Chapter 8; Midsummer's Eve at Rivendell

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*Author's note*

We've made a safe shelter in Rivendell (now I can't be the only person who wishes this place actually exists in real life, whether as a college or just a place to get away from the world). And here we find out a bit more about Hela's family traditions and holidays, especially Midsummer's Eve. Also a little song that some of you may know if you've seen the movie it's from.

I also wanna apologize for the delay in updating this story on here, I was trying to get this up on my tumblr first (plus my wifi was acting WACK that I could barely log on here for over a week) but now that I'm all caught up with the story, I can post up the chapters up here on Wattpad now so that all you readers on here can enjoy this story. 


 For the first time in what felt like an eternity, I was able to wash myself up properly. Sure I've cleaned my face and arms but I haven't really kept up with cleaning my hair (always the one downside to going on these types of quests. Never really enough time to bathe yourself, especially being the only female in company).

But feeling the nice hot water against my skin, the smell of the bath oils, and the sensation of using the lavender scented shampoo to finally be rid of the grease smell that has been in my hair for the past few weeks since leaving Bag-End. A knock was heard at the door and I called out.

"Enter." Soon Arwen's handmaiden Nessa came in. She had beautiful long black hair that fell like gentle waves along the shoreline, deep blue eyes that were bluer than the ocean, and skin so pale it was like she was kissed by the moon.

"Pardon the intrusion my lady Hela, Lord Elrond extends his hand to yours inviting you to dinner along with the rest of your—company." She hesitated at the last statement.

"They can be rambunctious but they are loyal and have been kind to me. Thank you Nessa. Just leave my dress and tell Lord Elrond I accept his invitation." She bowed her head and placed the dress on the island vanity just across from the sinks. Just before she left I asked her. "Nessa," she turned to look at me. "Your lady Arwen wouldn't happen to be here, would she? Or perhaps her brothers?"

"I am afraid not. Lady Arwen and her brothers traveled to Lothlorien last month." Rats. Just when I thought I could have some female company whilst staying here. Not that I don't appreciate the She-elves here but they treat me just like they do Arwen and her family, like royals. All I wish to find here in Rivendell is friendship, not have any of the Elven servants treat me like royalty.

I bid her good afternoon after that and she gave me one last bow of her head before leaving the bathing room. Lothlorien huh? Hope she's doing okay, as well as her brothers and—Haldir. My thoughts went to the Marchwarden of the Golden Wood before I snapped myself out of my thoughts.

I rinsed out my hair before finally deciding to get out. I got out of the bath and walked over to grab one of the towels and dried myself off before getting one of mine, well I should say one of Arwen's, old dresses and put it on.

It was an emerald green dress with long sleeves and within the sleeves the color was silver, as was the open strip that came right down the middle of the dress. And white stitched rope-like patterns that came around the neckline, sleeves, around the hip and down on either side of the open strip where the silver material was visible.

Whenever I came to Rivendell, I also wore any shade of green because Elves were connected to Nature just like my sister Cersei. And wearing her colors with the very creatures who had the same connection as her with the earth around them, it made me feel more at home.

THE CELESTIAL AND THE COMPANY *A Hobbit fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now