Chapter 1; I'm looking for someone to share in an adventure

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*Author's note*

Okay first chapter here we go!!! Here is where Gandalf and our adventurous (well not quite yet) young Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. Here we get a bit more background on Hela. So I hope you all enjoy the first chapter and I'll see if I want to post up chapter 2 where we meet the Company of Thorin Oakenshield.


Millenia's have passed since that day and I tried to make due wherever I could. As the Last of the Celestials it is now my sole job to ensure the safety of Middle Earth, just like our Celestial Prime Ajak once did before me. In that time I've also found more of my sibling's magic but I was still missing three.

My little sister Sprite's magic, my eldest sister Thena's magic, and my big brother Ikaris' magic. They alone proved to be the most elusive of any of the gems I've forged, I had even given up all hope of finding them for the past 400 years.

However not all was lost, in the times of finding my family's celestial magic I've come to make some good friends along the way. Lord Elrond, High elf of Rivendell. He has become a great guidance for me, especially after I became the last of my kind. He always offered me a place to stay in his home East of the Sea and I gratefully took his offer every time I needed a place to gather my thoughts or need special guidance.

Lady Galadriel, the Lady of Light. She and Ajak were great friends with one another and she provided for me that motherly guidance that I needed and was also there to provide good advice, a caring heart and a Mother's love if I ever needed it.

Even though it's hard to say goodbye for their lives are very brief compared to the likes of Elves and even me, I've come to known some good people in the world of Men. The Rangers in the North, every king of Rohan, even the Lord of Dale Girion. It broke my heart when I learned of his passing from the dragon Smaug, as well as the destruction of Dale. I would've helped if I could but there was trouble in the South that needed my attention, otherwise a dragon would be the least of anyone's trouble.

And of course there was also......the sound of an old Man's singing sounded off near where I was. I got up from my tree and quickly raced on and soon found the source of the singing. Kneeling down by a creak to refill his waterskin was an old man dressed in grey robes. Pointy hat, long grey hair and beard, and a wizard's staff at his side.

Gandalf the Grey. The Grey Pilgrim, Mithrandir, and various of other names he is known by, but to me, he is called friend. My dearest friend to be exact. Gandalf and I have had many adventures together, and I've gotten him out of several bad spots and in return he's helped me with finding some of my siblings' celestial magic. For a wizard is always aware of anything and everything magical.

I smirked and quietly snuck up on him. The old goat had no idea what awaited him, looking down at the ground beneath him, I used Cersei's powers to turn the ground beneath him to the rest of the creak which made him fall into the water. He stuttered and cleared his throat before turning towards me. A slow but wide smile began to spread across my face as I let out a cheerful laugh.

Gandalf's anger immediately subsided as he too laughed and got out of the water, shaking his robes dry. I ran up to him and embraced him instantly as I proclaimed.

"My heart sings to see you again Gandalf."

"As does mine to see you too Hela." He said as he embraced me back almost immediately as I did him. We separated from each other and I asked him.

"What brings you all the way to the borders of Bree?"

"I'm heading West, wondering if anyone would be interested in sharing an adventure?" I quirked my brow at him and asked.

THE CELESTIAL AND THE COMPANY *A Hobbit fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now