Chapter 4; A Journey begins

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*Author's note*

WE'RE GOING OFF ON AN ADVENTURE!!! Here is where it all begins, we finally reach the part where Hela and the Company of Thorin Oakenshield take off, but not before seeing that an additional member will soon come forth. And we'll also get to hear the battle of Moria from Thorin's past so expect some graphic battle tales and scenes, other than that not really any other warnings. Enjoy my lovelies :)


I left Bilbo's home to get some fresh air and observe the quiet nightlife of the Shire. By now every Hobbit should be sleeping peacefully in their beds, dreaming of yet another peaceful morning they'll have tomorrow. Hobbits really do live a quiet, peaceful life. Living out the same thing day after day. To some it may feel as repetitive, oblivious, naïve, but to Hobbits that's just how they liked it.

Personally I wouldn't blame Bilbo if he decided to not agree to go onto this quest. It just wasn't in his blood (no matter what adventurous family bloodline he's got in him) and if he chose to stay, I wouldn't try to suade him otherwise.

But if he did want to help, then I'll take it upon myself to teach him how to survive out there. So that he won't be completely helpless or have to rely on the dwarves to protect him when they'll need to protect themselves.

"Feeling couped up in there?" I turned to see both Fili and Kili standing along the stairs.

"Mind if we join you Lady Hela?" Fili asked me. I stared at them briefly before gesturing for them to take a seat on the bench. They came down and sat on either side of me. Fili to my left and Kili to my right.

"It really is quite peaceful here, don't you think Fili?" Kili said to his brother.

"Indeed Kee, very peaceful. Although too peaceful for my taste. Don't think I could handle living the same routine day in and day out."

"And yet you go out and travel, sleep wherever you can, and fight. Isn't that a repetitive routine?" I asked the blonde haired dwarf.

"I mean a repetitive quiet cycle. Even in the Blue mountains there were squabbles, but we were trained to fight. It is in our blood if we are to be the next Kings of Erebor."

"More like you will be the next King Fili."

"Are you two Thorin's sons?"

"Nephews, actually. He's our mother's brother. Our uncle has no children of his own so if anything happens to him, Fili will become the next in line for the throne. Although if you ask me, the line of Durin will fall the moment he becomes king."

"Do you question my fighting skill Kee?"

"Fighting skill, never brother. Brains however...." Fili reached over and smacked Kili upside the head which made me softly giggle.

"You two really are brothers. You remind me much of......" I trailed off and grew solemn. The two brothers looked at me concerned and Kili asked.

"Hela? Are you alright?" I took a deep breath and looked up to the stars, hoping to dry my eyes if I kept them open long enough.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. both remind me of two Celestials who were born the same time I was. They would sometimes get into squabbles like this."

"Is it really true that you're the Last of the Celestials?" Kili asked me. I softly scoffed and said.

"As unbelievable as it is, it's true. Once there were as many Celestials as there are of every race. Men, Elves, Dwarves, even Hobbits. But the War of the Last Alliance is where my people suffered a great loss, me especially."

THE CELESTIAL AND THE COMPANY *A Hobbit fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now