Chapter 23; Heart torn two ways

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*Author's note*

Now for the aftermath of the previous chapter and as you'll see in this chapter there is a different route I'm going that most fanfics don't really do. I won't give too much away as to what that is but you'll soon find out and see for yourselves on what I've decided to do. Alright so I'll stop writing this author's note and let you guys get to reading, hope you enjoy this next chapter :)


"Awake Hela. Awake." A voice softly spoke to me. My eyes fluttered and all I was greeted was a bright light and the silhouette of a figure standing over me. My eyes squinted and I softly croaked out.

"Bard?" he softly chuckled.

"Try again my Fair Lady." My vision focused more and the long hair was now more shaggy-like and grey instead of black. And there was a fuller beard than what Bard had.

"Girion?" I exhaled in shock. A smile came across his face as he extended his hand out to me. I took it and he helped me onto my feet. "I—I thought I was hallucinating, you were?...."

"Yes. I was there. Along with my descendant, Bard." I looked at him and immediately embraced him as tightly as I could. He softly chuckled before embracing me back.

"I am so sorry Girion!" I wept into his armor.

"What have you to be sorry for Hela?" he asked as he lifted my chin up.

"Everything! Had I know about Smaug I could've prevented all of this. History has repeated itself, all because of me! I'm not-I'm not strong like my other siblings nor am I capable of doing multiple tasks at the same time! My older siblings could've easily defeated both the Deviants and handled Smaug at the same time! I....."

"Hela, Hela, Hela! Listen to me." He silenced my rambling by cupping the side of my face, urging me to look at him. "You have not failed anyone. You saved the people of Laketown, you helped my descendant Bard finish what I could not. You are a hero."

"But because of me you had to die. And I....I nearly let Bard and his children die."

"Oh my old friend," his gloved hand stroked my cheek ever so slightly. "You put so much weight onto your shoulders. Force yourself to hold onto your guilt. But you must remember this Hela; you are just one person. Deity or not. You cannot do everything at once. Not even your brothers and sisters could do what you've done this past age all on their own."

"All I ever wanted was to uphold the Celestial vow. To Protect all in Middle Earth. I just—thought I could do it like the Celestials of old."

"But they had others to help them. Your brothers and sisters, you are now on your own. No one expects you to put all of our burdens onto your shoulders. Nor on your heart."

"Guess Ikaris was right. I care too much."

"And there is nothing wrong with that. Is it not better to gain friends of other races than to never get to know them at all? Is that not what you told the She-elf back in Mirkwood?" a slight smile came at the corner of my lips.

"Always using my words against me. That's one thing both you and Bard have in common." We both softly laughed. I then saw Girion turn to the side before looking down to the ground.

"Afraid my time is up."

"No, Girion there-there's so much I still wish to say to you."

"There's no more you need to say to me. I can finally be at peace knowing you helped my descendant finish what I could not. Ending the dragon's life. And I will always be grateful to you for that." His forehead came to rest against mine and he bid me a final farewell. "Farewell, my Fair Lady. Continue to protect those you love. And I will always be with you should you ever need me again."

THE CELESTIAL AND THE COMPANY *A Hobbit fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now