Chapter 30; Trouble in Harad

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*Author's note*

So this took a bit of research (shout out to Nerd of the Rings) about the history of Harad and its soldiers the Haradrim, (along with my own personal spins on how Hela came into contact with Sauron's Haradrim soldiers). Also we're introduced to a mysterious new character that Galadriel told Hela of, but is he what he says he is? Read on and find out for yourselves.

Warnings: Still some angst, violence, torture (graphic so proceed with caution).


We flew to Harad straight through without any rest for three days until by the sunrise of the fourth day we arrived at the borders of the city. Icarus landed a few miles away from the city and I slid off his back drying my tearstains. He nuzzled my arm comfortingly and let out a soft trill.

"I apologize for weeping on you Icarus. Your feathers were not meant to be a handkerchief." He nudged my shoulder and I softly stroked the side of his head. "It was for the best. And yet—his words pierced me more painful than any orc blade I've ever dealt with. Or the claws of the Deviants."

Icarus wrapped a wing around me as he kept nuzzling me. I wrapped my arms around him sniffling.

"I just hope this man has the remedy for a broken heart. I do not think I can take this pain any longer. For losing Haldir has done even more damage to what little of my heart was left from losing my little brothers Fili and Kili." Icarus nuzzled his head close to mine and I told him as I took off my pack from his back, "You best disappear now Icarus. Any man amongst this village would kill to have your head or wings over their fireplace. I'll call for you when I'm ready to head for the jungles."

His eyes closed and he gave me a brief nod in understanding before he took off into the sky and disappeared into the light of the sun. I took out the cloak from Lord Celeborn and made sure it covered most of my Celestial uniform then placed my pack over my shoulder and walked the rest of the way into the town.

The gates were shut so I knocked on the door with the doorhandle (much like how they have it at Bree) and sliding open was the door slot with the gatekeeper. He was an elderly man with thinning grey hair and a permanent scowl on his face from being under the sun.

"What's a lady like you that brings you to Harad?"

"I wish to gain some more supplies. My business is my own."

"Alright, alright no need to have a hiss fit my dear Lady. Can't be too careful around these parts." He slide the door slot close and the gates soon opened and I saw that the city was buzzing with life.

I pulled the cloak tighter around my body and pulled the hood further over my face as I proceeded to walk through the marketplace. Clothing, food, drinks, jewels, weapons, and spices were the high demands down here in Harad, particularly the spices and weapons.

As I walked I saw there sitting against one of the buildings, almost going into an alleyway was a blind man. A dark patch of brown hair stood on top of his head, as short as what I've seen only on Ikaris. He wore what seemed to be rags rather than actual clothing as they draped over his body loosely. A strip of cloth wrapped around his eyes and a large stick in his hand and at his feet was a bowl with a couple of coins inside.

Pity filled my chest as I took out the pouch of gold from my sack and I walked towards him. His head perked up and he turned towards my general direction.

"A—alms for the poor madam?" he spoke in a whisper-like tone (kinda similar to Arwen). I dug through the pouch and pulled out five gold coins and set them down in his bowl.

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