Chapter 7; Warg chase and a safe house

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*Author's note*

Dear oh dear, the orcs are after our Company but Hela and Radagast are planning to distract them while the Company makes their escape. We'll also be seeing a very familiar safe haven here in this chapter and the appearance of an Elf Lord we all know and love. Enjoy this chapter my dears :)


*3rd Person POV*

The sound of wargs howling throughout the forest and wide plains of the Hidden Valley. A group of them surrounded the borders of the woods before coming out was Radagast being pulled on his sled by the Rhosgobel rabbits. The Brown wizard cackling madly as he dared the orcs to come after him.

The orcs and wargs chased after Radagast as he led them over hills and past large boulders. Hidden behind one of the large boulders was Gandalf and the company of Thorin Oakenshield. Gandalf waited as he saw Radagast lead the orcs away from the hill in front of them.

"Come on." Gandalf said as he and the company raced off in the opposite direction, keeping close to the large boulder formations to hide from the orc pack while the sound of wargs howling continued to pierce the air.

Out in a wide open fields Radagast continued to race on ahead with wargs and orc riders circling around him, but it was then a flash of orange and red lightning ran past one of the wargs. Knocking it off it's feet and rolling across the floor before it lay there dead in a pool of blood coming from its stomach.

Half of the pack stopped and the lightning trail ceased to reveal Hela. She grinned at the orcs arrogantly twirling Aeglos in her hand.

"The Celestial rat! Kill her!" the leading orc roared out. The warg scouts soon chased after her barking and snarling. Hela mocked a yawn just before suddenly racing away from them. The wargs chased after her trying to circle around her. She would hold off her speed just to toy with them before exhilarating at super sonic speed just before a warg could attack her.

Rolling onto the ground, slamming into boulders, or even knocking into each other which would cause the two wargs to fight. Hela looked back towards the wargs chasing her still smirking. If only Makkari were really here, she did always love to toy with wargs more than anyone else.

As they continued running, Thorin and his company stopped as they saw something move so fast, it created sparks of lightning from behind them. As they came up against the rocks once they saw the warg scouts chasing after it, some immediately began to think that it was Hela.

"Stay together." Gandalf advised.

"Move!" Thorin then commanded as they ran in the opposite direction, all keeping pace with one another. Just as they were about to reach another open gap of the wide plains, they saw Radagast leading his warg riders in that very direction.

"Ori no! Get back!" Thorin exclaimed as he grabbed Ori from the back of his cloak and pulled him back towards the rocks until it was safe to come out.

"Alright come on, come on! Quick." Gandalf hastened the company as they each came out from the rocks one by one.

"Where are you leading us?" demanded Thorin. Gandalf didn't answer and just ran off with the Dwarf King following behind him fuming in anger and impatience.

Radagast continued the chase with his warg riders till a sudden flash of light joined up beside him. He turned to see Hela running right up next to him. Both of them grinning as Hela hopped onto the back of his sled getting a small break from running and decided to use Aeglos. Any Warg that got within striking range of Aeglos' 9ft radius, she would cut them down or cut off the head of the orcs.

THE CELESTIAL AND THE COMPANY *A Hobbit fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now