Chapter 16; Escape on the barrels

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*Author's note*

Okay so not much of an author's note here cause I wanna make it different from my tumblr one so just know this chapter's gonna get crazy cause as the title suggests, this is the Barrels on Bond scene. So I'll let you all get on with it and enjoy the chapter.


Once again the days blended together. It must've been at least a week since the Dwarves were brought in, or it could've only been a few days. All I do know is throughout that time, one by one each of them were brought before Thranduil and interrogated to tell him why they were in his realm and what did they want.

Even I was forced to try and talk but I kept my mouth shut before Thranduil. Since he (like my older siblings) could tell when I was lying, I refused to even utter a single word to him. The dwarves were no different, although they had a few uhh—colorful choices of words to say to Thranduil (except for Balin, he kept his resistance more passive aggressive).

But also in that time whenever Tauriel would be in charge of keeping us in her charge, she would come to me with letters, spare paper and a pen so that we could keep communication with each other. She really has become a good friend (even though she was supposed to not talk to me).

We would share stories with one another and other girl talk if the need arose. She admitted that as she cleaned my wounds when she and Legolas found me, she saw Haldir's engagement bracelet and asked about it. So I told her of Haldir and our affections for one another and how he was waiting for my response back in Lórien but also my doubts in thinking I'm good enough for him.

Being the last of my kind also puts those around me at risk, and I know Haldir could handle himself but—I feared what if there comes a time when it's an enemy he could not fight against and I would lose him forever.

Tauriel provided that comfort in her recent letter that she just gave me by telling me that I should still accept his courtship. For it is better to have Haldir at my side in matrimony than to keep him waiting for a response until he's at death's door and would never know what my answer would've been.

"I'll wager the sun is on the rise. Must be nearly dawn." Bofur said in a bored, blunt tone.

"We're never gonna reach the mountain are we?" Ori's voice rang our sadly. I could feel the despair and hopelessness of the company when suddenly a new voice spoke up.

"Not stuck in here, you're not." I went up to my door and I heard Balin exclaim out one name.

"Bilbo!" that soon aroused the dwarves out of their despair as they all exclaimed in joy but Bilbo quickly silenced their cheering by shushing them.

"Shh! There are guards nearby!" the first cell he unlocked was Thorin's, followed by Balin's, then Dwalin. As Bilbo unlocked the rest of our cages Thorin told everyone to close the doors to buy us more time. When Bilbo came to my cell, he did a double take before saying my name.


"Hello Master Hobbit." I greeted.

"We-I-I'd feared that you'd....."

"Takes a lot more to kill the Celestial of Death Bilbo." He unlocked my cell and opened the door. Quickly doing a light snap of my fingers, I burnt Tauriel's letters and with a wave of my finger, I sent an air current through the cell to blow the ashes down to the abyss below.

Once everyone was out of their cells, they all began to head up the stairs but Bilbo told us to go downward. He skipped down the stairs and I turned to the company and told them.

THE CELESTIAL AND THE COMPANY *A Hobbit fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now