Chapter 12; Rest and family ties

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*Author's note*

WHEW!! Okay this is the last part of AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY section of this story. Next time we'll get into the Desolation of Smaug plotline. And just a heads up, there is some MAJOR changes in that section in regards to a certain romance between a dwarf prince and an She-elf of Mirkwood. I'll explain more whenever I get started with posting the DOS section of this story. Until then, enjoy all these chapters my lovelies and until next time :)


After scaling down the Ford of Carrock and entering the woodland we all decided that it was best to take a rest, not only to recover our strength from the previous day's events, but also so that Oin could heal up Thorin's injuries and I could continue to rest up my Celestial energy.

I was resting up against a tree feeling my legs starting to tingle beyond belief as I was starting to get the feeling back in them.

"Here Hela, to help get your strength back up." Bilbo said as he came up to me with a bowl of stew. I smiled at the hobbit and thanked him softly. "Is there anything else I can get for you? Extra blanket? Tea?"

"There's no need to fuss over me Bilbo. I'll be fine with some food and plenty of rest."

"I know. It's just—" he looked down sadly, his large hairy hobbit foot lightly kicking at some of the grass solemnly. I tilted my head at him and set my bowl down before lifting his chin to look at me.

"Speak your mind Bilbo."

"I....." he took a sharp breath trying to gather his thoughts. "Just seeing you put yourself through that much strain, just to keep us safe. Even at the expense of your own life....."

"It is the sole duty of the Celestials. Trust me I've seen many of my siblings be put through worse than what I got. A bloody nose and a splitting headache is nothing compared to what Thena once did for Beren and Lúthien. She believed in Beren's quest for love so much, she willingly followed him into the depths of Morgoth's dungeons to help him steal the Silmarils."

"Wow. She—really did all that?"

"Oh yeah. She may deny it but—Thena was quite the romantic in her younger age."

"Well....I still hope there won't come a time when you'll use up so much of your energy that you—because I don't know what I would do if you ever....." ohh sweet, sweet Bilbo. I smiled and gently stroked his cheek with my thumb.

"I'll try and not overuse my powers for you Bilbo. But I also know that if I have to, I can rely on someone to watch my back."

"Yeah, the dwarves definitely know how to do that."

"I was referring to you." He gawked at me for a second before I continued, "I saw what you did Bilbo. You may not call yourself a warrior or a hero but to me, and the rest of the Company, you are. You saved Thorin's life when I could not. I would've been forced to choose one or the other and live with that guilt for the rest of my life. And yes though you must've been terrified, you still faced it and you killed that orc before it could kill Thorin. Not to mention you went up against the Azog and his blood-thirsty warg without a moment's hesitation."

"Even though I did what I did, I must've looked foolish doing it. I don't have the fancy moves like you do, or the strength of the dwarves."

"True. But you do have the stealth. Not a single one of those orcs even saw you coming. And I'll even make you a deal, once I'm rested up I'll give you some of the basic lessons in sword play, deal?" he looked at me, debating in his head before saying.

THE CELESTIAL AND THE COMPANY *A Hobbit fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now