Chapter 34: A new path ahead

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*Author's note*

And here is the final chapter for the Hobbit Celestial story, like I said I'll try to post up what I've done of the sequel sometime this weekend (work's gonna be busy after today and I'll be too tired to post anything up) so enjoy my dears and thanks for reading the story.


I was in deep meditation up along the waterfalls high up in the mountains. Not only was I meditating, I was also conversing and training with Mandos. Some days when I wasn't training my physicality, I would go off on my own to the mountains and seek council with them.

And there they would help me to better understand my true power and what I can give to the folks of Middle Earth once I was ready to make my return.

I opened my eyes as I took a soft but deep breath in before exhaling.

"I take that your training with Mandos and Nienna is coming along well?" Cain's voice spoke up. I turned my head towards him and softly smiled.

"Aye. Never did I think I could learn so much from them. Much less ever speak to them."

"Even when she doubted herself, Ajak would seek council with the Kings and Queens of the Valar. For just as they created us along with the all life on Middle Earth, they are there willing to seek council with us." He said as he came up to me extending his hand to me. I took it and he helped me stand up. "You've really come a long way since you first arrived."

"Five years but there's still so much for me to learn."

"I agree. Don't mistaken my praise for me wanting to be rid of you so fast. I'm merely stating the facts."

"And here I thought you were starting to grow tired of me."

"And cast out my dear, sweet baby sister? I wouldn't dream of it." Cain cooed as he brought me into his arms before playfully locking me in a headlock and ruffling my hair (much like Ikaris always did). I whined but couldn't help but laugh as I tried to free myself from his grip. "Hope you don't plan on leaving too soon."

"Not a chance Brother."

"Good. Now come along, you've been up here since before dawn and it's now almost lunchtime." He released me from his headlock before wrapping his arm carefully over my back and gesturing for me to come back to the cabin. It was at that moment my stomach let out a loud growl to which Cain softly chuckled, "I don't need to hear your heartbeat to tell that you're not hungry."

"Guess I wanted an early start on my training with Mandos and Nienna."

"Well let's fill that stomach of yours up with some proper food. After that you deserve a bit of a break. Remember what I said, work the mind too much—"

"And the body will succumb. I know, I know." I repeated his statement as we both made the climb down the mountain and back to the cabin.

After getting some lunch I went out back to relax under the sun for a few hours on the hammock I had built. It was after all a gorgeous Spring day. Not too hot, but not too cold for that after winter chill. The flowers were all in bloom and the birds were out and about singing their heads off.

My thoughts would go to my friends whenever I wasn't training. Wondering what they were doing, how they were doing, if all was well in their life. I tried my best to not think of the rising darkness I knew Middle Earth was facing with Sauron's return, for that would only increase my anxiety which in turn makes Cain fret over me like Cersei times 100.

I had to have faith that Gandalf, Lord Elrond, Lady Galadriel and the mortal kings and chiefs I've made friends with were able to hold their own until I felt ready to come back.

THE CELESTIAL AND THE COMPANY *A Hobbit fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now