Chapter 9; The White Council Meeting

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*Author's note*

Alrighty folks, here is where the true revelation of Hela's true love is shown in this chapter. Now he won't make his true appearance until after the events of the 3 hobbit films, thought I should let you all know that this is a love story but it is not with any of the Hobbit characters. Also a bit more bonding time with the Dwarves which is what Hela is in dire need of, especially without being in a family for so long. For now until we meet HIM, enjoy these next few chapters :)


The next morning I was walking along Rivendell just taking in the sights this glorious morning. I will say no matter what the season, Imladris is always most beautiful when the sun rises in the East and when it sets in the West.

I stood along a balcony and watched as the sun rose higher into the sky.

"Not with your new companions?" I turned and saw Lord Elrond standing beside me, his hands resting alone the marble railing.

"I know I shall be missed by them."

"Some more than others." He lightly teased. I smiled thinking to Fili and Kili.

"In so many ways it's like—I'm back with Makkari and Druig. They remind me so much of them. The three of us would get into so much trouble. But we were always there to get each other out of trouble again."

"It would seem that Gandalf was right to allow you into this company."

"How so?" I asked him.

"You've always carried a heavy weight upon your heart. No matter how many other races you've helped, no matter what good you've done, no matter how many of your family's Celestial gems you've collected. You always kept this burden of blaming yourself for what happened, that you should have perished alongside what was left of your kin. Or that someone else should've been chosen to carry on their life whilst you be nothing but Shadow and Stone."

I felt his hand rest on my shoulder. I looked up at him and he raised that hand up to tuck the white streak on the left side of my face behind my ear.

"But that is not the Celestial I see before me now. You've opened up that wound and flushed it out. Though not all of it, a weight has most definitely lifted not only off your shoulders, but from your heart as well." The corner of my mouth slightly lifted up in a slight smile.

"I've always lived by the Celestial code. To put the lives of others over my own sorrows." I spoke in Elvish.

"But who's to say you could not also take the time to mourn your own losses? Even Ajak could not keep such a burden inside of her. She would not have wanted you to bury your own sorrow above everyone else's." Lord Elrond spoke back in Elvish to me.

"Would she be disappointed in me?"

"She could never be disappointed in you." I felt his lips come down onto my forehead as he gave me a comforting kiss before saying one last time in Common tongue as he left the room. "As I've informed the Halfling, you are more than welcome to stay here if that is what you wish."

I watched as the Elven Lord left and I looked back out towards the sun. Feeling the warm rays hit across my face as I took in the air around me and took Elrond's words to heart.

Later that afternoon after lunch I was told by Bilbo that something was wrong with Oin and that he needed help. Concerned for the eldest dwarf in the company (and being the only other healer next to him), I raced alongside Bilbo to the training grounds.

There I got the surprise of my life. A feast (much like how it was in Bag-End) was displayed before me. Torches and firepits were lit up and the dwarves all stood side by side of each other with either smiles or soft eyes.

THE CELESTIAL AND THE COMPANY *A Hobbit fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now