Chapter 31; A secret long kept

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*Author's note*

In case you're wondering who this new character is never fear, all will be explained but first FACE CAST. This new character I've face casted is Daredevil himself Charlie COX!!! Now I'll stop writing this author's note because I don't wanna drop any spoilers until you read further on because it's really gonna throw ya'll for a LOOP!! Enjoy and the next chapter will have caught you all up on where I am with the story itself.


I awoke to the sound of birds chirping and the light of the sun shining on my face. My eyes slowly opened and when my vision began to adjust I saw that I was in an unfamiliar room.

The room was of wood and stone (much like Beorn's) however instead of imposing and intimidating huge, it held a sense of comfort like Bilbo's home in Bag-End. Carvings of wolves and Great Eagles stood over the fireplace mantel in the room I was in (you know I find it strange for a bedroom to have a fireplace).

The bed I was in felt so soft it was like I was sleeping on a cloud and the sheets were smooth to the touch. I looked down to see that the blankets as well as the bedsheets themselves were of satin and were a dark green color.

As I stood up I also took notice of how my ribs and sides no longer hurt anymore. I looked down at myself and saw that most of the injuries were patched up and a few of them were now nothing but scars to add to the pile of others.

Slowly and cautiously I got out of the bed and walked out of the room to see if my host was here, or the man who had rescued me would be here. After all he could've just taken me to a healer and then been on his way. As I walked around the cabin, it was a (like in the bedroom) a mixture of Beorn's and Bilbo's home.

Some furniture mainly a couch and a few tables and chairs, a decently nice kitchen and a pantry full of food. But what caught my eye was that on the dining room table was a basket full of a dozen (maybe even more) green apples.

If I had a weakness for anything, it would be for green apples. Though I do enjoy the red ones, there's just something about green apples that gives it that mixture of both sweet and sour.

"Why do you hesitate?" a voice spoke from behind me. I jumped placing a hand over my chest and turned to see the blind man I had came across the other day. "Apologizes, I did not mean to startle you."

"It's you. How-where.....where am I?"

"You're in my cabin. The—masked rouge brought you here to me thinking I could heal your wounds." He said as he navigated through his home using his hands.

"The masked rouge?" I questioned.

"Been coming and going throughout this city. Though if you ask me, he's been causing nothing but trouble. Acting like an elfling with a temper tantrum." He scoffed with a chuckle.

"Right." I muttered unsurely.

"You're uncertain about how a blind man can heal someone." I looked up at him perplexed.

"How did you—"

"One rule you should know is that when one of your senses is taken, your other senses become sharper." He said stopping by his cabinet and opened it up. "Plus that's what everyone asks when they see me walking through the crowded city."

"I hope you don't take any offense."

"Not at all. Like I said, people, mainly children always ask me that question." He took out some herbs and a teacup before going over to his kitchen and set them down on the large wooden table. "Eat, you must be starving after sleeping for four days."

THE CELESTIAL AND THE COMPANY *A Hobbit fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now