Chapter 5; A meal with Trolls

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*Author's note*

Alright guys so here we go into Hela's past about her kin and it's def. one that's worse than what you're thinking for her being the Last of the Celestials. Also we get the special bond with her and the young Dwarf prince brothers Fili and Kili. Hope you all enjoy and until tomorrow :)


We continued on our journey for the next several weeks without any problems. I also finally got all the names down of the company without calling them the wrong name and I've even been getting some Khuzdul lessons from Fili, Kili, Bifur, Bofur and Balin. It was a hard language, even harder than Elvish but I started getting the basic phrases down. Balin and Bofur say that in no time they'll make me speaking Khuzdul like a pro.

As we walked deep within a forest and about to reach an open meadow, I stopped in place. I did a double take and remembered just where we were about to head to.

"What is it Hela lass?" Bofur asked me riding up next to me on his pony. I quickly raced on ahead and stopped Thorin's pony. It neighed fearfully at my sudden appearance which caused the other ponies to stop.

"Why have you stopped us?!" demanded Thorin.

"I'll try to never ask this of your company again, but I ask that you and your company walk cautiously and don't ignore what you are about to see."

"What is it that we're going to be walking into? A trap?" Dwalin asked me suspiciously.

"It is no trap Dwalin. But it is sacred ground. Please all of you respect what you are about to see. And allow me to walk out first." As some of the ponies nickered softly, obviously sensing my distress.

"Very well. Lead us on and we'll respect whatever it is you're leading us through." Thorin told me. I bowed my head graciously before walking on ahead. When we reached the end of the forest I took a deep breath before slowly entering the meadow.

There before us were what appeared to be stone statues. Hundreds maybe even almost 1000 of them. But these stones were not made by any man, elf or dwarf. In fact they weren't statues at all.

They were Celestials. Frozen in time in shadow and stone. My kin from Cersei's side.

The dwarves all stood side by side of each other as they stared out into the statue graveyard. One of over 700 that can be found all over Middle Earth. This spot is where the Elemental Celestials met their end.

Everyone was silent, some staring in awe, some in horror, and some in confusion.

"Gandalf—wha-what is this?" asked Bilbo.

"To some who may not know or don't realize it. Whenever you see these proud warriors frozen in time, always make sure to pay your respect. Never walk pass them in ignorance, nor mark their bodies. This Bilbo Baggins is a Celestial graveyard."

"But they're just statues, aren't they?" asked Dori.

"No Dori. They're not." I replied. "As Gandalf said, 'proud warriors frozen in time'. These are the real Celestials. This grave in particular is home of my sister Cersei's kin. The Elemental Celestials."

"Tread carefully and watch where you step." Gandalf warned them as we walked on ahead. I looked at each of my brothers and sisters heartbroken.

Some of them stood in their last fighting stance before they met their gruesome fate, others were on the floor weakened before turning to stone, and others clinging onto loved ones before never being able to feel their warm touch again.

THE CELESTIAL AND THE COMPANY *A Hobbit fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now