Chapter 3; Thorin Oakenshield

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*Author's note*

So I'm gonna try to do as many chapters as I can with this story before this weekend where I'll be out of town for a comic convention. In this chapter we're introduced to Thorin Oakenshield and the proposition of the Quest being given to Hela as well as Bilbo. Will she join in their quest? Read on to find out.


Gandalf opened the door and there stood another dwarf. However unlike the rest, this particular dwarf held a sense of authority. Long black hair with some greying streaks hidden within his black mane, a fairly even beard that I've seen in the world of Men, not long and curled like some of these dwarves that I've seen.

Icy blue eyes and he wore a mixture of both leather and fur. He turned to Gandalf and acknowledged him as he entered inside.

"Gandalf. I thought you said this place would be easy to find. I lost my way, twice. I wouldn't have found it at all had it not been for the mark on the door." He removed his cloak and I noticed some of the dwarves bow their heads to this new dwarf that came in.

"Mark? There's no mark on that door it was painted a week ago." Bilbo corrected the dwarf. As Gandalf closed the door he told Bilbo.

"There is a mark I put it there myself."

"Gandalf what is all this?" I asked him.

"Bilbo Baggins and Hela allow me to introduce the leader of our company: Thorin Oakenshield." Gandalf introduced us to the dwarf that had just arrived.

It cannot be! Now I may not be too familiar with dwarves as I am with the world of Men, Elves, Skin-changers and Hobbits. But I did know some of the famous dwarves and of course Thorin Oakenshield was no different. Son of Thrain son of Thror, King under the Mountain. Oh Gandalf you cannot be serious!

"So, this is the Hobbit and the Celestial." Thorin said acknowledging both myself and Bilbo at the same time. Bilbo did a double-take in my direction as he stammered.

"A cel-a Celestial? You're a Celestial Hela?" I could see from his eyes he was a multitude of emotions. Shock, awe, anxious, ashamed, embarrassed.

"Yes, Bilbo. But just because I am a Celestial does not mean I am above anyone else." I assured him.

"Now that we've established our true identities, tell me this Celestial. You were once part of the Great 10 is that correct?" Thorin asked me as he circled around me, assessing me.

"I might have been."

"Are you the Celestial of War or one of the Strong-holds?"

"No, those titles were given to two other great Celestials long before my time."

"Then are you a Starlight or Elemental?"

"No. Again those titles belonged to other Celestials."

"Then what pray tell is your own Celestial magic?" I sighed softly and looked down.

"I—I communicate with the dead. I am known as the Celestial of Death." Some of the dwarves, particularly the older ones, got a little suspicious of me. "But I am able to summon some of my brothers and sister's Celestial magic with these gems." I held out my arms and showed them my gauntlets.

"And what is the longest you've been able to withstand other Celestial magic? To my knowledge Celestials cannot withstand magic that is not their own."

"True, but that all depends on whether or not they were created at the same time or created after us. And depending on the skillset, I've been able to withstand their magic for months at a time. But make no mistake I am not some helpless maid in need of protecting. All Celestials no matter the talent we're gifted with, know how to fight. Give me a sword, a bow and arrow, dagger, knife, even an axe and I'll slay my enemies faster than they can take their pants off to piss."

THE CELESTIAL AND THE COMPANY *A Hobbit fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now