Chapter 33; Heal the spirit and the body will follow

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*Author's note*

So sorry about this guys but truthfully I've had these last two chapters done for awhile but had them up on my tumblr and I forgot to put it up here so here's the long awaited chapters for this series and then this weekend I'll start posting up what I've got for the LOTR sequel.


"Okay so let me see if I got this straight, there was Dwalin, Balin, Bifur, Bofur and Bombar, then—uhh....." we both chuckled as I finished for him.

"Nori, Dori and Ori, then Oin and Glóin. Thorin and.....Fili and Kili." I said the last two names solemnly as I stroked their braids they gifted me.

"You seemed really close with Fili and Kili. Even so much so to have them gift you their family braids." He said.

"I was yeah. They—they helped me release some of the grief I kept in about our kin being turned to stone. They were sweet, loving, kind, loyal above all else. Even when Sauron tried to control my body, they never once left my side. I could see them trying to reassure me and trying their best to help me."

"Which is why you gave them your gauntlets, because you trusted them with our kin's powers."

"Should I have not?"

"In the shape you were in, and for that split second Sauron had you fully under his control, it was wise of you to not have those gauntlets on you. There are many what if's that could be said if you had them on at the time, but it was due to your trust and love for them that the gems raw powers didn't disintegrate them. However they didn't have the knowledge to know how to use it, had I not intervened."

"What do you mean?"

"Only they would know of it, but I spoke to them. Telling them to allow the spirits of our kin to use their bodies as a vessel and allow them to do the rest in saving you. Without my voice, the power would've consumed their energies and surely killed them." Oh gods I—I didn't even think about that.

"How could I be so foolish!?" I self-deprecated myself.

"It wasn't your fault Hela, you couldn't have known." He reached out and placed his hand comfortingly over my left one. His thumb gently rubbing the back of my hand. "But like I said, the gems would've done far worse damage had they been on your person when Sauron had you under his will, than in the hands of two Dwarf Princes. And for that, I am truly grateful."

"They were my little brothers. The first Dwarves I ever opened my heart to, without them I—I would've continued on the philosophy of Ikaris on Dwarves forever."

"Ikaris was always hard on the Dwarves. Luckily I knew better than to believe that they were solely a stubborn, greedy race of creatures. I even had a few Dwarf friends myself for a time during my exile. Gave me food, bedding, clothing and some of the knives you saw in the trunk."

"You must've done something truly special for them to customize weapons for you."

"It wasn't easy I'll admit. As you know Dwarves are suspicious and secretive of folks beyond their kin. Especially if they 'claim to be blind'." He said in quotations.

"They really believed you to be faking your blindness?"

"Particularly the older Dwarves, the younger ones seemed to believe it. Even asked if they could see but I told them it would make them uncomfortable staring into hollowed orbs."

"Of light. But I understand. Seems you've lived a life even before settling here."

"Well, I made it through. It was—hard at first, living without our kin. Particularly my brothers and sisters of Starlight, and the fact that I could never look up at the sky to see the stars again. But I—pushed on and did what I could. Until finally deciding that here in the South needed my help and I did what I could without drawing too much attention to myself as a Celestial."

THE CELESTIAL AND THE COMPANY *A Hobbit fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now