Chapter 26; The Battle of the Five Armies

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*Author's note*

And here we go folks, the Battle of the Five Armies is about to begin. Now from here on I've been doing things practically scene by scene with the Extended editions but here is where things will steer off course a bit. TBH I didn't feel the need for the brief battle between the Elves and Dwarves necessary so that part is CUT OUT. Also towards the end there is an additional deleted scene that I felt was PERFECT for this story so that was ADDED in. Other than that, there's nothing really left to say except enjoy the chapter, and we're getting close to finishing off the Hobbit storyplot and the remaining chapters will be purely Hela's continuing quest and journey until I declare this story finished and post up the LOTR sequel to this book.


When dawn approached our armies marched toward the gates of Erebor. I rode with Bard on the white horse while Thranduil walked beside us on his elk. The Elvish army parting like the sea to allow us to ride up towards the gates. I looked up at the top of the gate to see Thorin and his Company all ready for war.

Dressed in full armor, wielding their axes, spears and swords. Never did I think I would have to face off against the Dwarves I've come to see as my family in something as serious as war. As we got closer to the gate, Thorin took out a bow and shot an arrow at the hooves of Thranduil's elk, stopping it in its place.

"I will put the next one between your eyes." Threatened Thorin as he nocked another arrow into his bow. The rest of the Company began proclaiming Dwarvish war cries but it didn't stir Thranduil. In fact there was a gleam of arrogance in his eyes. In only a couple of steps, the archers in perfect synchronization readied their bows and pulled back their strings ready to fire which made every single Dwarf but Thorin his behind their walls.

My heart stopped for a brief moment fearing that Thranduil would follow through and go back on our agreement last night. But my fears dispersed when he raised his right hand and the archers took back their arrows and stood down.

"We have come to tell you; payment of your debt has been offered. And accepted."

"What payment? I gave you nothing. You have nothing." Thorin said. Bard reached into his coat and pulled out the Arkenstone and held it up to Thorin and said.

"We have this." Seeing his most valued prize, Thorin lowered his bow and he as well as the others faces turned to shock.

"They have the Arkenstone." I heard Kili say. "Thieves! How came you by the heirloom of our house!? That stone belongs to the king!"

"The king may have it. With our good will." Bard said before tucking the Arkenstone back into his coat. I then got off our horse and stood between the two men and said.

"But before a trade is made, the King must honor his word."

"They are taking us for fools." I saw Thorin's lips say. "This is a ruse. A filthy lie." Before he exclaimed down to us. "The Arkenstone is in this Mountain! It is a trick!" Thorin's mind truly has been put through worse than the strongest hurricane. Much like how Sauron affected my mind in the forests of Mirkwood, he couldn't see that the stone was real and staring right up at him.

"I-it's no trick. The stone is real. I gave it to them." Bilbo confessed. The dwarves all turned to Bilbo but it was Thorin who I feared the most for Bilbo's safety.

"You?" Thorin said lowly with hardly any emotion.

"I took it as my 15th share."

"You would steal from me?" Thorin asked him.

"Steal from you? No. No, I may be a burglar but I'd like to think I'm an honest one." No one of the company spoke a word. "I'm willing to let it stand against my claim."

THE CELESTIAL AND THE COMPANY *A Hobbit fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now