Chapter 10; A fight in goblin town

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*Author's note*

Eugh looks like we're going into Goblin town, and here you'll find out that Hela actually has a small history with the foul, disgusting Goblin King. And here we'll also see another sibling power that we had not yet seen before from Hela. Hope you enjoy this chapter my loves!


"So let me see if I understand this; we have to reach the Mountain before the last days of Autumn." I said to Gandalf as we walked up and over the Misty Mountains.

"Durin's Day yes." Gandalf confirmed.

"Scale up the Highest mountain known throughout all of Middle Earth, find where the thrush knocks and have a light shine upon the keyhole." I finished as I stood over a cliff point before reaching out my hand and helped him up beside me.

"That is correct." I let out a huff and said.

"Gandalf you do realize Autumn will soon be here. This so called Durin's day is about a couple months away for them."

"I know. But never fear my dear Celestial, with your proper guidance and some other help around Middle Earth we'll make it there in time."

"That is if trouble doesn't come find us which for these dwarves is hard enough, especially since that Orc attack. You and I both know it was not at random either."

"Yes. Azog is out for revenge against Thorin Oakenshield for cutting his hand at the Battle of Moria."

"And if he were to know that I'm helping them, he'll be out for me too."

"And just what did you do to anger the Pale Orc?" he asked me with a quirked brow.

"You have your secrets and so I shall have mine." With any luck we'll get to meet my secret of why Azog wants me dead. Not because I'm a Celestial oh no it's something more personal to him than a missing limb.

"With any luck the Dwarves and Bilbo Baggins must've kept to this trail high up into the High cliffs."

"The High cliffs? Oh no Gandalf if they went there then they are either dead or worse. You do realize the Legend of the Stone Giants are not just tall tales right?" I said worriedly.

"With any luck hopefully they kept their dormant sleep." He assured me.

"And if they didn't?" I said as more of a statement than a concerned question. Stone Giants care not for who walks upon them, they only care about altering the Mountain paths with their constant need to battle before going back to their sleep.

Gandalf did not respond, only kept walking ahead. I never did like it when he never answered a question such as that. Silence from a Wizard is normally a bad sign especially when it's a question of grave importance.

Gandalf and I continued onward through the Misty mountains, resting for awhile so that Gandalf could regain his strength before continuing our journey to catch up with the group.

Soon we came to a hidden cave within the mountains and I checked inside of it to see the imprinted pressings of sleep sacks all over the place. Gandalf came behind me and said.

"They were here." Just before he walked inside I stopped him.

"Hang on." Like Elves, Celestials have such a light step, we can practically walk on snow (some of us like my sister Cersei and of course Celestial Prime Ajak could even walk on water if they wanted). I cautiously stepped over the flooring and brushed the sand away till I saw the cracks of what looked like a trap door. "Goblin trap door."

THE CELESTIAL AND THE COMPANY *A Hobbit fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now