Chapter 25; Preparing for war

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*Author's note*

I present a few more chapters of my Celestial and the Company series. Here is the start where war is about to begin and the next few chapters will be the full on War of the BOTFA. So hope you all enjoy this chapter :)


By morning anyone with strength were tending to the injured, rebandaging their wounds and healing them slightly better than they could yesterday after the dragon attacked Laketown. But most of the people who were injured or sick were starting to get worse.

I was fashioning up some salve for one of the burnt victims and began rubbing it onto their back to which they were yelling with such agony.

"Keep him steady." I told his parents as they were forced to hold their 13 year old son down by his arms so that I could get the salve on his burns better.

"I thought Celestials had the magic healing touch? Why can't you just use your magic to heal my son instead of having him be put through such agony?" the mother snapped. I know she isn't saying this out of anger, just a mother's desperation to save her son.

"And last time you was here, you were able to grow crops. Why can't you do that for us now?" said one other man nearby.

"We need more water. Please Lady Celestial, use your magic to give us water!" another man, this time a senior man who was missing an eye told me. They began to crowd around me, I didn't know what else to say as I was starting to get swarmed and pinned by them.

"Get back from her! Get back give her some air!" Bard's voice exclaimed. The people slowly backed away from me as Bard came up to me and asked me. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. I'm not hurt."

"Bard, she is a Celestial. She can help us give more supplies! But she refuses to help us." Another woman spoke up.

"The Lady Celestial was hurt when she stood by my side against the dragon. To use her powers now would drain her energy vastly. Yet she is willing to help you by mortal means necessary. Do not pressure her about her magic anymore!" he wrapped an arm around my shoulders protectively before guiding me away to a different room.

"If only I could help them Bard. You know I would."

"I know. It probably has to do with the sickness you suffered, right?" I sighed heavily.

"I'm afraid so. And I've tried. Even last night when you all were asleep, I tried to summon even a spark of fire or move a simple pebble. Nothing. There's nothing I can do." We stopped and he took my hands and said to me.

"But these hands can still heal. They can still gather rations. You are still of service. With or without your powers." I smiled at him.

"Forgive me for saying this but....spoken like a true King." Even through the slight smile, his eye gave me a twinkle telling me to not push my luck.

"Come on, I need you with me to carry some supplies to the gates near the town square." I nodded and followed behind him. He carried a vase full of water while I carried a medical sack filled with oils, lotion and herbs. All the while I heard the same thing as I did last night, the desperation and despair in their voices as they tried to help one another.

"Bard we don't have enough." Percy said as he walked pass him.

"Do what you can Percy." Bard told him as we entered the old ballroom where they once held great parties and feasts. He set the vase down and I gave the medical bag to a woman who was bandaging up an elderly woman. "The children, the wounded and the women come first." Bard said.

THE CELESTIAL AND THE COMPANY *A Hobbit fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now