Chapter 6; A Celestial gift

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*Author's note*

After the mishap with the Trolls, here we get to some really good stuff I won't give too much away but Hela will find something truly special. We'll also be introduced to Radagast the Brown here in this chapter and he gives warning of a Great Evil that he's discovered. Picture above is what Hela's suit will look like whenever she uses her sister Thena's powers.


As the sun rose higher every one of us was finishing up or have already gotten fully dressed after finding all our clothes. I separated myself from the rest of the group so that I could put my suit back on and bless Gandalf for standing guard for me until I got myself decent enough to call him away.

After refastening one of my Celestial gauntlet and making sure no gem was missing or out of place, I left and fastened up the last one. I saw Gandalf standing in front of one of the troll before knocking it's nose with his staff.

"Now these creatures I never cared for turning to stone." Gandalf softly chuckled at my statement.

"Where did you go to if I may ask?" Thorin asked us as he came up towards us, fully dressed.

"To look ahead." Gandalf replied.

"What brought you back?" Thorin asked again.

"Looking behind." Thorin nodded once to the old wizard in gratitude. "Nasty business, still they're all in one piece."

"No thanks to your burglar. It was the Celestial who helped save our hides." I narrowed my eyes at Thorin and I told him as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"He was the only one out of 14 of you to help me play for time. Now tell me again just who was it that saved your hides?" I tilted my head slightly challenging him. Sure I may have played a part in buying Gandalf time, but it was Bilbo Baggins that continued my rouse. Not even I could've came up with a good excuse like parasites and poison the way he did.

"They must've come down from the Ettenmoors." Gandalf piped in before Thorin and I could rip each other's throats out.

"Since when do Mountain trolls venture this far south?" asked Thorin.

"Ooh not for an age. Not since a dark power ruled these lands." Gandalf replied before his tone turned ominous. I looked at him with my eyes slowly widening.

No he—he couldn't be suggesting...

"They could not have moved in daylight." Gandalf spoke as he looked up at the sky which lead Thorin to answer.

"There must be a cave nearby." We searched for a few minutes and it was then we were hit with the foulest thing I had ever smelt before in my entire life. A troll hoard.

Gandalf, Thorin, Bofur, Nori, Glóin, and Dwalin went inside to investigate. I held my nose and turned away and stood by the others.

"Not brave enough to venture in a troll cave?" teased Fili.

"I would rather bathe in orc blood than go down there. One time my brother Kingo was dared to go into one by my little sister Sprite. Poor fool ended up smelling like troll for the next 100 years." I nudged him. The brothers chuckled softly and I laughed at the memory. "Ikaris wouldn't even let him near the dinner table with us cause the smell was that horrible. He believed his must've stepped on troll waste."

"Oh you don't mean....." Kili laughed but also cringed. I nodded as both brothers exclaimed in disgust.

"Poor guy." Fili laughed.

"But it definitely brightened up Sprite's century after that. That girl was always causing some sort of trouble. Like two dwarves I happen to know." They both gawked at me when suddenly I felt something. I stood up and looked down at the troll cave and could feel a familiar aura of power. "It can't be." I whispered.

THE CELESTIAL AND THE COMPANY *A Hobbit fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now