reckless and foolish like those dwarves."

"Then I guess they've rubbed off on me in some way." I got up from the bed and walked out of my room. "Hela. Hela! Hela where are you going?"

"I know that they have left for the city armory. Trust me I could hear your argument earlier about the weapons you had for them."

"Hela please don't throw your life away like this!" he gripped my arm tightly stopping me from walking out the door. I turned to him, his eyes pleading at me to not leave.

"I am not bound to one family Bard. It is the duty of the Celestials to protect all of Middle Earth."

"And look where it got them." He sneered lowly. My blood boiled with rage as I took back my arm and left the house in a huff. I snuck around the town searching for my Company. When I came across Hilda's clothing shop, she spotted me and wordlessly left a cloak for me to use to walk around the town.

I walked over to her and grabbed it before giving her a grateful touch to her back and walked through with my hood over my face and the cloak shielding as much of my Celestial uniform as possible.

When night fell, I was just about to reach the city armory when I heard the sound of the guards calling out and rounding towards the building.

"Damnit!" I raced on ahead and I saw at the armory Bifur, Fili, Bombur, Dwalin, Balin, Dori, Ori, Glóin and Oin all fighting against the guards outside. As I watched them, something snapped inside of me.

'Your power can end their lives with a single snap. Use it!' A voice whispered in my head. My hands glowed black and I shot up like an eagle before landing down before them, my pupils glowing black and silver with rage.

"Touch another hair on them, and you'll have to deal with me."

"It's her. The Witch! Arrest her!" one of the guards proclaimed. A tilt of my head and a dark smirk came across my face as I said mockingly.

THE CELESTIAL AND THE COMPANY *A Hobbit fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now