Chapter 27; Loss at Ravenhill

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*Author's note*

Alrighty folks get your tissues and comfort snacks out because THIS is where is gets REALLY sad!! God just even writing this made me so worn out and depressed that I had to walk away from this book for a day or two I was that heartbroken by it. So hopefully even through the pain I'm gonna be giving you guys for the next two chapters, I hope you'll still enjoy this.


*3rd Person POV*

After the horn sounded off, all went quiet on the battlefield in front of the gates of Erebor. A large bell let out a loud gong as it crashed into the barricade sending all the stone and rubble the Company built to keep any and all out, scattering everywhere.

Most of the rubble fell into a bridge before the gate and soon running out leading the Company was Thorin Oakenshield. His nephews Fili and Kili close behind him and then the rest of the Company.

As the orcs and trolls briefly pulled back in shock, the Dwarves of the Iron Hill that stood in front of the bridge to protect their homeland parted their shields to make room for their King.

"To the King!" cried out Dain. "TO THE KING!!"

"Du Bekar!" Thorin cried out as all the Dwarves charged at the army of Orcs and slayed them by the dozens. Cutting through the ranks to separate the army of Orcs.

Hela and Bilbo ran up to the high watch towers and Hela couldn't believe what she was seeing. Thorin had finally came through and regained his honor. He had come to fight alongside his people instead of letting them die.

"The Dwarves. They're rallying." Bilbo said as Gandalf ran up to us. As Gandalf looked down a look of relief and a smile came across his face as he said.

"They're rallying to their King."

"A normal King may command his armies to win his wars, but a true King. Fights alongside his soldiers." Hela said with a smile. "Welcome back, Thorin Oakenshield."

Back within the city, Bard had gathered up all the remaining soldiers of Laketown with a new found determination. The words of Bilbo ringing in his head, and the belief of a Celestial in his heart gave him newfound confidence to lead his men onward.

"Any man who wants to give their last, follow me!" the people of Laketown all cheered and charged right behind Bard right as a new advancement of Orcs came charging at them. But now with newfound belief and strength in their hearts, the people of Laketown held their own against the Orcs.

Hela, Bilbo and Gandalf rejoined back down onto the battlefield and cut down any orcs in their path. Gandalf going for the straight offense of stabbing and piercing any orc that came in his way, Hela with her graceful and deadly dance with her two swords, and Bilbo going unnoticed thanks to the advantage of his height before going in for the kill on any oncoming Orc that tried to get to either the Wizard of the Celestial.

*My POV*

Orc after Orc I slayed until I soon spotted a familiar figure just ahead of me now wielding a long bow. I smirked at my dear bowman fighting tooth and nail with his true weapon of choice. As he took down an orc that's when his attention turned to me.

We raced up to one another and gave each other a quick but strong embrace.

"I've noticed how our numbers have increased. Guess Hilda must be behind it somehow."

"She's always been a spitfire of a woman. Much like someone else I know." He teased which made us laugh before pressing our forehead to one another. However our moment was broken when a shrilled scream pierced the air. We turned to each other and Bard's eyes hardened. I shrugged but urged him onward and I followed right behind him.

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